SCIENCE SUMMIT 2024: 17 - 27 September, New York

  • This Programme exclusively outlines the Science Summit events in New York from September 17th to 27th.
  • Participation is free of charge, but registration is required.
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Monday, September 23

8:30am EDT

Hurdles to International Science Cooperation: Data Sharing & Management
Monday September 23, 2024 8:30am - 12:30pm EDT
Modern research generates massive amounts of raw data, metadata, and data products. Data management is a critical component of successful research networks, and by ensuring that data is appropriately collected, stored, and shared, researchers can conduct transparent, reproducible, high-quality research. At the international level, data management across collaborators is met with a fundamental barrier: variation in data management regulations, practices, and infrastructure; these practices have significant implications for data protection and research security.

The panel will bring together experts on team science working at the international scale funded through two international networking programs (US NSF AccelNet and EU-based EU COST). The programs are unique because they fund international networking activities, not research. These teams work across all UN SDGs, including astronomy, biodiversity, climate change, and sustainability. Panellists will comment on the barriers they face in data sharing/access/dissemination/storage/regulations, any solutions they have identified and implemented, and reflections on the need for data protection against data sharing to advance science. Institutions and professionals engaged in data sharing and management can bring another point of view and a managerial approach to data sharing to the table.
We aim to create synergies between all actors involved, share best practices, raise awareness about data sharing, and exchange and promote data management principles among researchers and society at large.

8:30-9: Networking breakfast
9-9:15 Intro to COST and data challenges from the program level 9:15-9:30 Intro to AccelNet and data challenges from the program level
9:30-10:30: COST and AccelNet PIs alternate, 10 minutes each on challenges and solutions
10:30-11: Break
11:00-noon: Moderated panel discussion
avatar for Dr Elwin Reimink

Dr Elwin Reimink

Data and Impact Analysis Advisor, COST
avatar for Holly Wright

Holly Wright

European Projects Manager, CA18128: Saving European Archaeology from the Digital Dark Age
Dr. Holly Wright is Research Manager for the Archaeology Data Service, based at the University of York, UK. Her research focuses on the development of digital infrastructures for archaeological data, the digitisation of archaeological workflows, archaeological data management and... Read More →
avatar for Mak Saito

Mak Saito

avatar for Abu Mansaray

Abu Mansaray

avatar for Kirsty Tinto (moderador)

Kirsty Tinto (moderador)

U.S. Antarctic Program Data Center
avatar for Kara Hoover

Kara Hoover

U.S. National Science Foundation
avatar for Katalin Alfoldi

Katalin Alfoldi

COST | European Cooperation in Science and Technology
avatar for Martin MOKROŠ


Lecturer in Earth Observation, University College London
avatar for Jerome Grimplet

Jerome Grimplet

G17111: The Grapevine Genomics Encyclopedia: an innovative portal to integrate knowledge, resources and services for the grape scientific community and industry
avatar for Maura McLaughlin

Maura McLaughlin

The International Pulsar Timing Array
avatar for Convenor Allen Pope

Convenor Allen Pope

Program Manager, NSF
Monday September 23, 2024 8:30am - 12:30pm EDT
Science Summit venue (12th floor) 345 Park Avenue South, New York, NY, USA

9:00am EDT

Water Research and Innovation as an enabler towards universal access to clean drinking water and dignified sanitation for all
Monday September 23, 2024 9:00am - 1:00pm EDT
Water Research and Innovation as an enabler towards universal access to clean drinking water and dignifiedsanitation for all.
Mobilising Commitments for Implementing the African Union High-Level Panel Investment Action Plan towards the AUAfrica Water Investment Summit and UN 2026 Water Conference in the context of G20 Presidency of Republic of South Africa.

Development Agendas are designed to drive a sustainable future addressing key systematic barriers to sustainable development, such as inequality, lack of access to basic human rights, unsustainable consumption patterns, weak institutional capacity, and environmental degradation. On 8 November 2022, the African Union formally inaugurated the International High-Level Panel on Water Investments for Africa, at COP 27 in Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt. Comprising Heads of States and global leaders, the objective of the Panel is to mobilise high-level commitment and resources for the Continental Africa Water Investment Programme (AIP) that wasadopted by the AU Heads of States and Governments in February 2022.In September 2023, AU Heads of States committed to accurate implement to of the AIP as part of the African Leaders Nairobi Declaration on Climate Change.

During the UN 2023 Water Conference, the African Union Commission (AUC) in collaboration with the International High-Level Panel launched a report that outlines how to mobilise an additional US$30 billion per year by 2030 towards all water-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The High-Level Panel, the AUC launched the Africa Water Investment Action Plan on 2 December 2023 during COP28 Dubai, outlining 5 priority actions for countries and their partners to mobilize the additional US$30 billion/year needed to close Africa’s water investment gap.

Convened by the Government of South Africa’ Water Research Commission (WRC) under the Department of Water and Sanitation in collaboration with the African Union and AIP High-Level Panel, the session will review the progress in mobilising invests for the AU High Level Panel Investment Action Plan, outline a road map towards the AU Africa Water Investment Summit and UN 2026 Water Conference in the context of the upcoming G20 Presidency of Republic of South Africa. This will include establishment of a working group to support implementation of the roadmap.

The Session will also review previous United Nations recommendations on how to accelerate progress to achieve access and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all, as well as achievement of multiple other Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). High-level recommendations by the HLPW included, among others: understanding, valuing, and managing water to provide a foundation for broader integrated water management; an integrated approach at local, country, and regional levels, including building partnerships and international collaboration at the global level. Five accelerators were identified namely, Governance, Financing, Data and information, Capacity development and innovation.

According to UN World Water Development Report 2024, None of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) six targets appear to be on track, and so is the continental and regional development agendas and commitments. As of 2022, 2.2 billion people were without access to safely managed drinking water while the situation with respect to safely managed sanitation remains dire, with 3.5 billion people lacking access to such services. Cities and municipalities have been unable to keep up with the accelerating growth of their urban populations. Regions and countries can achieve development agendas through improved policies, inclusiveness, action oriented and strategic partnerships.

  • To facilitate joint learning from global experiences and good practices with regards to the implementation of development agendas.
  • Outline a road map towards the AU Africa Water Investment Summit and UN 2026 Water Conference in the context of the upcoming G20 Presidency of Republic of South Africa.
  • Share experiences of how transformative Water RDI programmes are designed, resourced, and implemented to support the transition to a sustainable future.
  • Explore how to effectively resource and finance the African and global water system of innovation.
  • Highlight successful cases studies on how water research and innovation has contributed to strengthening service delivery related to basic human rights.
  • Engage African leaders on their role and contribution in setting, resourcing, and implementing future development agendas.

Programme Director: Dr Mamohloding Tlhagale, Head of Partnerships and Business Development, Water ResearchCommission, South Africa 

9:00-9:30 Arrival and tea
9:30-9:40 Opening and Welcome Remarks
Dr Mamohloding Tlhagale,WRC; Mr Declan Kirrane, ISCIntelligence

9:40-9:50 Opening Address
Minister or DG Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS), South Africa

9:50-10:00 Opening Plenary: Setting the scene and taking stock of lessons learned in mobilisation of water investments, the implementation of global development agendas, and the levers for change into the future.
Keynote 1: Driving a more rapid developmental transition in Africa: What have we learned about the levers for change?
Dr Thomas Kariuki, CEOScience for Africa Foundation
Keynote 2: A global water RDI Agenda for thefuture. 
Dr Jennifer Molwantwa, CEO, Water Research Commission

10:00-10:40 Facilitated Panel: Mobilising Commitmentstowards the AU Africa Water Investment Summit andUN 2026 Water
Conference in the context of G20 Presidency of Republicof South Africa.
Facilitator: Mr Harsen Nyambe, Director of Blue Economy and Sustainable Environment at the African Union.
Co-Facilitator: Mr Alex Simalabwi, CEO of the AIP HighLevel Panel Secretariat and Executive Secretary, GWPSA-Africa
Towards the AU Africa Water Investment Summit and UN 2026 Water Conference in the context of G20 Presidency ofRepublic of South Africa
H.E. Jakaya Kikwete, Alternate Co-Chair, AU– AIP International High-Level Panel on Water Investment for Africa,Board Chair-GWPSA- Africa
H.E. Josefa Leonel CorreiaSacko, Commissioner for RuralEconomy and Agriculture AfricanUnion Commission.
Hon. Penny Majodina, Minister ofWater and Sanitation, Republic of South Africa
Ms. Shaima Gargash, Special Climate Envoy, Director of Energy &Sustainability, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, United Arab Emirates (UAE).
Dr. Mohamed Diatta, Sherpa to the President of Senegal on HighLevel Panel, Co-Host of the UN 2026 Water Conference
Henk Ovink, Executive Director,Global Commission on Economic of Water

10:40-11:00 Q&A and input from participants and Summary by AUC Harsen Nyambe, AUC.

