SCIENCE SUMMIT 2024: 17 - 27 September, New York

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Thursday, September 26

4:00pm EDT

Accelerating Agricultural Research for Africa: Pathways to Food Security and Sustainable Development, Convened by the Agriculture Research Council, South Africa
Thursday September 26, 2024 4:00pm - 6:00pm EDT
Concept Note: ARC Session on Agricultural Research for Africa at the Science Summit for the UN General Assembly (UNGA)
Accelerating Agricultural Research for Africa: Pathways to Food Security and Sustainable Development


Agriculture is the backbone of many African economies, providing livelihoods for over 60% of the population and contributing significantly to the continent's GDP. Yet, Africa remains the most food-insecure region in the world, plagued by low productivity, climate vulnerability, and an overreliance on rain-fed farming. This is even though there are many success stories from agricultural research on the continent. There is a critical need for transformative agricultural research that boosts yields and ensures sustainability, inclusivity, and resilience against climate change.
With the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) approaching, particularly SDG 2 on ending hunger and SDG 13 on climate action, Africa's agricultural and food systems must transform urgently. Science, innovation, and research are key enablers of this transformation, offering solutions that can help bridge the gap between food insecurity and sustainable agricultural development.


This session aims to bring together scientists, policymakers, development partners, and private sector actors to deliberate on how agricultural research in Africa can be enhanced, scaled, and aligned with the global sustainability and resilience goals. The session will focus on identifying practical pathways for accelerating agricultural research, fostering partnerships, and promoting innovations that support food security, nutrition, and sustainable livelihoods in Africa.
Key Topics:
1. Innovative Agricultural Research and Technologies: This section addresses the need for research and technology development, focusing on climate-smart agriculture, sustainable intensification, and innovative tools such as biotechnology, digital farming, and precision agriculture. It also showcases the existing research capacities in Africa that can be leveraged.

2. Research-Policy Nexus: Understanding how research outputs can effectively inform policy frameworks and how policies can create an enabling environment for scaling up agricultural innovations.

3. Capacity Building and Collaboration: Highlighting the importance of building research capacity across African institutions and encouraging collaborations between research organisations, governments, and the private sector.

4. Youth and Gender in Agricultural Research: Discuss how research can empower youth and women as crucial actors in the agricultural value chain, address gender gaps, and ensure equitable access to innovations and resources.

5. Funding and Investment in Research: This section explores the role of governments, development agencies, and private sector investors in financing agricultural research in Africa and ensuring that funding is directed toward high-impact, scalable innovations.

Expected Outcomes:
- Actionable Recommendations: Participants will develop recommendations to improve agricultural research strategies that can drive Africa’s agricultural transformation.
- New Partnerships: Foster partnerships between research institutions, governments, the private sector, and development organizations to scale innovative agricultural practices in Africa.
- Policy Insights: Insights on policy interventions necessary to support research and innovation, improve food security, and enhance resilience to climate change.
- Commitments to Funding: Potential commitments from governments, development agencies, and private actors to increase funding for agricultural research and innovation.
This session will engage a diverse audience including:
- Agricultural researchers and scientists
- Policymakers and government representatives
- International development agencies and NGOs
- Private sector actors in agriculture and agribusiness
- Representatives from UN agencies (FAO, IFAD, UNEP)
- Youth and women in agriculture


10:00 - 10:10 AM – Opening Remarks
- Moderator: Introduction and Overview of Session Goals
- Dr Litha Magingxa - Welcome remarks from ARC

10:10 - 10:30 AM – Keynote Presentation:
TBD "Harnessing Science for Agricultural Transformation in Africa"

10:30 - 11:00 AM – Panel Discussion:
"Innovations, Policies, and Partnerships: Pathways to Agricultural Transformation in Africa"
- Panellists:
- Dr Lia Rotherham - Senior Agricultural Research Scientist from ARC
- Government Policy Advisor (African government representative)
- Representative from Private Sector Agribusiness
- Development Partner (e.g., FAO, World Bank, or USAID representative)
- Youth/ Women Representative in Agriculture
Key Themes Discussed:
- Scaling innovative agricultural research for climate resilience and One Health
- Creating policies that promote sustainable agricultural practices
- Strengthening research collaboration across sectors
- Engaging youth and women in the agricultural value chain[PC1]

11:00 - 11:20 AM – Interactive Q&A Session
- Open floor for participants to ask questions and share perspectives.

11:20 - 11:50 AM – Roundtable Discussion:
"Accelerating Funding and Investment in African Agricultural Research"
- Facilitated roundtable discussion among key stakeholders on how to unlock investment in agricultural research.
- Participants: Development Agencies, Governments, Private Investors, Dr Litha Magingxa

11:50 - 12:00 PM – Closing Remarks and Way Forward
- Moderator summary and next steps
- Call for commitment and partnerships
avatar for Eudy Mabuza

Eudy Mabuza

Senior Brussels Representative, Dept of Science and Innovation, South Africa
Ms Mabuza has eighteen and half years of progressive experience in the Public Sector, engaging and negotiating with international agencies to increase bilateral science, technology and innovation (STI) investments towards the South African science system and marketing the country... Read More →
Thursday September 26, 2024 4:00pm - 6:00pm EDT
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