SCIENCE SUMMIT 2024: 17 - 27 September, New York

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Artificial Intelligence clear filter
Thursday, September 19

9:00am EDT

Artificial Intelligence (AI) with Purpose Summit
Thursday September 19, 2024 9:00am - 4:30pm EDT

The Artificial Intelligence (AI) with Purpose Summit

Date: September 19, 2024
Venue: CURE, 345 Park Avenue South, New York City – Rooftop Terrace

The Artificial Intelligence (AI) with Purpose Summit will be a full-day event at 345 Park Avenue South, New York City, New York. The event is hosted by the Global Enabling Sustainability Initiative (GeSI) and multiple UN agencies, including the UN’s Advisory Body on AI.

The AI with Purpose Summit will focus on the global imperative of establishing an inclusive, equitable, and sustainable governance framework for artificial intelligence. Senior decision-makers and leaders from the public, private, and social sectors will gather to accelerate and act on AI’s impact and requirements for global governance, policy collaboration, digital infrastructure modernization, climate action, and education and skills training.

0830 – 0900  Registration
0900 – 0930  Welcome Remarks 
Luis Neves, Chief Executive Officer, GeSI.org
Declan Kirrane, Chair of the UN Science Summit
Dame Wendy Hall, Regius Professor of Computer Science at the University of Southampton

0930 – 1030  Our Vision for an AI with Purpose
This session will establish our vision for global governance, our current governance gap, and the common ground we share as we work towards an aspirational blueprint for an AI-driven future that is inclusive, equitable, and sustainable. The panel will answer the question of why we need global governance of AI and explore perspectives spanning the public and private sectors, the global north and south, and science and policy.
Dame Wendy Hall (Moderator), Regius Professor of Computer Science at the University of Southampton
Mary de Wysocki – Chief Sustainability Officer, Cisco
Haksoo Ko - Chairman of the Republic of Korea’s Personal Information Protection Commission (PIPC)
Daisy McGregor - Deputy Director, International AI Strategy at the UK
Department for Science, Innovation and Technology
Gary Marcus – Founder and Executive Chairman of Robust.AI, Author and Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Neural Science at NYU

1030 – 1100  International Collaboration – Opportunities and Challenges
The ITU and Verizon have a long and positive history together, confronting opportunities and challenges from the emergence of telephony to the information age. As an AI-driven future emerges as a dominant force, some dynamics of international collaboration will remain the same while others will be new. This fireside chat will explore international collaboration for an AI-driven future.
Doreen Bogdan-Martin, Secretary-General, International Telecommunications Union (ITU)
Jim Gowen, SVP Procurement & Supply Chain and Chief Sustainability Officer, Verizon and GeSI Board Chairman

1100 – 1130  Tea and Coffee Break
1130 – 1215  Capacity Building: Research, Education and Skills Development
Widening digital divides could limit AI's benefits to a handful of states, companies, and individuals. These are challenges of research, educational capacity, skill development, and trust in systems.
Nizar Kammourie (Moderator) – President, Sawaco
Magdalena Skipper – Editor-in-Chief, Nature and Chief Editorial Advisor for Nature Research
Chris White - President, NEC Labs Americas
Noshir Contractor - Jane S. & William J. White Professor of Behavioral Sciences at Northwestern University
Latifa Al-Abdulkarim - Member of the Shura Council (Saudi Parliament), Assistant Professor of Computer Science at King Saud University
1215 – 1300  Capacity Building: Digital Infrastructure Modernization
Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, declared in a Washington Post OpEd that “infrastructure is destiny when it comes to AI.” This panel will explore infrastructure innovation necessary to unlock broad participation in AI and how infrastructure modernization is critical for global sustainability and climate action.
Kevin Thompson (Moderator) – Chief Operating Officer, GeSI.org
Jonathan Spalter – President and CEO, US Telecom
Faith Taylor – Chief Sustainability Officer, Kyndryl
Lukas Lhotsky – President, FX Innovation
Elena Morettini – Global Head of Sustainable Business, Globant
Nazneen Rajani - Founder and CEO of Collinear AI