11:00-11:50 Q&A and engagement with participants 

11:50-12:30 Future sustainable and demand driven water s
avatar for Ms. Pemmy Majodina

Ms. Pemmy Majodina

Minister of Water and Sanitation
Ms Pemmy Majodina was appointed as Minister of Water and Sanitation from 3 July 2024.She was a member of the National Council of Provinces from 2002 until 2004. Before shebecame a Member of Parliament in 2019, she served as a member of the Eastern Cape Provincial Legislature from... Read More →
avatar for Dr Rethabile Melamu

Dr Rethabile Melamu

WRC Board Chairperson
Dr Melamu is sustainability professional who is trained in Chemical and Environmental Engineering. She is currently the Chief Executive Officer of the South African Photovoltaic Industry Association (SAPVIA). She almost two decades of experience in the areas of water security, clean... Read More →
avatar for Dr Jennifer Molwantwa (Keynote)

Dr Jennifer Molwantwa (Keynote)

CEO, Water Research Commission, South Africa
Dr Jennifer Molwantwa was born and bred in Kagiso Township,Mogale City in the Province of Gauteng in South Africa. She hasextensive experience in water resource management and have worked in the private sector (Digby Wells Environmental), government funding entity (Water Research... Read More →
avatar for H.E. Jakaya Kikwete

H.E. Jakaya Kikwete

Alternate Co-Chair, AU AIP International High-Level Panel on Water Investment for Africa and Board Chair: Global Water Partnership Southern Africa-Africa Coordination (GWPSA-Africa
The fourth president of Tanzania, H.E. Jakaya Kikwete is a graduate of economics from the University of Dar es Salaam. He has served in many party, military, and government positions, including the Tanzanian ministerial portfolios of Finance, Water, Energy and Mineral Resources, Foreign... Read More →
avatar for H.E. Josefa Leonel Correia Sacko

H.E. Josefa Leonel Correia Sacko

Commissioner, Rural Economy and Agriculture African Union Commission
H.E. Josefa Leonel Correia Sacko is the Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture atthe African Union Commission. She was previously the special adviser to the Minister ofAgriculture on issues related to international cooperation. She served as Secretary General of the Inter... Read More →
avatar for Mr Harsen Nyambe

Mr Harsen Nyambe

Director, Blue Economy and Sustainable Environment at the African Union
Mr. Harsen Nyambe is Director of Blue Economy and Sustainable Environment at the African Union. He has 23 years of professional experience, of which 14 years of his career has beenin international organisations covering the Southern African Development Community(SADC) as a Senior... Read More →
avatar for Shaima Gargash

Shaima Gargash

Special Climate Envoy, Director of Energy & Sustainability, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Ms Shaima Gargash is the Special Climate Envoy, Director of Energy & Sustainability, Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the United Arab Emirates. Previously, Ms Gargash was the Deputy Chief of Mission at the UAE Embassy in Washington, D.C., serving since her appointment in 2019. Ms Gargash... Read More →
avatar for Dr Mohamed Diatta

Dr Mohamed Diatta

Sherpa to the President of Senegal on the AIP High-Level Panel, Co-Host of the UN 2026 Water Conference
Dr. Diatta is Coordinator of the Monitoring and Promotion Unit for the Results of the 9th World Water Forum within the Ministry of Water and Sanitation of Senegal. Dr. Diatta is also Sherpato the President of Senegal, who is Co-Chair of the AU’s AIP High-Level Panel. Dr. Diatta... Read More →
avatar for Henk Ovink

Henk Ovink

Executive Director, Global Commission on Economic of Water
Mr. Henk Ovink is the Executive Director and founding Commissioner for the Global Commission on the Economics of Water. Mr. Ovink was the first ever global water ambassador for over 8 years, appointed in 2015 by the Dutch Cabinet as Special Envoy for International Water Affairs. In... Read More →
avatar for Alex Simalabwi

Alex Simalabwi

CEO, AIP and Executive Secretary: GWPSA-Africa
Mr. Alex Simalabwi has over 20 years of experience in high-level public policy engagementand advocacy on climate-resilient water investments and the integration of water into economic national development. He is the CEO of the AIP and Executive Secretary ofGWPSA-Africa. He co-chaired... Read More →
avatar for Dr Mamohloding Tlhagale

Dr Mamohloding Tlhagale

Head of Partnerships and Business Development, Water Research Commission, South Africa
Dr Tlhagale is the Head of Partnerships and Business Development at the Water ResearchCommission of South Africa. With 20 years of experience of managing partnerships forscience, technology and innovation and holds a PhD in Management of Technology and Innovation.Dr Tlhagale has been... Read More →
avatar for Virginia Molose,

Virginia Molose,

Acting Head Stakeholder Engagement, Water Research Commission
 Ms Molose started her career as a gender fieldworker in the land sector where she worked asa gender activist on programmes focusing on strengthening women’s capacities to understand the then new land reform policies and their rights and responsibilities in that regard. This also... Read More →
avatar for Dr Thomas Kariuki

Dr Thomas Kariuki

CEO, Science for Africa Foundation
Dr Thomas Kariuki is Founding Director and Chief Executive Officer forthe Science for Africa Foundation, established in 2021 to support, strengthen and promote science and innovation in Africa. A long-time advocate involved in the global effort to develop vaccines, drugs and diagnostics... Read More →
avatar for Dr Mark Smith

Dr Mark Smith

Director General, International Water Management Institute
Mark Smith is Director General of the International Water Management Institute. He was formerly IWMI’s Deputy Director General – Research for Development, and brings more than 25 years of research and program management experience in water resources, agriculture, climate and sustainability... Read More →
avatar for Prof Jean-Marie Kileshye Onema

Prof Jean-Marie Kileshye Onema

Executive Manager and Head, WaterNet Secretariat
Prof Jean-Marie Kileshye Onema is the Executive Manager and Head of the WaterNet Secretariat. He oversees the implementations of Capacity development activities across the16 SADC countries (www.waternetonline.org). He is currently the Secretary General of International Associatio... Read More →
avatar for Prof Pascaline Dupas

Prof Pascaline Dupas

Princeton University
Pascaline Dupas is a Professor of Economics and Public Affairs at Princeton University andCo- Scientific Director of J-PAL Africa. Pascaline joined the Princeton faculty in July 2023.She was previously the Kleinheinz Family Professor of International Studies at StanfordUniversity... Read More →
avatar for Dominic O’Neill

Dominic O’Neill

Executive Director, UN’s Sanitation and Hygiene Fund (SHF)
Dominic O’Neill is the Executive Director of the UN’s Sanitation and Hygiene Fund (SHF)since its inception in 2021. Dominic has a long-standing career spanning over three decades in international development and environmental health. In his early career, heworked for the Ministry... Read More →
avatar for Michael John Webster

Michael John Webster

Program Manager, 2030 Water Resources Group
Mike is the Program Manager of the 2030 Water Resources Group. 2030 WRG is a multi-donor trust fund, managed by the World Bank’s Global Water Practice. The fund advancesglobal water security through public private collaboration. We empower partners to tackle water risks that affect... Read More →
Monday September 23, 2024 9:00am - 1:00pm EDT
Science Summit venue (2nd floor)

9:00am EDT

[At Harvard Club] Leaders of Regeneration: Investment, Innovation, Indigeneity, and Policy for Peace with Nature
Monday September 23, 2024 9:00am - 4:30pm EDT
Humanity stands at a crossroads, facing not only climate change but also biodiversity loss and imminent ecosystem collapse—endangering 40% of human lives and destabilizing economies globally. At the same time, we have unprecedented wealth, advanced green technologies, AI, and promising policies, but resistance to necessary change persists.

