SCIENCE SUMMIT 2024: 17 - 27 September, New York

  • This Programme exclusively outlines the Science Summit events in New York from September 17th to 27th.
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Thursday, September 19

8:30am EDT

Neuroscience and Society: A Life Course Approach to Brain Health - Day 1
Thursday September 19, 2024 8:30am - 5:15pm EDT
The full agenda can be found here.
Registration for in-person attendance is mandatory here. Please note that if you do not complete registration through this link, you will not be included on the attendee list on the day.

The European Brain Council (EBC), Brain Capital AllianceDavos Alzheimer’s CollaborativeMeadows Mental Health Policy Institute and UNICEF, in collaboration with partner organizations, are pleased to welcome you to our two-day, high-level side event within the Science Summit at the 79th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA79).
In line with the Science Summit’s core focus of examining policy, regulatory and financial environments needed to  implement and sustain the science mechanisms required to support global scientific collaborations and demonstrate the role and contribution of science in attaining the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, this event demonstrates the growing momentum for brain health at the global level, highlighting existing partnerships as well as the immense potential and benefits of extending global collaboration in the brain space – for science, policymaking, and society as a whole.
Brain disorders – encompassing neurological diseases and disorders and mental illnesses – are widespread, disabling, and difficult to treat. In fact, it is estimated that more than three billion people worldwide live with a neurological condition and 970 million people around the world were living with a mental health disorder as of 2019. These conditions represent a high individual, social and economic burden and contribute immensely to the global burden of disease – in fact, as of 2024, neurological conditions alone are now the leading cause of ill health and disability worldwide.
With this growing burden in mind, we need to not only find ways to address the ongoing issues but to work towards a society fully recognizing the potential of supporting citizens’ brain health. At its best, optimal brain health allows people to thrive: to live in health and in happiness, to power our labor markets and economies, and to build for future generations. Instead of divesting in a cost, policymakers and society at large should view the prioritization and support of brain health, research, and innovation as an investment into prevention, wellness, and optimization, creating a better future for every citizen of the world.
To work towards explicit and tangible next steps in solidifying global efforts in brain health, today’s event showcases the importance and urgency of prioritizing brain health across all policies, not only at the national level but at the regional and global levels as well, building on the Call to Action launched during last year’s event. Addressing the immense global burden of brain disorders means investing in research and innovation in the brain health space to power our understanding of the brain, stay ahead in the quest to find treatment and cures and work to prevent any further increase in the prevalence of these conditions. Furthermore, at the socio-economic level, policies and investments to boost brain power can increase productivity, stimulate greater creativity and economic dynamism, afford social cohesion, and create a more resilient, adaptable, and sustainability-engaged populace.
This year’s event and UNGA is incredibly timely, as dozens of countries worldwide host major elections, and we are witnessing times of major political, economic, and overall societal shifts and instability. Furthermore, at the global level, the United Nations enters a period of preparation for the future, with the Summit of the Future kicking off during UNGA79 to plan for the post-2030 agenda and a High-Level Conference on NCDs planned in 2025. Key stakeholders from across the wider brain community – patients, scientists, clinicians, policymakers, industry leaders, economists and other relevant actors – are in the room (and online) today from all over the world to share their work and learn from colleagues. Now is the time to work together towards further action to place brain health at the top of global policy agendas in the post-Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) era.

avatar for Devora Kestel

Devora Kestel

World Health Organization

Rajinder Dhamija

National Task Force on Brain Health, Government of India

Mika Pyykkö

Finnish Brain Association

Kristina Adorjan

Swiss Brain Health Plan

Zul Merali

Brain and Mind Institute, Aga Khan University

Brian Jebb

A&O Shearman

James Mitchell Garvie

Southern Company

Kent Jancarik

EMD Serono
avatar for Debbie Beck

Debbie Beck

avatar for George Vradenburg

George Vradenburg

Davos Alzheimer’s Collaborative, UsAgainstAlzheimer’s
avatar for Frédéric Destrebecq

Frédéric Destrebecq

Executive Director, European Brain Council
Frédéric Destrebecq is the Executive Director of the European Brain Council since October 2014. In this capacity, he is responsible for providing strategic direction and leadership while managing the day to day operations of EBC and its ongoing relationships with its member associations... Read More →
avatar for Harris Eyre

Harris Eyre

Lead, Brain Capital Alliance
Harris Eyre MD PhD is a brain capital builder who believes that investing in building brain capital is fundamental to meet modern societal challenges and drive innovation. He leads the development of the brain capital field and seeks to place it at the center of economics, policy... Read More →
avatar for Suzanne Dickson

