SCIENCE SUMMIT 2024: 17 - 27 September, New York

  • This Programme exclusively outlines the Science Summit events in New York from September 17th to 27th.
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Tuesday, September 24

9:00am EDT

Women's Unique Health Needs and the Sustainable Development Goals, a call to action
Tuesday September 24, 2024 9:00am - 12:30pm EDT
Co-hosted by The ECHAlliance and the Society for Women’s Health Research, “Women’s Unique Health Needs and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a call to action” will discuss key developments and opportunities to advance women’s health care and research, with a focus on addressing disparities, the role of women in health care decision-making, access to preventive care, and representation in the women’s health workforce.

Women comprise approximately half the world’s population, yet their role in the global healthcare ecosystem is often underrepresented or inadequately considered. Women face unique challenges throughout their lifespans due to biological sex differences and gender-related influences on health and disease. Disparities exist across disease states and life stages that touch every race, ethnic group, geographic location, and socioeconomic status. To address this global health deficiency, a comprehensive strategy to advance research on women’s health must be developed and implemented. This session will discuss key developments and opportunities to advance women’s health research, care, and policies. Participants will identify opportunities for domestic and global collaborations and inform the development of a women’s health research agenda in an Outcomes Report to the United Nations.

9:00 – 9:10 am Welcome
Brian O'Connor - Chair, ECHAlliance – The Global Health Connector 
Irene O. Aninye, PhD - Chief Science Officer, Society for Women’s Health Research
9:10 – 9:40 am A Call to Action: Women's Unique Health Needs and the SDGs
Irene O. Aninye PhD (Moderator) - Chief Science Officer, Society for Women’s Health Research
Ru-fong Joanne Cheng, MD, FACOG, -Director, Women's Health Innovations, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
9:40 – 10:30 am Transitioning Women’s Health from Treatment to Prevention
Nicole Althaus (Moderator)- US Ambassador, ECHAlliance - The Global Health Connector
Capt. Aisha K. Brooks, DNP, MPH, RN, FAAN - Senior Health Policy Administrator, U.S. Public Health Service 
Anuradha Gupta - President, Global Immunization, Sabin Vaccine Institute
Rachel Sturke, PhD, MPH, MIA - Acting Deputy Director, Fogarty International Center
10:30 – 10:45 am Break

10:45 – 11:35 am Ensuring Accountability: Women in Research, Health Care, and Policy Leadership
Magdalena Skipper (Moderator) - Editor in Chief, Nature
Janine Austin Clayton, MD, FARVO - Director, Office of Research on Women's Health, National Institutes of Health
Carolyn Harris - Labour MP for Neath and Swansea East, UK Parliament
11:35 am – 12:15 pm Perspectives from Women Leaders in Women’s Health
Irene O. Aninye PhD (Moderator) - Chief Science Officer, Society for Women’s Health Research
Janine Austin Clayton, MD, FARVO, Director, Office of Research on Women's Health, National Institutes of Health
Michele Barry, MD, FACP, Director for Center of Innovation in Global Health, Stanford University
Eleanor Nwadinobi, MBBS, EMA, FAAC, President, Medical Women’s International Association

12:15 pm - 12:30 pm Wrap-up & Adjourn
avatar for Carolyn Harris

Carolyn Harris

Labour Member of Parliament for Neath and Swansea East, Parliament of the United Kingdom
Born and raised in Swansea, after gaining a degree in Social Policy, Carolyn worked in the charity sector before becoming Parliamentary Assistant to Sian James MP.In May 2015, she was elected MP for Swansea East and was reelected in both the 2017 and 2019 elections. Following boundary... Read More →
avatar for Brian O'Connor

Brian O'Connor

Chair, Chair at ECHAlliance - The Global Health Connector
Born in Belfast, Northern Ireland, Brian has developed his career as a consultant, manager, and investor. He has worked and lived in the UK, US, and Hong Kong and has significant experience as a company director in a variety of sectors. He also acts as a Corporate Doctor, to help... Read More →
avatar for Alejandra Rodríguez