This summit celebrates visionary leaders from science, business, investment, and policy-making who are driving systems change in collaboration with Nobel Prize-winning activists and Indigenous stewards of the Earth, whose wisdom is deeply rooted in harmony with Nature.

In preparation for COP16, its President, the Environment Minister of Colombia, and leaders of the Arhuaco and Kogi people present their Sierra Nevada Regeneration Project, a case study for collaboration, innovative policy, green energy, regenerative agriculture, and ancient knowledge-enhancing ecological restoration efforts worldwide. Through innovative financing and data-driven insights, this session seeks to ensure that the economic benefits of ecosystems regeneration are both recognized and realized. We will explore data cooperatives’ capabilities to counteract harmful economic incentives like logging and mining by recognizing the immense planetary value of living ecosystems, such as biodiversity, oxygen generation, and carbon capture.

This Summit calls for bold leadership and cross-sector collaboration, aiming to result in real policy for inclusive partnerships, enhanced accountability, knowledge sharing, and sustainable funding mechanisms to empower Indigenous communities in climate and biodiversity efforts. Integrating green energy, advanced AI, data cooperatives, and ancestral knowledge we can catalyze transformative systems change for a resilient, just, and regenerative future in harmony with Nature.
avatar for Declan Kirrane

Declan Kirrane

Founder and Managing Director of ISC Intelligence in Science, ISC Intelligence in Science
Declan Kirrane, Founder and Managing Director of ISC Intelligence in Science.Has a background in analysing the relationship between public and private R&D funding and the impact on R&D performance he has worked extensively on science and technology policy evaluation methodologies... Read More →
avatar for Mei Lin

Mei Lin

CEO, People Centered Internet
avatar for Indrani Pal-Chaudhuri

Indrani Pal-Chaudhuri

Founder, Shakti Regeneration Institute, Open Origin
Indrani is a transdisciplinarian filmmaker, founder, futurist, human rights and ecosystems advocate, impact innovator, TEDx speaker, and movement mobilizer, awakening public consciousness and transforming culture for a more just, equitable, and regenerative future.  Her work has... Read More →
avatar for Le’Kiesha French-Merritt

Le’Kiesha French-Merritt

Founder, Future in Color Institute
Le’Kiesha French-Merritt is a visionary leader focused on bridging the justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion gap within the tech-driven economy. With over 15 years of global experience in research, policy, and practice, she has specialized in creating equitable pathways in emerging... Read More →
avatar for Yannis Ioannidis

Yannis Ioannidis

President of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Athena RC
avatar for Susana Muhamad

Susana Muhamad

President of COP16, Minister of Environment & Sustainable Development of Colombia, political scientist, environmentalist
Susana Muhamad is the current minister of environment and sustainable development of Colombia, serving since August 2022. A Colombian politician with Palestinian roots, Muhamad has worked extensively on issues of environmentalism, aiming to consolidate Colombia as a world power of... Read More →
avatar for Xiye Bastida

Xiye Bastida

22 year old indigenous climate activist, organizer of school strikes, Re-Earth Initiative, Fridays for Future NYC, Spirit of the UN award, Time 100.Xiye Bastida is one of the world's leading young climate activists. An inspirational figure in the climate movement, Xiye is known for her inclusive approach that seeks to engage all parts of the society on the challenges ahead.In 2015, Xiye left Mexico to move to New York City with her parents. That same year, unprecented rainfall and... Read More →
avatar for Geraldine Patrick Encina

Geraldine Patrick Encina

One Earth, Executive Director of Earth Timekeepers, Grand Council of the Eagle and the Condor, Member of the Otomi Council of the High Lerma River Basin, Member of the Academic & Technical Committee of the Biocultural Heritage Network of the National Council of Science and Technology... Read More →
avatar for Carlos Nobre

Carlos Nobre

Nobel Prize-winning IPCC Climate Scientist and meteorologist, Brazilian Academy of Science.
A Brazilian scientist and meteorologist who is mainly highlighted in global warming-related studies. Nobre spearheaded the multi-disciplinary, multinational Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia, a program noted to have “revolutionized understanding of the Amazon rainforest and its role in the Earth system. (CEMADEN... Read More →
avatar for Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim

Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim

Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim
avatar for Henk Rogers

Henk Rogers

Founder Blue Planet Alliance & International MoonBase Alliance, subject of “Tetris” film
avatar for Tom De Santo

Tom De Santo

Filmmaker of movie franchises X-Men and Transformers, at the intersection of tech and social justice
avatar for Christiana Figueres

Christiana Figueres

co-founder Global Optimism, former Executive Secretary of UNFCCC, known as the powerhouse of the Paris Agreement
Ms. Figueres is an internationally recognized leader on global climate change. She was Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) 2010-2016. Assuming responsibility for the international climate change negotiations after the failed Copenhagen conference of 2009, she was determined to lead the process to a universally agreed regulatory framework. Building toward that goal, she directed the successful Conferences of the... Read More →
avatar for Mere Takako

Mere Takako

(Ngāti Porou, Te Whānau a Apanui, Rongowhakaata), Māori Conservationist and CEO Pacific Whale Fund
avatar for Wes Powell

Wes Powell

Founder and CEO of Open Origin, fueling the future, and ex-World Bank
Wesley is a veteran management, process optimization and technology expert with experience in nearly every vertical as a result of over 25 years of entrepreneurship. He has founded multiple companies in distribution, AI, event production and industrial real estate development.He has... Read More →
avatar for Jonathan Granoff,

Jonathan Granoff,

President of the Global Security Institute, United Nations Representative for Nobel Laureates
Mr. Granoff is an attorney, author and international advocate emphasizing the legal and ethical dimensions of human development and security, with a specific focus on advancing the rule of law to address international security and the threats posed by nuclear weapons. He serves on... Read More →
avatar for Mamo Luis

Mamo Luis

Spiritual Leader of the Kogi People, 100+ year old Elder
Mamo Luis is a revered Kogi Kaggaba Mamo, a spiritual leader among the Kogi people. Mama Luis was born in Mukhua kungui Ezuama. At the age of five he began the formation in darkness in the Ezuama of Sezhangajrha. Each Mamo has a unique role, and Mamo Luis is known as the Son of the... Read More →
avatar for Jose Maria Gualinga

Jose Maria Gualinga

Based in Ecuador, originally from Sarayaku, Gualinga is a charismatic leader of the Kichwa People of Sarayaku, an important member of the ICCA Consortium in the Ecuadorian Amazon. José has been Tayak Apu (president) of the Kichwa Indigenous People, several times member of the Advisory... Read More →
avatar for David Ewing Duncan

David Ewing Duncan

David Ewing Duncan, award-winning journalist covering life science, technology, AI, politics, and culture in print, television, and radio—and a best-selling author of 12 books published in 21 languages. David writes for Vanity Fair, Scientific American, Atlantic, The New York Times, Wired, and many others. He is a former producer and correspondent for ABC Nightline and 20/20, and for NPR’s Morning Edition. He was the longtime Chief Correspondent of NPR Talk’s Tech Nation. David is the Creative Director... Read More →
avatar for Michael Sheldrick