Suzanne Dickson

European Brain Council
Professor Suzanne L Dickson is President of the European Brain Council and a neurobiologist and Professor of Neuroendocrinology at the University of Gothenburg. She graduated with a Ph.D. in Neuroendocrinology from the University of Cambridge in 1993, where she later became... Read More →
avatar for Andy Keller

Andy Keller

Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute

Josefina Cruzat

BrainLat, Universidad Adolfo Ibañez
avatar for Sameer Zuberi

Sameer Zuberi

European Paediatric Neurology Society (EPNS)
avatar for Stephanie Kramer

Stephanie Kramer

Head of Communications, Advocacy and Policy, European Brain Council
Stephanie Kramer is Head of Communications, Advocacy & Policy at the European Brain Council,  a network of key players in the “Brain Area”, with a membership encompassing scientific societies, patient organisations, professional societies and industry partners.Stephanie holds... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 8:30am - 5:15pm EDT
Science Summit venue (2nd floor)

9:00am EDT

Collaborative African-German research exchange, implementation & uptake - RHISSA and other consortia updates
Thursday September 19, 2024 9:00am - 1:00pm EDT
Session A: Collaborative African-German research exchange, implementation & uptake - RHISSA and other consortia updates
9:00-9:03:       Welcome speech Dr. Ute Klarmann-Schulz (Germany)
9:03-9:10:       Experiences about Ethiopian and German research exchange programs Dr. Adamu Addissie (Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia)
9:10-9:17:       North to South research collaboration to contribute for the achievement of SDG target 3 Prof. Alexander Yaw Debrah (KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana)
9:17-9:24:       A multi-sectoral approach to promote antimicrobial stewardship in Africa Professor Damalie Nakanjak (Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda)
9:24-9:31:       Adolescent Health in Sub-Saharan Africa (DASH) Prof. David Guwatudde (Makerere University School of Public Health, Uganda)
9:31-9:38:       Sub-Saharan African Consortium for the Advancement of Innovative Research and Care in Sepsis (STAIRSDr. Shevin Jacob (STAIRS, Uganda)
9:38-9:45:       TB Sequel: Understanding the Long-Term Consequences of TB Dr. Celso Khosa (Instituto Nacional de Saude, Mozambique)
9:45-9:55: Multi-disciplinary research team approach for prevention and better treatment of Cancer (NORA)
Dr Sefonias and Ms Abigiya Wondimagnu (Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia)
9:55-10:02:     Collaborations with the DAAD centres for global health and pandemic prevention Dr. Ute Klarmann-Schulz (Institute for Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Parasitology (IMMIP), German Center for Infection Research (DZIF), Bonn-Cologne Site)

10:02-10:30:   Panel discussion on the way forward for strengthening research exchange programs
Mr Kora Tushine, (State Minister, Ministry of Education of Ethiopia)
Dr Adelard Kakunze (NCD and Mental Health Technical Officer, Africa CDC)
Prof Tom Kariuki, CEO, Science for Africa (SFA)
Dr Evelyn Gitau, (Chief Scientific Officer, CEO, Science for Africa Foundation (SFA))
Prof. Eva J. Kantelhardt (Institut für Medizinische Epidemiologie, Biometrie und Informatik; Klinik und Poliklinik für Gynäkologie)
Dr Magdalena Skipper (Editor in Chief Springer Nature, UK)
10:30-10:40:   Q and A Dr. Adamu Addissie (Ethiopia)
10:40-10:45:   Summary for the session Dr. Ute Klarmann-Schulz (Germany)

Session B
11:15-11:18:   Introduction of the session Dr. Linda B. Debrah
Early- to mid-career researchers, mentors from the African+German side, elevator-pitches style 7 (mins presentations)
11:18-12:18:   Women´s leadership: Next generation of researchers Prof. Blandina Mmbaga (NORA) (Kilimanjaro (Clinical Research Institute (KCRI)-Tanzania)
Resource-limited setting: challenges in conducting clinical research Dr Linda BatsaDebrah (TAKeOFF) (Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi Ghana/KCCR)
Management: Transgenerational approach to research management
Prof. Adamu Addissie (NORA) (Addis Ababa University, School of Public Health, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)
Career development planning for early mid-career scientists
Prof Damalie Nakanjako (ADAPT) )Makerere University College of Health Sciences, School of Medicine, Department of Medicine Kampala, Uganda)
Mid-career researchers in Germany Dr Ute Klarmann-Schulz (TAKeOFF) (Institute of Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Parasitology, University Clinic Bonn, Germany)
Linking capacity-building and policy-making in Sub-Saharan Africa Prof. Dr. Angela Chukwu (DASH) (University of Ibadan Research Foundation, Nigeria)
Mentor-mentee relationship: What are key elements? Dr. Alex Mremi (NORA) (Kilimanjaro Clinical Research Institute (KCRI)-Tanzania)
Q&A Dr. Linda Batsa Debrah