Alejandra Rodríguez

ECHAlliance - The Global Health Connector
avatar for Ru-Fong Joanne Cheng MD, FACOG

Ru-Fong Joanne Cheng MD, FACOG

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Dr. Ru Cheng leads a team that supports the development and adoption of high-quality health products that address the needs of women and girls in low- and middle-income countries. The Women’s Health Innovations team also serves as a unifying voice on women’s health, collaborating... Read More →
avatar for Anuradha Gupta

Anuradha Gupta

Sabin Vaccine Institute
Anuradha Gupta is the President of Global Immunization at the Sabin Vaccine Institute. Ms. Gupta has spearheaded successful global initiatives to improve the health of women and children and harness the full power of vaccines.Prior to Sabin, Ms. Gupta spent several years at Gavi... Read More →
avatar for Irene. O Aninye, PhD (Convenor)

Irene. O Aninye, PhD (Convenor)

Society for Women's Health Research
Dr. Irene O. Aninye is the Chief Science Officer for the Society for Women’s Health Research, a national nonprofit dedicated to advancing women’s health through science, policy, and education. Aninye steers SWHR’s portfolio of scientific programs to increase awareness and investment... Read More →
avatar for Magdalena Skipper, PhD.

Magdalena Skipper, PhD.

Nature Research (Publishing)
As Editor in Chief, Magdalena leads Nature’s magazine and research editorial teams. A geneticist by training, she has considerable editorial and publishing experience: having started in Nature Publishing Group in 2001, she was Chief Editor of Nature Reviews Genetics, Senior Editor... Read More →
avatar for Nicole Althaus

Nicole Althaus

ECHAlliance - The Global Health Connector
Nicole Althaus is a seasoned leader in digital health product innovation and marketing strategy, with a strong commitment to enhancing patient care. Over her 25-year career, she has excelled in understanding the perspectives of patients, payers, providers, and device manufacturers... Read More →
avatar for Rachel Sturke, PhD, MPH, MIA

Rachel Sturke, PhD, MPH, MIA

Fogarty International Center at NIH
Dr. Rachel Sturke joined the Fogarty International Center in 2006 and currently serves as Deputy Director and Senior Scientist in the Division of International Science Policy, Planning, and Evaluation and the Center for Global Health Studies at the Fogarty International Center at... Read More →
avatar for Dr Eleanor Nwadinobi MBBS, EMA, FAAC

Dr Eleanor Nwadinobi MBBS, EMA, FAAC

Medical Women’s International Association
Dr Eleanor Ann Nwadinobi, MBBS, EMA, is President of the Medical Women’s International Association. She is also Special Advisor to the Nigeria Safeguarding Resource and Support hub and Co founder of the Every woman treaty, a coalition advocating for a global binding norm to end... Read More →
avatar for Michele Barry, M.D., FACP, FASTMH

Michele Barry, M.D., FACP, FASTMH

Stanford University
Michele Barry is the Drs. Ben and A. Jess Shenson Professor of Medicine and Tropical Diseases at Stanford University, where she directs the Center for Innovation in Global Health and serves as Senior Associate Dean for Global Health.A leading advocate for women’s leadership in medicine... Read More →
avatar for Dr. Aisha K. Brooks, DNP, MPH, RN, FAAN

Dr. Aisha K. Brooks, DNP, MPH, RN, FAAN

US Public Health Service
Dr. Aisha K. Brooks is a Captain in the U.S. Public Health Service and serves as the senior health policy administrator for the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Health Service Corps. Dr. Brooks served as an Assistant Surgeon General and the 12th Chief Nurse Officer in... Read More →
Tuesday September 24, 2024 9:00am - 12:30pm EDT
Science Summit venue (2nd floor)

3:00pm EDT

Leveraging AI for Global Healthcare Delivery
Tuesday September 24, 2024 3:00pm - 4:30pm EDT
Few new technologies have developed with such speed or engendered such contrasting emotions of anxiety and fear and hope and excitement as AI. While we understand the concerns in other sectors, healthcare has been an early adopter of AI, and the opportunities for new drugs, products, services, treatments, and better patient outcomes with the help of AI are real and substantial.