Michael Sheldrick

Co-founder Global Citizen, with his bestselling book launch on "From Ideas to Impact"
As the Co-Founder and Chief Policy, Impact and Government Affairs Officer for Global Citizen, I have been leading and growing the organization's efforts to influence and implement change in a divided world for over 10 years. I oversee a global team of 30 professionals who work with... Read More →
avatar for Ashish Saraf

Ashish Saraf

Industrialist, Philanthropist, Diplomat, Chairman & CEO FACOR Global, Consul of the Commonwealth of Bahamas & Maldives in India
avatar for Robert White Mountain

Robert White Mountain

Lakota Elder, Great Sioux Nation Elders Council, Medicine Bundle Keeper
avatar for Maria Jose

Maria Jose "Chochi" Iturralde

Ecuadorian Executive Director of Humans for Abundance and Pachaysana
I am the Executive Director of Fundación Pachaysana, an Ecuadorian non-profit organization that partners with indigenous communities to restore their territories and re-story their identities. I specialize in fostering connections and designing innovative systems to circumvent the... Read More →
avatar for Marc Buckley

Marc Buckley

CEO Alohas Eco-Center, futur/io institute, Regenerative Futurist, Impact Circle World Economic Forum
Marc has been involved in Climate Activism for a long time and would love to show you how to run faster than climate change by being an impactful and exponential human being. One of the first to be trained by Al Gore as a Climate Speaker he has made getting through the Climate Crisis... Read More →
avatar for Dror Benshetrit

Dror Benshetrit

Founder Supernature Labs and Bioplanning Institut
founder Supernature Labs and Bioplanning Institute regenerative design and tech stopping urban sprawl. Dror creates ideas as a vehicle for change, where a structural, emotional, or metaphorical shift yields profound results. Our passion for ideas stems from more than a desire to disrupt... Read More →
avatar for Jason Petralia

Jason Petralia

CEO, Anthropogenic, TEDx Speaker, impact investor
As the Chief Executive Officer of Anthropogenic, I lead the development and deployment of the leading Financial Technology platform that enables and accelerates climate transition finance. Our commitment is to deliver Truth, Trust, Transparency, and Timeliness for impact-linked financial... Read More →
avatar for Jon Holm

Jon Holm

Jon Holm, Senior Vice President of Partnership Development at Pyxera Global, where he spearheads the organization’s inclusive circular economy strategy, designing and executing inclusive circular cities, material reverse logistics hubs, corporate advisory services, and zero (plastic... Read More →
avatar for Andrea Soccorso

Andrea Soccorso

Advisor, Climate Voice, Co-founder AfterWEVote Advisor, Frmr, Director Strategic Partnerships, Nobel Peace Laureate Kailash Satyarthi
Andrea is a visionary leader, driven by an unwavering passion to co-create a regenerative and more equitable world.   With 25+ years  global multidisciplinary and cross sector experience she is a systems thinker who advises, strategizes, leads and rallies people and resources for... Read More →
avatar for Gael Van Weyenbergh

Gael Van Weyenbergh

Gael Van Weyenbergh is a Digital Innovation Strategist with a strong focus on digital cooperation. His research explores data cooperatives, blending cooperative structures with the emerging digital asset class of data to foster innovative participatory governance systems. He regularly... Read More →
avatar for Gurvinder Ahluwalia

Gurvinder Ahluwalia

Gurvinder Ahluwalia is the "architecture conscience" for technology adoption by society and business. He has steered industry change in recent five waves of disruption. As Founder & CEO of Digital Twin Labs and previously as CTO of IBM North America, he has had a front row seat and... Read More →
avatar for Amir Banifatemi

Amir Banifatemi

Tech strategist and investor; Co-Founder and Director AI Commons at AI for Good 2024; former lead at X-Prize AI; focuses on impactful societal innovation.I am a Technology and Innovation Strategist, investor, and entrepreneur. My general focus is on identifying and developing emerging... Read More →
avatar for Anastasia Kalinina

Anastasia Kalinina

Co-Founder and CEO of reState Foundation; former Head of Regional Agenda at WEF; Senior Advisor to UNECE.
Co-Founder and CEO of reState Foundation, a Swiss-based non-profit foundation aiming to reimagine the future of governance and global collaboration.Previously, Anastasia was a Head of Regional Agenda at the World Economic Forum and Senior Advisor on Partnerships to the United Nations... Read More →
avatar for Raphael de Ry

Raphael de Ry

Founder of ALLCOT IO; former Executive Director at SandSI; pioneer in sustainability, carbon markets, and zero-waste initiatives.
avatar for Wes Geisenberger

Wes Geisenberger

Wes is the VP of Sustainability & ESG at the HBAR Foundation, where he leads the Sustainable Impact Fund, focusing on climate markets, biodiversity, energy, and supply chain initiatives. He has spearheaded the development of the world's largest digitized open-source methodology library... Read More →
avatar for Lina Zuluaga

Lina Zuluaga

Lina Zuluaga is Vice-chair of the Americas' Women Network at the ITU and chair of the ITU-T SG5 Regional Group for LATAM ( electromagnetic fields, sustainable digitalización, environment, climate action and circular economy). Lina was co-chair of COMCITEL 2023 and vice-chair at... Read More →
avatar for Sophie Rigg

Sophie Rigg

Sophie Rigg, has over 15 years of experience in climate, development and humanitarian across continents. Impact driven, strategically minded and operationally effective with expertise in policy, programs and partnerships.Strong analytical and leadership skills with the ability to... Read More →
avatar for Ted Hewitt

Ted Hewitt

Ted Hewitt was appointed president of SSHRC in March 2015. Between 2017 and 2020, he also served as the inaugural Chair of the Canada Research Coordinating Committee. Ted was vice-president, research and international relations, at Western University in London, Ontario, from 2004... Read More →
Monday September 23, 2024 9:00am - 4:30pm EDT
Harvard Club of New York City 35 West 44th Street, New York, NY, 10036

9:30am EDT

The Role of Africa Science Leadership: Advancing Sustainable Development in Africa
Monday September 23, 2024 9:30am - 12:30pm EDT
The Africa Science Leadership Plenary at the Science Summit during the 79th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA78) will convene a distinguished panel of African scientists, policymakers, and innovators to explore the transformative role of science, technology, and innovation (STI) in advancing sustainable development across the continent. With Africa poised for significant growth, this session will address pressing challenges such as climate change, public health, food security, and energy, emphasizing the critical role of scientific leadership in shaping solutions.

The plenary will highlight how African researchers and institutions contribute to global knowledge, forging regional and international partnerships and building resilient research ecosystems. It will also explore strategies for advancing science diplomacy and ensuring equitable access to the benefits of scientific innovation. The session aligns with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by fostering greater collaboration between African science communities and global policymakers. It sets the stage for deeper engagement in addressing Africa’s unique challenges.

Looking ahead to the UN Financing for Development Summit in Spain in June 2025, the plenary will underscore the need for sustainable and innovative financing models to support Africa's research infrastructure and scientific development. Discussions will explore how Africa’s scientific leadership can influence global financing strategies, ensuring the continent is equipped to drive its sustainable growth agenda and make meaningful contributions to global scientific and economic progress.