Elevator pitches from PhDs ´4 minutes each from PhDs/ postdoc 
12:18-12:30:   Strategies to Combat Brain Drain: Insights from AAU-MLU/NORA Capacity Building Model and Collaboration Dr. Muluken Gizaw (NORA) (School of Public Health, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia)
Equity and inclusivity: How can research applications reach young- & mid-term career researchers? Africa and Germany Dr. Selamawit Hipa (School of Public Health, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia)
Juggling work life and career as an off-site PhD scholar in Uganda through SRAIRS 
Priscilla Haguma (STAIRS) (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine)
12:30 -12:40: Discussion with the audience: How can we improve young and mid-career research opportunities and support Prof. Blandina Mmbaga

5 Elevator pitches 3´ minutes each from PhDs:
12:40-12:50:   Bridging Public Health Gaps in TB Treatment: Measuring Adherence to treatment and exploring the effects of non-adherence to treatment on long-term lung health outcomes
Fadzai Munedzimwe (TB Sequel) (The Aurum Institute/University of Witwatersrand, South Africa)
Navigating the Path: Insights and Strategies for Early-Career Researchers in Clinical Research
Dr Vera Serwaa Opoku (Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi Ghana/KCCR)
Social sciences/ethics TB Sequel: Estimating the prevalence of catastrophic costs before and during treatment of adults with tuberculosis in Mozambique 
Dr. Pedroso Nhassengo MD. PhDc (Instituto Nacional de Saude, Mozambique)
12:50- 12:58: Discussion with the audience: How can we improve young and mid-career research opportunities and support
Dr. Linda Batsa Debrah
12:58-13:00:   Closing remarks 
Prof. Blandina Mmbaga
avatar for Damalie Nakanjako

Damalie Nakanjako

Principal of the College of Health Sciences – Director of the network ADAPT, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda
Damalie Nakanjako is a professor of medicine and the principal of the College of Health Sciences at Makerere University (Uganda), as well as the previous dean of the School of Medicine. She has over 22 years’ experience in HIV/AIDS care on different platforms. These include community... Read More →
avatar for Shevin Jacob

Shevin Jacob

Chief Scientific Officer, STAIRS; Reader, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine; Director/co-Founder, Walimu, Director, STAIRS Network, Uganda
Dr Shevin Jacob is an infectious diseases consultant and Reader in Sepsis Research at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. For almost 20 years, he has been based in Uganda where his research has focused on understanding the epidemiology, pathogenesis and clinical management... Read More →
avatar for Eva J. Kantelhardt

Eva J. Kantelhardt

Medizinische Fakultät der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Prof. Eva Johanna Kantelhardt, MDWorking as a clinician in the Dpt. of Gynaecology at Martin-Luther-University, Halle, Germany, I am also a Professor in "Global Oncology". I am leading the “Global and Planetary Health Working Group”. My interests include the continuum of cancer... Read More →
avatar for Adamu Addissie

Adamu Addissie

Addis Ababa University, School of Public Health
avatar for Ute Klarmann-Schulz

Ute Klarmann-Schulz

Institute for Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Parasitology, University Hospital Bonn and University Hospital Bonn, Germany
Dr. Ute Klarmann-Schulz is a group leader at the Institute for Medical Microbiology, Immunology andParasitology (IMMIP), University Hospital Bonn, Germany. She has been working at IMMIP since2007, first as a postdoc and since 2016 as a group leader. Her group is mainly involved in... Read More →
avatar for Celso Khosa

Celso Khosa

Instituto Nacional de Saude, Mozambique
Dr. Khosa is a medical doctor and researcher at the Centro de Investigação e Treino em Saúde da Polana Caniço (CISPOC) of the Instituto Nacional de Saúde (INS) in Maputo, Mozambique, where he has led the Tuberculosis research program since 2012. His work focuses on observational... Read More →
avatar for Sefonias Getachew

Sefonias Getachew

Addis Ababa University, School of Public Health
avatar for Abigiya Wondimagegnehu

Abigiya Wondimagegnehu

Addis Ababa University, School of Public Health
avatar for Alexander Yaw Debrah

Alexander Yaw Debrah

Faculty of Allied Health Sciences Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana
avatar for Rita Akosua Dickson