There has been a range of governance and regulatory initiatives, including the US Executive Order on AI Standards for Safety and Security, the G7 Code of Conduct, the passing of the European AI Act and the Digital Health Society & I~HD AI Club Report “Creating the environment of trust and acceptance that maximises the benefits of AI in healthcare”.
Our Round Table interactive session will occur in person in New York and virtually between the panellists and the audiences at the UNGA79 Science Summit. It will strive to present a better balance to discussions around the use of AI in healthcare. 
Discussions will cover:
  • Diagnostics and Treatment
  • Data Access and Standardisation
  • Data First, AI Later
  • Ethical Considerations and Bias
  • How could Digital Healthcare help the World Bank to Deliver Affordable Health Services to 1.5B people by 2030?
  • AI in Health System Management and Policy Making
  • International Collaboration and the Future of AI in Health

3:00 pm - 4:30 pm - Leveraging AI for Global Healthcare Delivery (Roundtable discussion)

IntroductionBleddyn Rees, Deputy Chair at ECHAlliance, Chair at The Digital Health Society

Keynote 1Bernardo Mariano Joaquim Junior - CTO & Assistant Secretary-General United Nations (10 minutes)

Keynote 2Hani Eskandar - Head of Digital Services  International Telecommunication Union

Panel 1

Dr Ain Aaviksoo, HeBA Clinic, Head of Development, Partner 
Dr. Irene Aninye, Chief Science Officer Society for Women’s Health Research
Professor Rachel Dunscombe, CEO Open EHR International 
Dr Rajendra Pratap Gupta, Chairman UN-IGF Data 
Kate Newhouse, Chief Operating Officer, Executive Director at Kooth plc

Panel 2

Dr. Henriette van Eijl, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation Deputy to the Director of D - People: Health & Society Head of Unit - D3 - Health and Societal Transitions
Dr. Jean Kaseya, Director General, Africa CDC
Eric Thrailkill, Ambassador for HLTH Community
Tobias Silberzahn, Partner McKinsey & Company

avatar for Eric Thrailkill

Eric Thrailkill

Ambassador, HLTH Community
Eric Thrailkill is a healthcare industry expert that joined the Nashville EntrepreneurCenter in March 2021 where he served as Chairman of Project Healthcare, aprogram supporting entrepreneurs building, growing, and scaling health and healthcaresolutions. He is also the founder of... Read More →
avatar for Kate Newhouse

Kate Newhouse

Chief Operating Officer, Executive Director, Kooth plc
Kate is an award-winning entrepreneurial senior leader with over 20 years of experience in digital healthcare and innovation.Kate is COO and board director of Kooth, a globally leading youth digital mental healthcare provider. Kooth delivers upstream population-health-based mental... Read More →
avatar for Hani Eskandar

Hani Eskandar

Head, Digital Services Division, International Telecommunication Union
Mr. Eskandar is the Digital Services Senior Coordinator at the Digital Society Division of the Telecommunication Development Bureau of ITU. Mr. Eskandar is currently involved in providing assistance to several developing countries by advising on digital applications and services strategies... Read More →
avatar for Rajendra Pratap Gupta

Rajendra Pratap Gupta

Health Parliament
Rajendra Pratap Gupta (Rajendra) is a public policy expert who has been contributing to policy making for over a decade and a half across sectors.Rajendra has worked with some of the largest organizations across the world and was nominated to the Global Agenda Council of the World... Read More →
avatar for Bleddyn Rees (Convenor)

Bleddyn Rees (Convenor)

ECHAlliance - The Global Health Connector
Bleddyn is a vastly experienced commercial lawyer with 30 years experience of outsourcings, privatisations and complex contracting and projects. He has a unique CV for a private sector lawyer, having spent three and a half years on secondment as General Counsel of the Commercial Directorate... Read More →
avatar for Rachel Dunscombe