1300 - 1430   Lunch Break

1430 –1530  Building Trust in Data: Collaborative Approaches for AI Innovation and Economic Growth
Ensuring that data sources, both public and private, meet transparency accountability and scientific criteria is essential for fostering economic growth through AI innovation. Recognizing that effective data governance is a work in progress, this panel will advocate for joint public-private collaboration and research to establish best practices and frameworks that guide responsible data collection, validation, and appropriate use. By actively involving local stakeholders in the decision-making processes surrounding data governance and management, such engagement can enhance the trustworthiness of AI by building confidence in the data sources for AI training. Join us in exploring how these partnerships can pave the way for a more reliable data landscape that drives sustainable economic advancement.
Mei Lin Fung (Moderator) - Cofounder People Centered Internet with Vint Cerf
Ran Balicer - Chief Innovation Officer & Deputy DG at Claitt Health Services
Yannis Ioannidis - President, ACM
Niraj Bhargava - Founder and CEO, NuEnergy.ai
LeKiesha French - CEO, Future in Colour, Special Advisor on AI
Tshilidzi Marwala - Rector of the United Nations University, UN Under-Secretary General, and Artificial Intelligence Engineer
1530 – 1630  AI’s Role in Delivering on the UN’s Summit of the Future and Post-SDG Agenda
The UN Summit of the Future holds significant importance as it shifts the focus from a primarily UN-led approach to a more nationally driven initiative. Unlike the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which were predominantly steered by UN bodies, the Summit of the Future represents a pivotal shift towards greater involvement and ownership at the national level. This transition is crucial because it acknowledges that global challenges, such as climate change, technological advancements, and socioeconomic disparities, require tailored solutions that resonate with individual countries' priorities and capabilities.
By embracing a stronger national and community approach, this panel will explore how we facilitate deeper engagement and commitment from member states and key stakeholders, fostering a more inclusive and participatory approach to addressing complex global issues.
Eudy Mabuza (Moderator) – Senior Science and Innovation Representative, Brussels, Department of Science and Innovation, South Africa
Alessandro Gropelli – Director Designate, Connect Europe
Virginia Dignum – Professor of Responsible Artificial Intelligence at Umea
Ambassador Phil
Thursday September 19, 2024 9:00am - 4:30pm EDT
Science Summit venue (2nd floor)
Monday, September 23

3:00pm EDT

How Science and AI Will Enable Black Economic Development Globally
Monday September 23, 2024 3:00pm - 5:00pm EDT

The Global Black Economy represents a significant, often under-recognized, economic force. As we enter an era where technological advancements and scientific innovations are rapidly transforming industries worldwide, it is crucial to explore how these tools can empower Black communities globally, creating sustainable economic growth and bridging longstanding disparities. Advances in science and AI can potentially drive economic growth and development in Black communities worldwide [World Economic Forum]. These technologies can help address historical inequities by providing more equitable access to education, healthcare, and financial services in underserved areas. Machine learning algorithms, for instance, can be used to identify and mitigate biases in lending, hiring, and other economic systems that have disadvantaged Black individuals and businesses [Brookings Institution, 2019].

Scientific research and AI innovations from Africa and the African diaspora can create new industries and job opportunities [African Development Bank, 2019]. This growth potential is further enhanced by increased STEM education and AI skills training for Black youth, preparing them for high-growth technology careers [National Science Foundation, 2021]. In the agricultural sector, AI-powered precision agriculture techniques could boost productivity and incomes for Black farmers globally [Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2020].

Technology is also transforming the financial landscape. Blockchain and fintech innovations may improve financial inclusion and access to capital for Black entrepreneurs [World Bank, 2020]. However, these advancements must be implemented ethically. Ethical AI development considering diverse perspectives can help ensure these technologies benefit rather than harm Black communities [AI Ethics Lab, 2021].

To accelerate Black economic development, public-private partnerships focused on science and AI innovation in Africa and other regions could play a significant role [OECD, 2019]. Additionally, more diverse representation in AI development is needed to build inclusive systems that work for all [AI Now Institute]. By addressing these aspects, science and AI can become powerful tools for enabling Black economic development on a global scale.