Rita Akosua Dickson

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana
Prof. Rita Akosua Dickson is a Ghanaian biochemist and the first female Vice-Chancellor of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. Kumasi Ghana. Her work as a phytochemist covers the areas of bioactive natural products in the management of communicable and non-communicable diseases. Her research area centers on the maximum utilization of indigenous natural resources to contribute positively to the healthcare need... Read More →
avatar for Blandina Theophil Mmbaga

Blandina Theophil Mmbaga

Kilimanjaro Clinical Research Institute (KCRI) in Moshi, Northern Tanzania
Professor Blandina Theophil Mmbaga is the Director of Kilimanjaro Clinical Research Institute (KCRI) in Moshi, Northern Tanzania. She is also a Paediatrician at Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre (KCMC), Adjunct Associate Professor Duke Global Health Institute, and Adjunct Professor... Read More →
avatar for Linda Batsa Debrah

Linda Batsa Debrah

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana
Dr. (Mrs.) Linda Batsa Debrah is a Senior Lecturer in Medical Parasitology in the Department of Clinical Microbiology at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana. She is a Senior Research Fellow and currently the Principal Investigator on the TAKeOFF project... Read More →
avatar for Angela Chukwu

Angela Chukwu

University of Ibadan Research Foundation, Nigeria
Professor Angela Chukwu’s research focuses on the development and integration of innovative statistical approaches to understand and enhance the applications in Public Health, clinical research, and the life sciences. Prof. Chukwu is highly involved in research and project collaborations... Read More →
avatar for Alex Mremi

Alex Mremi

Alex Mremi is an anatomic pathologist affiliated with Kilimanjaro Clinical Research Institute (KCRI), Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre (KCMC), and Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College (KCMUCo), both in Moshi, Tanzania. He obtained his undergraduate and postgraduate... Read More →
avatar for Muluken Gizaw

Muluken Gizaw

Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia
Dr. Muluken Gizaw is an epidemiologist, and lead researcher on cervical cancer prevention and control within the Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) working group at the School of Public Health, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia. Dr. Muluken is a member of the national cervical cancer... Read More →
avatar for Priscilla Haguma (STAIRS)

Priscilla Haguma (STAIRS)

Makerere University and a MSc in Epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Dr. Priscilla Haguma is a physician from Uganda with an interest in the epidemiology, early recognition, and clinical management of sepsis. She completed her MbChB and MMed degrees at Makerere University and a MSc in Epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine... Read More →
avatar for Fadzai Munedzimwe

Fadzai Munedzimwe

The Aurum Institute, South Africa
Fadzai Munedzimwe is a Research Manager at the Aurum Institute, overseeing public health research projects. She holds a Bachelor of Pharmacy degree from Rhodes University and a Master of Public Health degree from the University of Cape Town. Currently, she is pursuing a PhD in Public... Read More →
avatar for Vera Serwaa Opoku

Vera Serwaa Opoku

Postdoctoral Scientist, Kumasi Centre for Collaborative Research in Tropical Medicine, Kumasi-Ghana
Dr. Vera Serwaa Opoku is a Postdoctoral Research Scientist at the Kumai Centre for Collaborative Research in Tropical Medicine (KCCR-KNUST), Kumasi-Ghana specializing in infectious diseases, with a particular focus on the genetics and molecular biology of neglected tropical diseases... Read More →
avatar for Pedroso Nhassengo MD. PhDc

Pedroso Nhassengo MD. PhDc

Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden
Dr. Nhassengo is a medical doctor and PhD candidate in Medical Sciences at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden. His experience in health systems research includes developing and conducting social research to support decision-making at policy level. In recent years, he has... Read More →
avatar for David Guwatudde

David Guwatudde

Makerere University School of Public Health, Uganda
David Guwatudde is a professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the School of Public Health, Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda; where he has been teaching for over 32 years. Over the past 10 years his research interests have been in the area of non-communicable diseases (NCDs... Read More →
avatar for Dr.  Selamawit Hirpa (Convenor)

Dr. Selamawit Hirpa (Convenor)

Addis Ababa University, School of Public Health
Thursday September 19, 2024 9:00am - 1:00pm EDT
Science Summit venue (12th floor) 345 Park Avenue South, New York, NY, USA
Friday, September 20

8:30am EDT

Neuroscience and Society: A Life Course Approach to Brain Health - Day 2
Friday September 20, 2024 8:30am - 5:30pm EDT
The full agenda can be found here.
Registration for in-person attendance is mandatory herePlease note that if you do not complete registration through this link, you will not be included on the attendee list on the day.