09h45 Welcome
Declan Kirrane Chairman, Chairman, Science Summit 2024
Thandi Mgwebi National Research Foundation, South Africa

10h00 Keynote Address by H.E. Prof. Tshilidzi Marwala UN Under-Secretary General and Rector, UN University

10h30 Response to Keynote
Thandi Mgwebi National Research Foundation, South Africa
Magdalena Skipper Editor in Chief, Nature

11h00 Harnessing Science, Technology, and Innovation for Africa's Sustainable Development: Shaping Solutions for Climate, Health, and Food Security
Eudy Mabuza Department of Science and Innovation, South Africa (Moderator)
Litha Magingax Agriculture Research Council South Africa
Christina Christopher Mnzava, Tanzania Parliamentary Alliance for AMR
Le'Keish French Future in Colour Institute

11h30 Africa's Role in Indigenous Knowledge
Arun Prabhu Landcent, Africa

11h40 Advancing Science Diplomacy and Research Ecosystems: Building Partnerships for Africa's Global Impact
Manisi Msagama Tanzanian Parliamentary Alliance for AMR (Moderator)
Ntobeko Ntusi, Medical Research Council, South Africa
Kurt Zatloukal, Medical Univerity Graz, Austria
Michael Makanga, Global Health EDCTP3 Joint Undertaking

12h10 Financing Africa's Future: Innovative Models to Sustain Research Infrastructure and Drive Scientific Leadership
Kurt Zatloukal, Medical Univerity Graz, Austria (Moderator)
Tomani Corrah Africa Research Excellence Fund, Gambia
Paul Walton Africa Europe Foundation
Rui Duarte MDPI

12h45 Recommendation for the Summit of the Future and the UN Financing for Development Conference (FfD4)
Rita Lawlor Science Summit Co-Chair University of Verona, Itlay
Rizwana Mia Medical Research Council, South Africa
Julie Makani, Imperial College London, Tanzania

avatar for Prof. Tshilidzi Marwala

Prof. Tshilidzi Marwala

Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations., United Nations University
Prof. Tshilidzi Marwala is the Rector of the United Nations University and Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations. Prior to taking up the role of UNU Rector on 1 March 2023, Prof. Tshilidzi Marwala served as Vice-Chancellor and Principal of the University of Johannesburg (South... Read More →
avatar for Christina Christopher Mnzava

Christina Christopher Mnzava

One Health Society, Tanzania
Hon. Dr. Christina Christopher MnzavaSecretary – Tanzania Parliamentarian Alliance for AMR Hon. Dr Christina Mnzava is a member of parliament of the Tanzania General Assembly and secretary of the Tanzania Parliamentarians Alliance for Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), a dedicated... Read More →
avatar for Magdalena Skipper, PhD.

Magdalena Skipper, PhD.

Nature Research (Publishing)
As Editor in Chief, Magdalena leads Nature’s magazine and research editorial teams. A geneticist by training, she has considerable editorial and publishing experience: having started in Nature Publishing Group in 2001, she was Chief Editor of Nature Reviews Genetics, Senior Editor... Read More →
avatar for Thandi Mgwebi

Thandi Mgwebi

National Research Foundation (NRF) South Africa
Thandi Mgwebi is a seasoned leader in the academic and research landscape of South Africa. Currently serving as the Group Executive at the National Research Foundation (NRF), she holds responsibility for Global Partnerships and Business Development. Thandi’s career path has been... Read More →
avatar for Julie Makan

Julie Makan

Prof. Julie Makani (MD, PhD, FRCP, FTAAS)- Imperial College LondonPrincipal Investigator, Sickle Cell Programme- MUHAS and SickleInAfricaProfessor Julie Makani is a physician scientist in Tanzania, Principal Investigator in the Sickle Cell Programme at Muhimbili University www.muhas.ac.tz... Read More →
avatar for Nesia Mahenge

Nesia Mahenge

Nesia Mahenge - Country Director – CBM International and MUHAS SCD AdviserTanzaniaNesia is the Country Director at CBM International with over 20 years of expertise in International Development, Public Health Management, Health Education, Climate Change and Resilience, Disability... Read More →
avatar for Le’Kiesha French-Merritt

Le’Kiesha French-Merritt

Founder, Future in Color Institute
Le’Kiesha French-Merritt is a visionary leader focused on bridging the justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion gap within the tech-driven economy. With over 15 years of global experience in research, policy, and practice, she has specialized in creating equitable pathways in emerging... Read More →
avatar for Dorothy Ngila

Dorothy Ngila

Director: Strategic Partneships, National Research Foundation (NRF), South Africa
Dr Dorothy Ngila advances her career at South Africa’s National Research Foundation (NRF) as a director in the Business Advancement division. She co-ordinates the NRF’s contribution to the Science Granting Councils Initiative (SGCI) in sub-Saharan Africa and advances the NRF’s... Read More →
avatar for Eudy Mabuza

Eudy Mabuza

Senior Brussels Representative, Dept of Science and Innovation, South Africa
Ms Mabuza has eighteen and half years of progressive experience in the Public Sector, engaging and negotiating with international agencies to increase bilateral science, technology and innovation (STI) investments towards the South African science system and marketing the country... Read More →
avatar for Professor Sir Tumani Corrah

Professor Sir Tumani Corrah

Founder and Co-President, Africa Research Excellence Fund
Professor Corrah is the Founder of AREF and the first Emeritus Director of the UK Medical Research Council Unit The Gambia, at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. For over 30 years Professor Corrah, who is Gambian, has pursued three passions: improving outcomes of inpatient... Read More →
avatar for Kurt Zatloukal

Kurt Zatloukal

Diagnostic and Research Center for Molecular Biomedicine, former Director of BBMRI.at, Medical University Graz
Prof. Kurt Zatloukal is full Professor of Pathology and Head of the Diagnostic and Research Center for Molecular BioMedicine at the Medical University of Graz, Austria. His research focuses on digital pathology and biobanking, the development of molecular diagnostics as well as the... Read More →
avatar for Rizwana Mia

Rizwana Mia

Senior Program Manager -Precision Medicine, South African Medical Research Council
Rizwana Mia is a leader in health innovation with 16 years of experience, combining scientific expertise and strategic thinking with her educational background in Genetics & Business Administration. She directs and develops programmatic research and innovation in Precision Medicine... Read More →
avatar for Michael Makanga

Michael Makanga

Global Health EDCTP3 Joint Undertaking
Dr Michael Makanga started his tenure as the Executive Director of Global Health EDCTP3 on 16 November 2023. He has extensive experience in the global health research sector and was previously the Executive Director of the EDCTP Association. He is a clinician-scientist with nearly... Read More →
avatar for Rita Lawlor

Rita Lawlor

Vice Director, ARC-Net, University of Verona, Italy
Rita Lawlor is a Computer Science graduate of Trinity College Dublin with a doctorate in Oncological Pathology from the University of Verona where she is co-founder of the ARC-Net (www.arc-net.it) applied cancer research centre where is director of the ARC-Net biobank and coordinates... Read More →
avatar for Litha Magingxa

Litha Magingxa

President and CEO, Agricultural Research Council, South Africa
Dr. Magingxa is the President and CEO of the Agricultural Research Council (ARC) of South Africa.  He is tasked with the redirection, revisioning and repositioning of the ARC, working with the Council and management team.  He previously served the ARC as Group Executive: Agri-Economics... Read More →
avatar for Arun Prabhu

Arun Prabhu

CEO, Landcent Europe B.V.
Arun is a visionary leader dedicated to advancing health equity in underserved communities, with a particular focus on combating Neglected and Poverty-Associated Diseases. As Co-founder and CEO at Landcent, he spearheads initiatives to develop and deliver innovative products and solutions... Read More →
avatar for Henriette van Eijl

Henriette van Eijl

European Commision, DG Research and Innovation
Dr. Henriette van Eijl leads the unit ‘Health and Societal Transitions’ in the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation. The Unit ensures that R&I policies and programmes, especially Horizon Europe, support the EU policy objectives in health and... Read More →
avatar for Ntobeko Ntusi

Ntobeko Ntusi

President and CEO SAMRC, South African Medical Research Council
Professor Ntobeko Ntusi is the President and CEO of the South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC) effective 1 July 2024. He joins the SAMRC from the University of Cape Town and Groote Schuur Hospital where he was the Chair and Head of the Department of Medicine. He is a distinguished... Read More →
avatar for Rui Duarte

Rui Duarte

Head of Public Affairs, MDPI
Rui Duarte is a senior public affairs professional with over a decade of experience in government affairs, international governance, and cooperation. As a former Member of Parliament in Portugal, Rui served as Rapporteur for Technology Assessment in the Science Committee, where he... Read More →
avatar for Hamisi Msagama

Hamisi Msagama

One Health Society, Tanzania
Hamisi is a young global health leader trained as a pharmacist with a master's degree in global health. His passion lies in utilizing integrated and holistic approaches to address global health issues, aiming to build strong, resilient, and adaptive health systems. He serves as the... Read More →
Monday September 23, 2024 9:30am - 12:30pm EDT
Science Summit venue (Rooftop)

2:00pm EDT

Advancing Global Sustainability Through Pioneering Research from the U.S. Department of Energy National Laboratories
Monday September 23, 2024 2:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
For nearly 80 years, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) National Laboratories have produced scientific and technological solutions to some of the most critical global challenges in energy, security, health, and the environment. The mission-focused multidisciplinary workforce and scientific infrastructure housed at the 17 national laboratories have successfully generated new ideas, innovative technologies, and world-leading research facilities and capabilities. Working together, DOE and its national laboratories can convene large multidisciplinary teams to focus on large-scale, complex challenges that often require years of focused effort to overcome.

