SCIENCE SUMMIT 2024: 17 - 27 September, New York

  • This Programme exclusively outlines the Science Summit events in New York from September 17th to 27th.
  • Participation is free of charge, but registration is required.
  • For those attending in person, please choose the in-person attendance option on the registration form so we can issue your pass.
  • For virtual attendees, once registered, you can join sessions by clicking at the circular checkbox icon next to each session on the event platform. Please ensure you select the sessions you wish to attend, as failure to do so will prevent access to the live stream.
  • You can customize your experience by creating your own schedule based on the sessions you are interested in.

avatar for Justine Germo Nzweundji-Khumbah

Justine Germo Nzweundji-Khumbah

Institute of Medical Research and Medicinal Plants Studies (IMPM), Cameroon
Plant biotechnology
avatar for Brian O'Connor

Brian O'Connor

Chair at ECHAlliance - The Global Health Connector
avatar for Dr. Obed Ogega

Dr. Obed Ogega

The African Academy of Sciences
Head of Programmes
avatar for Nives Ogrinc

Nives Ogrinc

Jozef Stefan Institute (JSI)
avatar for LKHAGVA Oidov


School of Science of the National University of Mongolia
avatar for Chukwumerije Okereke

Chukwumerije Okereke

University of Bristol
avatar for Oliva Okwir

Oliva Okwir

Makerere University College of Health Sciences
avatar for Prof Jean-Marie Kileshye Onema

Prof Jean-Marie Kileshye Onema

WaterNet Secretariat
Executive Manager and Head
avatar for Tolullah Oni

Tolullah Oni

Cambridge University
avatar for Vera Serwaa Opoku

Vera Serwaa Opoku

Kumasi Centre for Collaborative Research in Tropical Medicine, Kumasi-Ghana
Postdoctoral Scientist
avatar for Eduardo Ortega

Eduardo Ortega

Department of Science, Technology and Innovation of Panama
avatar for Per Öster

Per Öster

CSC – IT Center for Science Ltd, Finland
Director of CSC Advanced Computing Facility
avatar for Dr. Peggy Oti-Boateng

Dr. Peggy Oti-Boateng

The African Academy of Sciences
avatar for Jacqueline Ottmann

Jacqueline Ottmann

First Nations University of Canada
avatar for Henk Ovink

Henk Ovink

Global Commission on Economic of Water
Executive Director
avatar for Dominic O’Neill

Dominic O’Neill

UN’s Sanitation and Hygiene Fund (SHF)
Executive Director
avatar for Nicolas Pade

Nicolas Pade

Executive Director
avatar for Nic Palmarini

Nic Palmarini

National Innovation Centre for Ageing (NICA)
avatar for Prof. Aris Papageorghiou

Prof. Aris Papageorghiou

University of Oxford
Professor of Fetal Medicine and the Clinical Research Director
avatar for Mr Aslam Parker

Mr Aslam Parker

National Geospatial Information (NGI) of the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, South Africa
Chief Director
avatar for Kirsha Patel

Kirsha Patel

WAFF Youth Delegate
avatar for Krisha Patel

Krisha Patel

Dana Farber Cancer Institute
avatar for Nayan Patel

Nayan Patel

Cary Academy
avatar for Prof. John Paterson

Prof. John Paterson

University of Aberdeen, Centre for Energy Law.
avatar for Lyubomir Penev

Lyubomir Penev

Pensoft Publishers
Managing Director and Founder of Pensoft Publishers
avatar for Jason Petralia

Jason Petralia

CEO, Anthropogenic, TEDx Speaker, impact investor
avatar for Prof Francesco Petruccione

Prof Francesco Petruccione

National Institute for Theoretical and Computational Sciences (NITheCS), and Stellenbosch University, South Africa
Professor of Quantum Computing, and Director NITheCS
avatar for Pedroso Nhassengo MD. PhDc

Pedroso Nhassengo MD. PhDc

Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden
avatar for Raymond Pierrehumbert