Rachel Dunscombe

openEHR / Imperial College of London
Prof. Rachel Dunscombe (FBCS FEDIPLeadPract CHCIO) is currently CEO of OpenEHR Intrnational. Until August 2022 Rachel spent over five years as the CEO of the NHS Digital Academy . She has provided advisory services to the Secretary of State for Health, been a member of the UK AI council... Read More →
avatar for Ain Aaviksoo

Ain Aaviksoo

Ain Aaviksoo, MD MPH is an expert in healthcare digitization and innovation with 25 years of experience. He currently works as a development manager and co-founder of the HeBA Clinic and consults internationally for companies and governments. Dr. Aaviksoo also leads the consent service... Read More →
avatar for Jean Kaseya

Jean Kaseya

Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention
H.E Dr. Jean Kaseya was appointed Director-General of the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa-CDC) during the thirty-sixth African Union Summit of Heads of State and Government in February 2023. Dr. Kaseya, a Congolese Medical Doctor with advanced degrees in... Read More →
avatar for Tobias Silberzahn

Tobias Silberzahn

McKinsey & Company
Tobias Silberzahn is a trained biochemist and immunologist and works as a Partner in McKinsey’s Berlin office where he is a member of the Healthcare and Innovation Practice. The focus areas of his work are healthcare innovation, health tech business-building and digital transformation... Read More →
avatar for Bernardo Mariano Jr.

Bernardo Mariano Jr.

Office of Information and Communications Technology, United Nations
Mr. Bernardo Mariano Jr. of Mozambique started his tenure as Chief Information Technology Officer (CITO), Assistant Secretary-General, Office of Information and Communications Technology, on 1 August 2021. Mr. Mariano has over 29 years of experience within the United Nations System... Read More →
avatar for Alejandra Rodríguez

Alejandra Rodríguez

ECHAlliance - The Global Health Connector
avatar for Irene. O Aninye, PhD (Convenor)

Irene. O Aninye, PhD (Convenor)

Society for Women's Health Research
Dr. Irene O. Aninye is the Chief Science Officer for the Society for Women’s Health Research, a national nonprofit dedicated to advancing women’s health through science, policy, and education. Aninye steers SWHR’s portfolio of scientific programs to increase awareness and investment... Read More →
avatar for Henriette van Eijl

Henriette van Eijl

European Commision, DG Research and Innovation
Dr. Henriette van Eijl leads the unit ‘Health and Societal Transitions’ in the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation. The Unit ensures that R&I policies and programmes, especially Horizon Europe, support the EU policy objectives in health and... Read More →
Tuesday September 24, 2024 3:00pm - 4:30pm EDT
Science Summit venue (2nd floor)

4:00pm EDT

Strengthening Health Data Governance in the Digital Age: Leadership, Collaboration, Action
Tuesday September 24, 2024 4:00pm - 6:00pm EDT
Taking place during 79th UN General Assembly (UNGA79), Transform Health, WHO, the Health Data Collaborative, OECD, PATH, PMNCH, and Young Experts Tech for Health (YET4H) will co-host an in-person side event on Strengthening Health Data Governance in the Digital Age through Leadership, Collaboration, Action. The event will take place in person as part of the Science Summit for the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SSUNGA79), which complements the United Nations Summit of the Future, where governments will endorse the Global Digital Compact. This represents a critical moment to galvanise action and consensus on health data governance.

During this event, we will hear personal and community perspectives on what health data governance means to them and their expectations of governments and other actors in this regard. This will be followed by a government panel exploring national experiences, leadership and needed action. The session aims to build political support to strengthen health data governance, including through consensus and commitments around a global (and regional) health data governance framework and stronger national legislation.

Concerted effort at multiple levels is needed to strengthen health data governance. This is essential to fully harness the potential of health data for public benefit and improved health outcomes, towards UHC progress, while managing risks, protecting individual rights, and ensuring people’s data is protected from misuse. Bringing together countries and other stakeholders this provides an opportunity to learn from and build on experiences and good practices, and forge consensus around what is needed to strengthen health data governance frameworks.