The national laboratories serve as a critical bridge to academia and industry, forming national and global partnerships that have transformed science and technology. Facilities housed at the laboratories are also made available to researchers worldwide to power discoveries in virtually all scientific fields.

In this session, speakers from DOE and six national laboratories will delve into the latest research and innovation at the laboratories that align with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, showcasing groundbreaking research advancements and scientific facilities that address urgent global challenges. Presentations will survey topics including next-generation X-ray light sources for scientific discovery, community partnerships to mitigate the effects of climate change and move toward a clean energy future, advanced sensing technologies for energy infrastructure, public-private partnerships in the fusion energy sector, and the latest collider accelerator technology and its societal benefits. The session aims to foster dialogue on how scientific innovation can be leveraged for sustainable development, emphasizing local-to-global collaboration and partnership.
avatar for Peter F. Green

Peter F. Green

Deputy Laboratory Director, Science and Technology; Chief Research Officer; and Alliance Senior Vice President National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Peter F. Green is the deputy laboratory director for Science and Technology and chief research officer for the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). In his role as deputy laboratory director for Science and Technology, Green is responsible for NREL’s science and research... Read More →
avatar for Linda L. Horton

Linda L. Horton

Associate Deputy Director for Science Programs Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy
Dr. Linda L. Horton is the Associate Deputy Director of Science Programs. In this role, she is a key member of the Office of Science senior leadership team and serves as the deputy to the Deputy Director for Science Programs, a principal sponsor of basic research in the U.S. including... Read More →
avatar for Laurent Chapon

Laurent Chapon

Associate Laboratory Director for Photon Sciences Argonne National Laboratory
Laurent Chapon is the Associate Laboratory Director for Photon Sciences at Argonne National Laboratory. He also directs the Advanced Photon Source (APS), U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science user facility at Argonne, and the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade (APS-U) project... Read More →
avatar for Derina Man

Derina Man

Group Manager, Integrated Decision Support National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Derina Man is a Group Manager for the Integrated Decision Support team at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and portfolio lead covering Southeast Asia. She manages a suite of international projects focused on research, deployment, and capacity building related to advanced energy... Read More →
avatar for Laura Berzak Hopkins

Laura Berzak Hopkins

Associate Laboratory Director for Strategy and Partnerships and Deputy Chief Research Officer Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Dr. Laura Berzak Hopkins is the Associate Laboratory Director for Strategy and Partnerships and Deputy Chief Research Officer for the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL), a US Department of Energy (DOE) national laboratory. At PPPL, Laura focuses on long-range strategic planning... Read More →
avatar for Pouya Vahmani

Pouya Vahmani

Urban Environmental Scientist Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Pouya Vahmani is an Urban Environmental Scientist in the Climate and Ecosystem Sciences Division/Earth and Environmental Sciences Area at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), with expertise using climate modeling to further scientific understanding of factors critical... Read More →
avatar for David Battaglia

David Battaglia

Supervisory Research Physical Scientist, Functional Materials Team National Energy Technology Laboratory
Dr. David Battaglia is a Supervisory Research Physical Scientist and Team Lead for the Functional Materials Team at the US Department of Energy’s National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL).  At NETL David leads a team dedicated to developing new materials, sensors, and processes... Read More →
Monday September 23, 2024 2:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
Science Summit venue (2nd floor)

2:00pm EDT

Solar Geoengineering: Perspectives on Risks, Governance Implications and Political Challenges
Monday September 23, 2024 2:00pm - 6:00pm EDT
Solar geoengineering, also called Solar Radiation Modification (SRM), refers to a set of speculative technologies that seek to artificially cool the planet by intervening into the earth’s climate systems. One of the most discussed options is the massive injection of sulphate aerosols into the stratosphere to reflect some incoming sunlight back out into space, in order to have a cooling effect. While some see solar geoengineering as a potential future tool to address the worst impacts of climate change, others view it as posing severe environmental, social, ethical, and geopolitical risks, also arguing that it would fail to address the root causes of climate change. Many point also to the complex global governance and justice challenges associated with solar geoengineering.

This topic proved to be very controversial at the United Nations Environment Assembly session in February 2024, where many developing countries called for a non-use mechanism for solar geoengineering, while others called for further assessment and research. No compromise was reached. This session brings together representatives from governments, academia, youth, indigenous communities, and civil society to reflect on the latest policy and scientific developments within this rapidly evolving field, and to consider options for restrictive global governance. An urgent need is to integrate critical voices of the most vulnerable.

The session’s core aim is to advance understanding of how contemplating solar geoengineering as a future climate policy option could adversely affect the implementation and achievement of many interconnected SGDs, including those on climate, inequality, and inclusive and effective global governance.

14:00 – 14:10 Welcome and introduction to the session
  • Aarti Gupta, Professor of Global Environmental Governance, Wageningen University, The Netherlands

14:10-14:30 Keynote address 
  • Hon. Ralph Regenvanu, Vanuatu’s Special Envoy for Climate Change and Environment; Former Minister for Climate Change Adaptation, Energy, Environment, Meteorology, Geo-Hazards and Disaster Management, Vanuatu

14:30- 15:30 Setting the stage: Academic perspectives on the science, governance, and ethics of solar geoengineering
  • Raymond Pierrehumbert, Halley Professor of Physics, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
  • Aarti Gupta, Professor of Global Environmental Governance, Wageningen University, The Netherlands
  • Chukwumerije Okereke, Professor of Global Climate Governance and Public Policy, University of Bristol, United Kingdom
  • Frank Biermann (chair), Professor of Global Sustainability Governance, Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University, The Netherlands

15:30-16:00 Break 

16:00-16:45 Governmental and UN perspectives: National and International Policy Developments
  • Hibaa-Haibado Ismael H. Tani, Third Counsellor, Djibouti Embassy in Kenya (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation), Republic of Djibouti
  • Philippe Maupai, Deputy Head of Division, Geopolitics of Climate Change, Climate and Security, Water Diplomacy Federal Foreign Office, Germany
  • Rio Hada, Chief, Equality, Development and Rule of Law Section, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), New York Office, United States
  • Aarti Gupta (chair), Professor of Global Environmental Governance, Wageningen University, The Netherlands

16:45-17:30 Stakeholder dialogue with audience Q&A: Societal views on policy and research developments
  • Panganga Pungowiyi, Climate Geoengineering Organizer, Indigenous Environmental Network, United States
  • Lili Fuhr, Director of Fossil Economy Program, Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL), Germany
  • Heleen Bruggink, Co-Founder of Mind Our Future: Critical Youth on Solar Geoengineering, Germany
  • Carol Bardi (chair), Researcher at the University of Münster, Germany 

17:30-17:50 Way Forward 
  • Frank Biermann, Professor of Global Sustainability Governance, Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University, The Netherlands

17:50 – 18:00 Closing
  • Aarti Gupta, Professor of Global Environmental Governance, Wageningen University, The Netherlands
avatar for Aarti Gupta (Convener)

Aarti Gupta (Convener)