Raymond Pierrehumbert

University of Oxford
avatar for Convenor Allen Pope

Convenor Allen Pope

Program Manager

Darrell Porcello

Children’s Creativity Museum
avatar for Laura K. Povlich, PhD

Laura K. Povlich, PhD

Fogarty International Center, National Institutes of Health
Program Director
avatar for Wes Powell

Wes Powell

Founder and CEO of Open Origin, fueling the future, and ex-World Bank
avatar for Arun Prabhu

Arun Prabhu

Landcent Europe B.V.
avatar for Panganga Pungowiyi

Panganga Pungowiyi

Indigenous Environmental Network
avatar for Gomboluudev Purevjav

Gomboluudev Purevjav

Information and Research Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology and Environment (IRIMHE), Mongolia

Mika Pyykkö

Finnish Brain Association
avatar for His Excellency Dr Aram Mohammed Qadir

His Excellency Dr Aram Mohammed Qadir

Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research – Kurdistan Regional Government (Keynote)
avatar for Sabih Rahman

Sabih Rahman

Nuvance Health, Department of Psychiatry
avatar for Merideth Randles

Merideth Randles

Principal, Consulting Actuary, Milliman
avatar for Daniel Ranga

Daniel Ranga

Makerere University College of Health Sciences
avatar for Joachim Rautter

Joachim Rautter

Berlin Innovation Center for Ageing and Longevity (BiCAL).
avatar for Oyun Ravsal

Oyun Ravsal

JEMR LLC, Mongolia
avatar for Honorable Ralph Regenvanu

Honorable Ralph Regenvanu

Vanuatu’s Minister for Climate Change Adaptation, Energy, Environment, Meteorology, Geo-Hazards and Disaster Management
Minister of Climate Change Adaptation, Energy, Environment,...
avatar for Catherine Régis

Catherine Régis

Université de Montréal
Professor and Associate Vice President
avatar for Heidi L. Rehm, PhD, FACMG

Heidi L. Rehm, PhD, FACMG

Massachusetts General Hospital, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
Director, Chief Genomics Officer
avatar for Dr Elwin Reimink

Dr Elwin Reimink

Data and Impact Analysis Advisor
avatar for Nia Reviani

Nia Reviani

Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Cultural Affairs, Indonesia
avatar for Eugene Richardson

Eugene Richardson

Harvard Medical School
Planetary Health Lab
avatar for Vanessa Ridaura

Vanessa Ridaura

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
avatar for Alejandra Rodríguez

Alejandra Rodríguez

ECHAlliance - The Global Health Connector

Diego Alejandro Borbón Rodríguez

Universidad Externado de Colombia
avatar for Henk Rogers

Henk Rogers

Founder Blue Planet Alliance & International MoonBase Alliance, subject of “Tetris” film
avatar for Nigel Rollins

Nigel Rollins

World Health Organisation

Oliver Rollins

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
avatar for Dr Daniel Roman

Dr Daniel Roman

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and International Federation of Surveyors (FIG), USA
Senior Geodetic Advisor
avatar for Karen Rommelfanger

Karen Rommelfanger

Institute of Neuroethics
avatar for Raphael de Ry

Raphael de Ry

Founder of ALLCOT IO; former Executive Director at SandSI; pioneer in sustainability, carbon markets, and zero-waste initiatives.
avatar for Miriam Lewis Sabin

Miriam Lewis Sabin

The Lancet
North American Executive Editor
avatar for Dr. Hisham M. Sabir

Dr. Hisham M. Sabir

Executive Director of the Scientific Research Programs Office, Qatar Research, Development and Innovation Council (Panelist)
avatar for H.E. Josefa Leonel Correia Sacko

H.E. Josefa Leonel Correia Sacko

Rural Economy and Agriculture African Union Commission
avatar for Mitra Sadigh

Mitra Sadigh

Nuvance Health Global Health Program & Yale New Haven Health
avatar for Mark Sadovnick