Health data are the foundation of 21st century health systems, enabling artificial intelligence, augmenting health care professionals, supporting digital transformation, and empowering individuals to achieve their personal health outcomes. Health data need governance that recognises its value, as both an individual and public good, that forms the strong foundation of health care, prevention, and promotion – all aspects of Universal Health Coverage. Without an effective approach to health data, investments from the health sector related to digital and AI will fail to achieve objectives and risk expanding existing digital divides into digital canyons.

Towards this end, Transform Health, OECD, Africa CDC, HDC, AeHIN, HELINA, RECAINSA, and YET4H have been supporting the development of a draft model law on health data governance, which sets out core areas, legislative guidance and reference legal text to support more effective and equitable health data governance. The model law has been informed by equity and rights-based principles, the OECD Recommendation on Health Data Governance, among other national, regional and international commitments and best practice. It has been developed through a bottom up, consultative process, engaging nearly 1000 stakeholders from across the globe.

This is an important step towards a global framework - and global standard and blueprint for health data governance legislation. The endorsement of a global framework by governments through a World Health Assembly resolution and regional mechanisms would help build consensus across countries and stakeholders around essential areas that should be addressed through national legislation; establish a level of harmonisation and compatibility in national approaches to foster greater legal coherence across jurisdictions; and importantly, it would provide a resource to support governments in strengthening national frameworks.

Government leadership is critical to move towards more robust legislation and regulation - to govern data as a public good - while ensuring diverse stakeholders and civil society remain meaningfully engaged. Building on growing momentum and political support, including during numerous events on the sidelines of this year’s World Health Assembly, this session aims to build support to ensure health data governance is prioritised on the agenda of the Assembly in May 2025. This would enable a much needed discussion amongst Member States around necessary action.
The objectives of this session are to:
  1. Hear community voices and perspectives (e.g. youth, women, vulnerable groups) on what health data governance means to them and their expectations of governments and other actors on this issue.
  2. Understand the needs of governments in strengthening health data governance approaches, including learning from promising national and regional approaches.
  3. Build political support for action to strengthen health data governance, including through consensus and alignment around what is needed and endorsement of a global health data governance framework.
For this session we propose two components. The first would bring a personal and rights-based angle to the issue of health data governance and what it means to communities and individuals. It would highlight the My Data Our Health campaign which aims to engage and empower communities around the issue. The second component would focus on national experiences and political action to build consensus and explore how to take this agenda forward, for example through a World Health Assembly resolution and what is needed to strengthen national approaches.
avatar for Nnenna Nwakanma

Nnenna Nwakanma

Advisor; Board Member, Transform Health; HealthAI
avatar for Mathilde Forslund

Mathilde Forslund

Executive Director, Transform Health
Mathilde Forslund - Executive Director, Transform Health Mathilde is the founding Executive Director of Transform Health and leads the Enabling Function of the coalition. She is a seasoned advocate and coalition builder with experience bringing partners and networks together to deliver... Read More →
avatar for Shannon Thom

Shannon Thom

Member, Youth Experts: Tech for Health
Shannon is a highly motivated, forward-thinking and detail-oriented public health professional & health equity advocate with expertise in health communications, policy and project management. She possesses both graduate-level training in public health and a varied experience base... Read More →
avatar for Rodrick Mugishagwe

Rodrick Mugishagwe

Acting Executive Director, EANNASO
Rodrick Mugishagwe is the Ag. Executive Director of EANNASO and a highly accomplished Project Management and Public Health Specialist with over 8 years of experience in TB, HIV, and sexual and reproductive health programs across the East and Southern Africa. Rodrick is a dedicated... Read More →
avatar for Hon Neema Lugangira

Hon Neema Lugangira

Parliament, Tanzania
Hon. Neema Lugangira (MP) has a broad, extensive experience and successful track record in championing reforms and development policies for improved investment enabling environment for the of agricultural, mining and oil & gas, health and tech sectors to mention a few. She is currently... Read More →
avatar for Dr Guled Abdijalil Ali

Dr Guled Abdijalil Ali

Director General, Federal Ministry of Health and Human Services, Somalia
Tuesday September 24, 2024 4:00pm - 6:00pm EDT
Science Summit venue (12th floor) 345 Park Avenue South, New York, NY, USA
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