As part of the Science Summit in partnership with Future in Colour, a groundbreaking plenary session titled "How Science and AI Will Enable Black Economic Development Globally" is scheduled for September 23, 2024, from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM at CURE, 345 Park Ave South, New York. This event coincides with the launch of the innovative GDPx Report, which focuses on the GDP valuation of the Global Black Economy.

This session aims to delve deeply into the intersection of science, AI, and economic development within Black communities across the globe. We will explore actionable strategies to leverage scientific advancements and AI technologies to drive inclusive growth, innovation, and equitable prosperity in the Global Black Economy by bringing together thought leaders, policymakers, entrepreneurs, and technologists. The GDPx Report, developed in collaboration with Future in Colour, aims to evaluate this crucial economic segment comprehensively. This plenary session will delve into how advancements in science and artificial intelligence can catalyse and accelerate Black economic development on a global scale.

The session aims to examine the current state of the Global Black Economy and its growth potential, explore the role of scientific innovation in driving economic development within Black communities worldwide, and discuss how AI technologies can be leveraged to address unique challenges and opportunities in this sector. Additionally, it will identify key areas where science and AI can significantly impact Black economic empowerment and foster dialogue between policymakers, scientists, AI experts, and leaders in the Black business community.

The two-hour session will begin with an introduction and overview, including welcome remarks and a presentation of key findings from the GDPx Report. This will be followed by a panel discussion featuring scientists, innovators, and economic experts, focusing on biotechnology, renewable energy, advanced materials, and their potential impact on Black-owned businesses and communities. A keynote address by a leading AI researcher or industry expert will highlight AI as a catalyst for Black economic growth, focusing on AI applications in finance, education, healthcare, and entrepreneurship.

Expected outcomes from this session include increased awareness of the potential of science and AI in driving Black economic development, identification of key areas for investment and policy focus, formation of new partnerships between scientific institutions, AI companies, and Black-owned businesses, development of a roadmap for integrating cutting-edge scientific and AI innovations into the Global Black Economy, and a commitment from participants to support initiatives that leverage science and AI for Black economic empowerment.

This plenary session's target audience includes policymakers, government officials, scientists and researchers in relevant fields, AI experts and technology innovators, Black business leaders and entrepreneurs, economic development specialists, investors and venture capitalists, and representatives from international organizations and NGOs. This diverse group of participants will contribute to a rich and multifaceted discussion on the intersection of science, AI, and the Global Black Economy.

This plenary session aims to catalyze meaningful dialogue and action, positioning science and AI as key drivers in the growth and development of the Global Black Economy. By bringing together experts from various fields and fostering collaborative discussions, the event seeks to chart a path forward for leveraging cutting-edge technologies and scientific advancements to empower Black communities and businesses globally.


15h00 Opening
Introduction to the GDPx Report and its significance.
Keynote Address: “AI, science, accelerated black wealth creation.”

15h30 Panel Discussion: What provides for generational wealth building for the global black diaspora?
Dr. Brown Robertson
Michale Blake
Breon Wells
Samantha Abrams
Breon Wells
Dr. Isak Nti Asare, Indiana University

17h00 Q&A 

17h30 Conclusion 
avatar for Le'Kiesha French Merritt

Le'Kiesha French Merritt

President and CEO, Future in Color Institute
Le'Kiesha French Merritt is a visionary in Global economic development, tech, entrepreneurship & innovation ecosystem building with over two decades of transformative impact. She founded two global multi-million-dollar social enterprises and has helped shape technology ecosystems... Read More →
avatar for Nicole Turner Lee

Nicole Turner Lee

Senior Fellow, Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution
Dr. Nicol Turner-Lee is a fellow at the Brookings Institution, a global think tank located in Washington, DC. She works in the Center for Technology Innovation where she researches public policy designed to enable equitable access to technology across the U.S. and to harness its power... Read More →
avatar for Breon Wells

Breon Wells

The Daniel Initiative
Breon Wells advises non-profits, corporations, activists, and celebrities on social impact, public policy, and brand management. As President of The Daniel Initiative, he champions underrepresented groups in U.S. and global policy spaces. A former Congressional Aide in the U.S. House... Read More →
avatar for Samantha Abrams