Professor of Global Environmental Governance, Wageningen University
Aarti Gupta is Professor of Global Environmental Governance at Wageningen University, The Netherlands. Her research focuses on accountability and equity in global climate policy and anticipatory global governance of novel technologies, including biotechnology and climate engineering... Read More →
avatar for Honorable Ralph Regenvanu

Honorable Ralph Regenvanu

Minister of Climate Change Adaptation, Energy, Environment, Meteorology and Geo-hazards and Disaster Management of Vanua, Vanuatu’s Minister for Climate Change Adaptation, Energy, Environment, Meteorology, Geo-Hazards and Disaster Management
Ralph Regenvanu is Vanuatu’s Minister for Climate Change Adaptation, Energy, Environment, Meteorology, Geo-Hazards and Disaster Management. Ralph is currently serving his fifth term as the Member of Parliament for Vanuatu’s capital and largest city Port Vila. He has previously... Read More →
avatar for Frank Biermann

Frank Biermann

Utrecht University
Frank Biermann is a Research Professor of Global Sustainability Governance at the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University, The Netherlands. He is the founder and inaugural chair of the Earth System Governance research alliance, a long-standing global transdisciplinary... Read More →
avatar for Chukwumerije Okereke

Chukwumerije Okereke

University of Bristol
Chukwumerije Okereke is a Professor in Global Governance & Public Policy at the University of Bristol and Director of the Center for Climate and Development at Alex Ekwueme Federal University Ndufu-Alike Nigeria. Previously, he was a Visiting Professor at the University of Reading... Read More →
avatar for Raymond Pierrehumbert

Raymond Pierrehumbert

University of Oxford
Raymond T. Pierrehumbert is the Halley Professor of Physics at the University of Oxford, having previously served on the faculties of University of Chicago, Princeton and M.I.T. His work embraces both theoretical fluid dynamics and physics of planetary climate, with the latter including... Read More →
avatar for Rio Hada

Rio Hada

Chief, Equality, Development and Rule of Law Section, New York Office, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
Mr. Hada currently leads OHCHR’s thematic engagement in New York on equality and non-discrimination, sustainable development and the rule of law to mainstream human rights in interagency and intergovernmental discussions at the UN Headquarters. Before his current appointment in... Read More →
avatar for Philippe Maupai

Philippe Maupai

Deputy Head of Division, Geopolitics of Climate Change, Climate and Security, Water Diplomacy Federal Foreign Office, Germany, Federal Foreign Office, Germany
Philippe Maupai is a career diplomat at the German Federal Foreign Office. He has been the Deputy Head of the FFO’s Division for Climate and Security in Berlin since 2022. He was posted to the German Embassy in Cairo as Head of Science and Protocol from 2018-2022. Prior to this... Read More →
avatar for Hibaa-Haibado Ismael H. Tani

Hibaa-Haibado Ismael H. Tani

DPR, Third Counsellor, Embassy of the Republic of Djibouti
At the 2024 UN Environment Assembly (UNEA-6), Ms. Tani from Djibouti was a lead negotiator on behalf of the African Group, focusing on a controversial resolution concerning Solar Radiation Management (SRM). Ms. Tani was instrumental in advancing the precautionary principle and highlighting... Read More →
avatar for Lili Fuhr

Lili Fuhr

Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL)
Lili Fuhr (she/her) is the Director of CIEL’s Fossil Economy Program. In that role, Lili leads a team of dedicated attorneys and campaigners working to transform our economic system to urgently address the political, social, and economic realities of the triple crisis of climate... Read More →
avatar for Panganga Pungowiyi

Panganga Pungowiyi

Indigenous Environmental Network
Panganga Pungowiyi (Pangaanga Pangawyi), They/Them/She/Her is an Indigenous mother from Sivungaq, located in the so-called Bering Strait. Panganga has been involved in many grassroots efforts seeking justice for Indigenous people including efforts to protect lands and water from extractive... Read More →
avatar for Heleen Bruggink

Heleen Bruggink

Mind Our Future! Critical Youth on Solar Geoengineering
Heleen Bruggink (she/her) is co-founder of Mind Our Future! Critical Youth on Solar Geoengineering. Her work focuses on engaging and connecting youth with the topic of solar geoengineering and the ongoing developments in research, policy, and civil society—areas that have seen significant... Read More →
avatar for Carol Bardi (moderator)

Carol Bardi (moderator)

University of Münster
Carol Bardi is a Brazilian ecofeminist researcher. She is currently a doctoral researcher at University of Münster and lives in Florianópolis, Brazil. She has finished her master’s degree in Environmental Sciences at the Copernicus Institute for Sustainable Development at Utrecht... Read More →
Monday September 23, 2024 2:00pm - 6:00pm EDT
Science Summit venue (12th floor) 345 Park Avenue South, New York, NY, USA

3:00pm EDT

How Science and AI Will Enable Black Economic Development Globally
Monday September 23, 2024 3:00pm - 5:00pm EDT

The Global Black Economy represents a significant, often under-recognized, economic force. As we enter an era where technological advancements and scientific innovations are rapidly transforming industries worldwide, it is crucial to explore how these tools can empower Black communities globally, creating sustainable economic growth and bridging longstanding disparities. Advances in science and AI can potentially drive economic growth and development in Black communities worldwide [World Economic Forum]. These technologies can help address historical inequities by providing more equitable access to education, healthcare, and financial services in underserved areas. Machine learning algorithms, for instance, can be used to identify and mitigate biases in lending, hiring, and other economic systems that have disadvantaged Black individuals and businesses [Brookings Institution, 2019].

Scientific research and AI innovations from Africa and the African diaspora can create new industries and job opportunities [African Development Bank, 2019]. This growth potential is further enhanced by increased STEM education and AI skills training for Black youth, preparing them for high-growth technology careers [National Science Foundation, 2021]. In the agricultural sector, AI-powered precision agriculture techniques could boost productivity and incomes for Black farmers globally [Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2020].

Technology is also transforming the financial landscape. Blockchain and fintech innovations may improve financial inclusion and access to capital for Black entrepreneurs [World Bank, 2020]. However, these advancements must be implemented ethically. Ethical AI development considering diverse perspectives can help ensure these technologies benefit rather than harm Black communities [AI Ethics Lab, 2021].

To accelerate Black economic development, public-private partnerships focused on science and AI innovation in Africa and other regions could play a significant role [OECD, 2019]. Additionally, more diverse representation in AI development is needed to build inclusive systems that work for all [AI Now Institute]. By addressing these aspects, science and AI can become powerful tools for enabling Black economic development on a global scale.

As part of the Science Summit in partnership with Future in Colour, a groundbreaking plenary session titled "How Science and AI Will Enable Black Economic Development Globally" is scheduled for September 23, 2024, from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM at CURE, 345 Park Ave South, New York. This event coincides with the launch of the innovative GDPx Report, which focuses on the GDP valuation of the Global Black Economy.

This session aims to delve deeply into the intersection of science, AI, and economic development within Black communities across the globe. We will explore actionable strategies to leverage scientific advancements and AI technologies to drive inclusive growth, innovation, and equitable prosperity in the Global Black Economy by bringing together thought leaders, policymakers, entrepreneurs, and technologists. The GDPx Report, developed in collaboration with Future in Colour, aims to evaluate this crucial economic segment comprehensively. This plenary session will delve into how advancements in science and artificial intelligence can catalyse and accelerate Black economic development on a global scale.

The session aims to examine the current state of the Global Black Economy and its growth potential, explore the role of scientific innovation in driving economic development within Black communities worldwide, and discuss how AI technologies can be leveraged to address unique challenges and opportunities in this sector. Additionally, it will identify key areas where science and AI can significantly impact Black economic empowerment and foster dialogue between policymakers, scientists, AI experts, and leaders in the Black business community.