Mark Sadovnick

5th Element group, Nonflict expert
avatar for Mak Saito

Mak Saito

avatar for HE. Prof. Amr. E. Salama

HE. Prof. Amr. E. Salama

Association of Arab Universities
Secretary General

Arleen Salles

Institute of Neuroethics

Giovanni Salum

Child Mind Institute

Tarek Samad

avatar for Dr Laura Sanchez

Dr Laura Sanchez

Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS), and Deutsches Geodätisches Forschungsinstitut (DGFI-TUM) of the Technische Universität München, Germany
GGOS President and research scientist

Shreyaa Sanjay

West Windsor-Plainsboro High School North
avatar for Facundo Santomé

Facundo Santomé

Senior Marketing Manager
avatar for Natasha Santos

Natasha Santos

Bayer AG, Crop Science Division Vice President, Head of Sustainability & Strategic Engagement
avatar for Ashish Saraf

Ashish Saraf

Industrialist, Philanthropist, Diplomat, Chairman & CEO FACOR Global, Consul of the Commonwealth of Bahamas & Maldives in India
avatar for Mike Schlossberg

Mike Schlossberg

Pennsylvania State Representative
avatar for Annette Schmid

Annette Schmid

Takeda Pharmaceuticals

Soraya Seedat

Department of Psychiatry, Stellenbosch University
avatar for Eva Selhub

Eva Selhub

Clinical Associate Harvard Medical School and Benson Henry Institute for Mind-Body Medicine MGH
avatar for Nelson Sewankambo

Nelson Sewankambo

Makerere University College of Health Sciences
avatar for Yochai Shavit

Yochai Shavit

Stanford Center on Longevity’
avatar for Michael Sheldrick

Michael Sheldrick

Co-founder Global Citizen, with his bestselling book launch on "From Ideas to Impact"
avatar for Tobias Silberzahn

Tobias Silberzahn

McKinsey & Company
avatar for Alex Simalabwi

Alex Simalabwi

AIP and Executive Secretary: GWPSA-Africa
avatar for Magdalena Skipper, PhD.

Magdalena Skipper, PhD.

Nature Research (Publishing)
avatar for Lisa Rooney Slater

Lisa Rooney Slater

Head of African Genomics Program
avatar for Dr Mark Smith

Dr Mark Smith

International Water Management Institute
Director General
avatar for Erika Smith

Erika Smith

avatar for Andrea Soccorso

Andrea Soccorso

Advisor, Climate Voice, Co-founder AfterWEVote Advisor, Frmr, Director Strategic Partnerships, Nobel Peace Laureate Kailash Satyarthi
avatar for Majd Soudan

Majd Soudan

Nuvance Health, Department of Psychiatry


European Commission
avatar for Elisabeth Steinhagen-Thiessen

Elisabeth Steinhagen-Thiessen

Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
avatar for Richard Streitz

Richard Streitz

COO Ruh Global Impact
avatar for Rachel Sturke, PhD, MPH, MIA

Rachel Sturke, PhD, MPH, MIA

Fogarty International Center at NIH
avatar for Philip Sugai

Philip Sugai

Doshisha University
Director, Value Research Center
avatar for Dr. Saraswati Sukumar

Dr. Saraswati Sukumar

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
avatar for Dr. Jonathan Sutton

Dr. Jonathan Sutton

Philips Ultrasound, Cambridge USA
avatar for Paweł Świeboda

Paweł Świeboda

International Center for Future Generations; Brain Capital Alliance
avatar for Mere Takako

Mere Takako

(Ngāti Porou, Te Whānau a Apanui, Rongowhakaata), Māori Conservationist and CEO Pacific Whale Fund
avatar for Billo Tall

Billo Tall

Institut Pasteur de Dakar, Senegal

Judge Gloria Tan

Massachusetts Juvenile Court
avatar for Hibaa-Haibado Ismael H. Tani

Hibaa-Haibado Ismael H. Tani

Third Counsellor, Embassy of the Republic of Djibouti
avatar for Horacio Terraza

Horacio Terraza

Senior Environmental Specialist

Ms. Kedest Tesfagiorgis

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Sheikh Dr. Mohamed Bin Hamad Al Thani