Samantha Abrams

Ms. Abrams is a transformational leader with more than 20 years of serving in private and nonprofit sector roles with global reach and impact. She’s a skilled relationship architect across sectors that fuels optimal business outcomes. Ms. Abrams is comfortable engaging with domestic... Read More →
avatar for Rizwana Mia

Rizwana Mia

Senior Program Manager -Precision Medicine, South African Medical Research Council
Rizwana Mia is a leader in health innovation with 16 years of experience, combining scientific expertise and strategic thinking with her educational background in Genetics & Business Administration. She directs and develops programmatic research and innovation in Precision Medicine... Read More →
avatar for Thandi Mgwebi

Thandi Mgwebi

National Research Foundation (NRF) South Africa
Thandi Mgwebi is a seasoned leader in the academic and research landscape of South Africa. Currently serving as the Group Executive at the National Research Foundation (NRF), she holds responsibility for Global Partnerships and Business Development. Thandi’s career path has been... Read More →
Monday September 23, 2024 3:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
Science Summit venue (Rooftop)
Tuesday, September 24

11:00am EDT

[Virtual] Love is Intelligence and Intelligence is Love Compassion in the age of AI
Tuesday September 24, 2024 11:00am - 1:00pm EDT
Current AI models (LLMs, LAMs, LWMs) like Google, Meta, Xai, Open AI/MS, Perplexity, Anthropic do not focus on love-based interactions between users and AI systems. They do not protect users from AI-related harm or protect AI systems from causing harm to people or to the companies who operate them.

Beyond applying AI policies and regulations we believe developing “Love prompt guards” will help AI spread Love and inspire people to intentionally choose Love based languages.
The panel will go through the steps of how to optimize LLM selection, suggest Love-based prompts and content filtering, explain how to craft loving prompts and promote ethical user-AI interactions by teaching users how to interact with AI more lovingly.

Panelists are: 
Jen Loving - CEO of Loving Is, an AI Love language model.
Cory Warfield - AI and Tech for Good Influencer
Dr Ravit Dotan - Ethics and AI expert, Better Tech
Syed Hussain - CEO and founder SHIZA, Individualized Language Model
Mark Sadovnick - 5th Element group, Nonflict expert
avatar for Ravit Dotan

Ravit Dotan

CEO, Ethics and AI expert, Better Tech
avatar for Cory Warfield

Cory Warfield

AI Influencer & Founder, AI and Tech for Good Influencer
avatar for Mark Sadovnick

Mark Sadovnick

5th Element group, Nonflict expert
avatar for Jen Loving

Jen Loving

CEO of Loving Is, an AI Love language model
avatar for Syed Hussain

Syed Hussain

CEO and founder SHIZA, Individualized Language Model
avatar for Alex Cahana

Alex Cahana

Founding Partner, ImpactRooms
Dr. Alex Cahana specializes in Web 3.0 transformation, in emerging markets and developing economies (EMDE). He is a founding partner at ImpactRooms, a Blockchain and Healthcare Expert for the UN/CEFACT, a Board member at AdanianLabs Africa and ACHA (Americas Continental Health Alliance... Read More →
Tuesday September 24, 2024 11:00am - 1:00pm EDT

3:00pm EDT

[ONLY VIRTUAL] Decentralized, Resilient and Regenerative Islands Socio-economic infrastructure for the AI age
Tuesday September 24, 2024 3:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
Industrial Age socioeconomic structures no longer suffice for our interdependent AI world. On Satoshi Island, Vanuatu, we are building a resilient, decentralized, regenerative commons that provides its dwellers mental, physical, planet and financial health.
Our goal is to transition from extraction to regeneration, from competition to coopetition, from isolation to collective thriving and from consumption to health and wealth production.
This panel will go through the steps of how to achieve this anywhere.