The two-hour session will begin with an introduction and overview, including welcome remarks and a presentation of key findings from the GDPx Report. This will be followed by a panel discussion featuring scientists, innovators, and economic experts, focusing on biotechnology, renewable energy, advanced materials, and their potential impact on Black-owned businesses and communities. A keynote address by a leading AI researcher or industry expert will highlight AI as a catalyst for Black economic growth, focusing on AI applications in finance, education, healthcare, and entrepreneurship.

Expected outcomes from this session include increased awareness of the potential of science and AI in driving Black economic development, identification of key areas for investment and policy focus, formation of new partnerships between scientific institutions, AI companies, and Black-owned businesses, development of a roadmap for integrating cutting-edge scientific and AI innovations into the Global Black Economy, and a commitment from participants to support initiatives that leverage science and AI for Black economic empowerment.

This plenary session's target audience includes policymakers, government officials, scientists and researchers in relevant fields, AI experts and technology innovators, Black business leaders and entrepreneurs, economic development specialists, investors and venture capitalists, and representatives from international organizations and NGOs. This diverse group of participants will contribute to a rich and multifaceted discussion on the intersection of science, AI, and the Global Black Economy.

This plenary session aims to catalyze meaningful dialogue and action, positioning science and AI as key drivers in the growth and development of the Global Black Economy. By bringing together experts from various fields and fostering collaborative discussions, the event seeks to chart a path forward for leveraging cutting-edge technologies and scientific advancements to empower Black communities and businesses globally.


15h00 Opening
Introduction to the GDPx Report and its significance.
Keynote Address: “AI, science, accelerated black wealth creation.”

15h30 Panel Discussion: What provides for generational wealth building for the global black diaspora?
Dr. Brown Robertson
Michale Blake
Breon Wells
Samantha Abrams
Breon Wells
Dr. Isak Nti Asare, Indiana University

17h00 Q&A 

17h30 Conclusion 
avatar for Le'Kiesha French Merritt

Le'Kiesha French Merritt

President and CEO, Future in Color Institute
Le'Kiesha French Merritt is a visionary in Global economic development, tech, entrepreneurship & innovation ecosystem building with over two decades of transformative impact. She founded two global multi-million-dollar social enterprises and has helped shape technology ecosystems... Read More →
avatar for Nicole Turner Lee

Nicole Turner Lee

Senior Fellow, Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution
Dr. Nicol Turner-Lee is a fellow at the Brookings Institution, a global think tank located in Washington, DC. She works in the Center for Technology Innovation where she researches public policy designed to enable equitable access to technology across the U.S. and to harness its power... Read More →
avatar for Breon Wells

Breon Wells

The Daniel Initiative
Breon Wells advises non-profits, corporations, activists, and celebrities on social impact, public policy, and brand management. As President of The Daniel Initiative, he champions underrepresented groups in U.S. and global policy spaces. A former Congressional Aide in the U.S. House... Read More →
avatar for Samantha Abrams

Samantha Abrams

Ms. Abrams is a transformational leader with more than 20 years of serving in private and nonprofit sector roles with global reach and impact. She’s a skilled relationship architect across sectors that fuels optimal business outcomes. Ms. Abrams is comfortable engaging with domestic... Read More →
avatar for Rizwana Mia

Rizwana Mia

Senior Program Manager -Precision Medicine, South African Medical Research Council
Rizwana Mia is a leader in health innovation with 16 years of experience, combining scientific expertise and strategic thinking with her educational background in Genetics & Business Administration. She directs and develops programmatic research and innovation in Precision Medicine... Read More →
avatar for Thandi Mgwebi

Thandi Mgwebi

National Research Foundation (NRF) South Africa
Thandi Mgwebi is a seasoned leader in the academic and research landscape of South Africa. Currently serving as the Group Executive at the National Research Foundation (NRF), she holds responsibility for Global Partnerships and Business Development. Thandi’s career path has been... Read More →
Monday September 23, 2024 3:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
Science Summit venue (Rooftop)

4:00pm EDT

Integrating Medical Care and Holistic Healing
Monday September 23, 2024 4:00pm - 6:00pm EDT
A question remains unanswered: how can we truly prevent and cure diseases? Our session intends to be highly experiential, interactive and practical for everyone who participates live in person and on livestream, in addressing this question. Our current path of preventing and treating ailments, developing novel medicines and interventions, albeit with many triumph, also comes short in many ways. In the context of chronic dis-eases, the model has postulated that the state of healing happens upon eradication of the condition.

However, despite substantial improvements in treatment and survival across medical fields, in oncology, for example, more than 9 million people still die from cancer every year. So, what are we missing? The ultimate goal of medicine and science is to equilibrate physical, mental, and social wellbeing into what is optimal for the individual. This stands for medial care as well as drug development. Patients deserve nothing less. Equally, mental health is just as physical as physical health and mindbody is one word. This view may significantly improve the way we diagnose, treat, relate, communicate in clinics, as well as design perform and invest in research and clinical trials.

Precision and patient tailored modalities that are so vastly represented in modern medical care (gene sequencing for example and many more), should apply no less to internal states of being, and we can call this precision lifestyle medicine and precision psychobiosomatics. The holistic model is a both/and approach not an either/or approach and it holds hands of modern medical care and whole health. The new paradigm is one that holds, practices and celebrates wholeness. To cure, we must be willing to embrace healing from the inside out as well. What do we need to do in order to create a new kind of collective healthcare intelligence?

In this session we will present and discuss experimental and clinical evidence generating a new paradigm based on axioms that would allow us to achieve sustainable wellbeing in a holistic way - caring for the physical, the mental, the emotional, the social. We will provide practical guidance for working in clinic as well as well defined calls to action where we can all participate and establish meaningful collaborations and deliver true impact in holistic medicine and science globally in the coming years.


Dr Aleksandra Filipovic - Head of Oncology PureTech Health, UK and USA
Dr Anna Yusim - Clinical Assistant Professor at Yale Medical School, USA
Dr Maryam Lustberg - Chief of Breast Oncology and Director of the Breast Center at Yale Cancer Center, USA
Dr Eva Selhub - Physician, author, executive coach, USA
Dr Ssanyu Birigwa - Professor for Master of Science Narrative Medicine program Columbia University, USA


2:00-2:15pm Opening remarks
2:15-2:30pm Dr Filipovic
2:30-2:45pm Dr Yusim
2:45-3:00pm Dr Lustberg
3:00-3:15pm Dr Selhub
3:15-3:30pm Dr Birigwa
3:30-4:00pm Closing remarks and Q&A
avatar for Anna Yusim

Anna Yusim

Yale Medical School
Dr. Anna Yusim is an internationally-recognized, award-winning Board-Certified, Stanford- and Yale-educated Psychiatrist & Executive Coach with a Private Practice in New York City, Connecticut, Florida and California. She is best-selling author of Fulfilled: How the Science of Spirituality... Read More →
avatar for Eva Selhub

Eva Selhub

Clinical Associate Harvard Medical School and Benson Henry Institute for Mind-Body Medicine MGH
Dr. Eva Selhub is an internationally recognized resiliency expert, physician, author, executive coach, keynote speaker, and spiritual advisor. With almost three decades of experience, she previously held roles as an Instructor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and as a Clinical... Read More →
avatar for Maryam Lustberg

Maryam Lustberg

Yale Medical School and Yale Cancer Center
Maryam Lustberg MD MPH is a breast medical oncologist and currently serves as Chief of Breast Oncology and Director of the Breast Center at Yale Cancer Center in New Haven Connecticut. She is the co-chair of Symptom Intervention for Alliance Clinical Trials and is immediate Past President... Read More →
avatar for Aleksandra Filipovic

Aleksandra Filipovic

Sharing Progress in Cancer Care
Aleksandra Filipovic MD PhD, is the Head of Oncology at PureTech Health, a clinical stage biopharma dedicated to developing novel therapies for challenging indications in oncology and other disease areas. There, Dr Filipovic leads development on novel compounds for solid tumors and... Read More →
Monday September 23, 2024 4:00pm - 6:00pm EDT
Science Summit venue (2nd floor)
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