Director of Non-Communicable Diseases Prevention Programs, Ministry of Public Health
avatar for Shakuntala Thilsted

Shakuntala Thilsted

Director of Nutrition, Health and Food Security Impact Platform Area.
avatar for Shannon Thom

Shannon Thom

Youth Experts: Tech for Health
avatar for Eric Thrailkill

Eric Thrailkill

HLTH Community
avatar for Dr Mamohloding Tlhagale

Dr Mamohloding Tlhagale

Water Research Commission, South Africa
Head of Partnerships and Business Development
avatar for Denys Troyak

Denys Troyak

Satoshi Island Head of Operations
avatar for Prof Leon Tshilolo

Prof Leon Tshilolo

Institut de Recherche Biomédicale/CEFA-MONKOLE
avatar for Mari Sundli Tveit

Mari Sundli Tveit

Research Council of Norway (RCN)

Radhika Unnikrishnan

Weddington High School

Dr. Boniface Ushie

The African Academy of Sciences
avatar for Pouya Vahmani

Pouya Vahmani

Urban Environmental Scientist Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Pedro Valdes-Sosa

Cuban Neuroscience Center

Eesha Vanamala

Morris Knolls High School
avatar for Anthony Vanky

Anthony Vanky

Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation
avatar for Leonardus Vergutz

Leonardus Vergutz

OCP Group
Chief Innovation Officer
avatar for Lara Vojnov

Lara Vojnov

The Lancet
Lancet Commission Co-Chairs
avatar for George Vradenburg

George Vradenburg

Davos Alzheimer’s Collaborative, UsAgainstAlzheimer’s
avatar for Cory Warfield

Cory Warfield

AI and Tech for Good Influencer
AI Influencer & Founder
avatar for Misaki Wayengera

Misaki Wayengera

Uganda MoH
Scientific Advisory Committee on Epidemics
avatar for Michael John Webster

Michael John Webster

2030 Water Resources Group
Program Manager
avatar for Maria Weir

Maria Weir

Areopa Group
VP Applied Research and Product Development
avatar for Breon Wells

Breon Wells

The Daniel Initiative

Dr. Markus Rene Wenk

Dean, College of Health and Life Sciences, Hamad Bin Khalifa University
avatar for Karina Whalley

Karina Whalley

AXA Climate
Head of Public Sector Solutions
avatar for LaTanya White

LaTanya White

Dynastic Wealth™ Family Retreat
Dynastic Wealth™ Expert
avatar for Dr Aletha De Witt

Dr Aletha De Witt

Department of Science and Innovation (DSI), South Africa
Director: Radio Astronomy Projects
avatar for Abigiya Wondimagegnehu

Abigiya Wondimagegnehu

Addis Ababa University, School of Public Health
avatar for Teresa Woodruff

Teresa Woodruff

Michigan State University
avatar for Holly Wright

Holly Wright

CA18128: Saving European Archaeology from the Digital Dark Age
European Projects Manager

Ting Xu

Child Mind Institute
avatar for Heather Young

Heather Young

OIST - Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology
Vice President, Communications and Public Relation
avatar for Anna Yusim

Anna Yusim

Yale Medical School
avatar for Batjargal Zamba

Batjargal Zamba

Information and Research Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology and Environment (IRIMHE), Mongolia
Chief Science Advisor
avatar for Kurt Zatloukal

Kurt Zatloukal

Medical University Graz
Diagnostic and Research Center for Molecular Biomedicine, former...

Sydney Zhang

Westview High School
avatar for Convenor Bulat Ziganshin

Convenor Bulat Ziganshin

Nuvance Health Global Health
avatar for Sameer Zuberi

Sameer Zuberi

European Paediatric Neurology Society (EPNS)
avatar for Gabriela Zuquim

Gabriela Zuquim

CSC - IT Center for Science
Scientific Coordinator
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