Panelists are the pioneers of Satoshi Island: 
● Denys Troyak - Decentralized Physical Infrastructure
● Brian Esposito - Decentralized economics
● Pamela Norton - Regenerative finances
● Richard Strietz - Human driven design
● Christopher Griffin - Regenerative energy
avatar for Richard Streitz

Richard Streitz

COO, COO Ruh Global Impact
avatar for Pamela Norton

Pamela Norton

CEO TitleChain
Pamela Norton specializes in the evolution of the digital landscape and a new business structure she has developed called the tokenomic enterprise. She is the visionary behind the US patent Decentralized Title Transfer and Validation of Assets, which laid the foundation for the Global... Read More →
avatar for Denys Troyak

Denys Troyak

Satoshi Island Head of Operations
avatar for Brian J. Esposito

Brian J. Esposito

CEO Diamond Lake Minerals
avatar for Christopher Griffin

Christopher Griffin

CEO Hover Energy
avatar for Alex Cahana

Alex Cahana

Founding Partner, ImpactRooms
Dr. Alex Cahana specializes in Web 3.0 transformation, in emerging markets and developing economies (EMDE). He is a founding partner at ImpactRooms, a Blockchain and Healthcare Expert for the UN/CEFACT, a Board member at AdanianLabs Africa and ACHA (Americas Continental Health Alliance... Read More →
Tuesday September 24, 2024 3:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
Wednesday, September 25

4:30pm EDT

UN AI Report: Governing AI for Humanity: the implication for Health Research
Wednesday September 25, 2024 4:30pm - 6:00pm EDT
UN Report: Governing AI for Humanity: Implications for Health Research

As artificial intelligence (AI) rapidly transforms industries worldwide, its potential to revolutionize health research is becoming increasingly apparent. The United Nations report, Governing AI for Humanity, explores the ethical, legal, and social implications of AI development and deployment, particularly in health research. This report examines how AI can accelerate scientific discovery, improve diagnostics, optimize treatments, and enhance public health surveillance. However, it also underscores the need for robust governance frameworks to mitigate risks, including data privacy concerns, algorithmic biases, and unequal access to AI-driven technologies.

The report emphasizes the importance of global cooperation in establishing ethical guidelines, regulatory standards, and equitable access to AI innovations. It calls for policies that ensure AI technologies are developed transparently, prioritize patient safety, and promote inclusivity. With AI poised to shape the future of health research, the report advocates for a balanced approach that maximizes AI's benefits while safeguarding against its potential harms. By addressing these critical governance challenges, the international community can ensure that AI serves the broader goal of advancing human health and well-being.
avatar for Tim Barker

Tim Barker

With over 30 years of experience in the B2B software industry, Tim has helped build and scale SaaS industry leaders. In his journey from Software Engineer to CEO, Tim founded Koral, a pioneer in online collaboration (acquired by Salesforce), led EMEA Marketing at Salesforce to scale... Read More →
avatar for Kurt Zatloukal

Kurt Zatloukal

Diagnostic and Research Center for Molecular Biomedicine, former Director of BBMRI.at, Medical University Graz
Prof. Kurt Zatloukal is full Professor of Pathology and Head of the Diagnostic and Research Center for Molecular BioMedicine at the Medical University of Graz, Austria. His research focuses on digital pathology and biobanking, the development of molecular diagnostics as well as the... Read More →
avatar for Mei Lin

Mei Lin

CEO, People Centered Internet
avatar for Ntobeko Ntusi

Ntobeko Ntusi

President and CEO SAMRC, South African Medical Research Council
Professor Ntobeko Ntusi is the President and CEO of the South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC) effective 1 July 2024. He joins the SAMRC from the University of Cape Town and Groote Schuur Hospital where he was the Chair and Head of the Department of Medicine. He is a distinguished... Read More →
avatar for Declan Kirrane

Declan Kirrane

Founder and Managing Director of ISC Intelligence in Science, ISC Intelligence in Science
Declan Kirrane, Founder and Managing Director of ISC Intelligence in Science.Has a background in analysing the relationship between public and private R&D funding and the impact on R&D performance he has worked extensively on science and technology policy evaluation methodologies... Read More →
avatar for Rita Lawlor

Rita Lawlor

Vice Director, ARC-Net, University of Verona, Italy
Rita Lawlor is a Computer Science graduate of Trinity College Dublin with a doctorate in Oncological Pathology from the University of Verona where she is co-founder of the ARC-Net (www.arc-net.it) applied cancer research centre where is director of the ARC-Net biobank and coordinates... Read More →
Wednesday September 25, 2024 4:30pm - 6:00pm EDT
CURE 345 Park Ave South Room CR023
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