As part of the Global Brain Coalition, the European Brain Council (EBC), Brain Capital AllianceDavos Alzheimer’s CollaborativeMeadows Mental Health Policy Institute and UNICEF will host a two-day, high-level side event, in collaboration with partner organizations, in the framework of the Science Summit at the 79th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA79) in New York City on 19-20 September 2024 at Cure.
In line with the Science Summit’s core focus of examining policy, regulatory and financial environments needed to implement and sustain the science mechanisms required to support global scientific collaborations and demonstrate the role and contribution of science in attaining the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs, the two-day event will highlight existing partnerships and the immense potential and benefits of extending global collaboration in the brain space, for science, policymaking, and society as a whole.

Brain disorders – encompassing neurological diseases and disorders and mental illnesses – are widespread, disabling, and difficult to treat. It is estimated that up to three billion people worldwide live with a neurological condition, and 970 million people around the world were living with a mental health disorder as of 2019. These conditions represent a high individual, social and economic burden and contribute immensely to the global disease burden. In fact, as of 2024, neurological conditions alone are now the leading cause of ill health and disability worldwide.

To work towards explicit and tangible next steps in solidifying global efforts in addressing the burden and overall brain health, this two-day event will showcase the importance and urgency of prioritizing brain health across all policies at the international level and build on the Call to Action launched during last year’s event. Addressing the immense global burden of brain disorders means investing in research and innovation in the brain health space to power our understanding of the brain, stay ahead in the quest to find treatment and cures and work to prevent any further increase in the prevalence of these conditions. Furthermore, at the socio-economic level, policies and investments to boost brain power can increase productivity, stimulate greater creativity and economic dynamism, afford social cohesion, and create a more resilient, adaptable, and sustainability-engaged populace.

Key stakeholders from the wider brain community – scientific, clinical, economic, industry – and other relevant actors will meet to present their work and co-create further action to place brain health at the top of global policy agendas in the post-Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) era. This action is incredibly timely, particularly in 2024 when 64 countries worldwide have hosted or will host significant elections, and we are witnessing times of major political, economic, and overall societal shifts and instability. Furthermore, at the global level, the United Nations enters a period of preparation for the future, with the Summit of the Future kicking off during UNGA79 to plan for the post-2030 agenda and a High-Level Conference on NCDs scheduled in 2025.

The days will focus on three key areas through presentations, guided panel discussions and interactive discussions:
  • The challenge, impact and need for action;
  • Brain health and society – the brain in the life course;
  • Boosting global partnerships, capacity building and investing in neuroscience.


Judge Gloria Tan

President, Massachusetts Juvenile Court
avatar for Stephanie Kramer

Stephanie Kramer

Head of Communications, Advocacy and Policy, European Brain Council
Stephanie Kramer is Head of Communications, Advocacy & Policy at the European Brain Council,  a network of key players in the “Brain Area”, with a membership encompassing scientific societies, patient organisations, professional societies and industry partners.Stephanie holds... Read More →
avatar for Karen Rommelfanger

Karen Rommelfanger

Institute of Neuroethics

Sohini Chowdhury

The Michael J. Fox Foundation

Bita Moghaddam

Oregon Health & Science University; American College of Neuropyschopharmacology

Adriana Di Martino

Child Mind Institute

Michael Milham

Child Mind Institute

Pedro Valdes-Sosa

Cuban Neuroscience Center

Soraya Seedat

Department of Psychiatry, Stellenbosch University

Ting Xu

Child Mind Institute

Prof. Alfred K. Njamnshi

Brain Research Africa Initiative (BRAIN)

Matilde Leonardi

European Academy of Neurology
avatar for Tasia Asakawa

Tasia Asakawa

Federation of European Neuroscience Societies
avatar for Caroline Montojo

Caroline Montojo

Dana Foundation
Caroline Montojo, Ph.D., is the President and CEO of the Dana Foundation, a private philanthropic organization in New York City dedicated to advancing neuroscience and society by supporting cross-disciplinary intersections such as neuroscience and ethics, law, policy, humanities... Read More →

Giovanni Salum

Child Mind Institute

Oliver Rollins

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Diego Alejandro Borbón Rodríguez

Universidad Externado de Colombia

Eric García-López

Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas de Toledo (UCLM)

Deborah Denno

Fordham University

Virginia Mahieu

International Center for Future Generations

Darrell Porcello

Children’s Creativity Museum

Arleen Salles

Institute of Neuroethics
avatar for Paweł Świeboda

Paweł Świeboda

International Center for Future Generations; Brain Capital Alliance
Friday September 20, 2024 8:30am - 5:30pm EDT
Science Summit venue (2nd floor)

9:00am EDT

The City of Longevity: making cities champions of prevention
Friday September 20, 2024 9:00am - 11:00am EDT
In light of the transition from a rural to an urban society, as stated in 2008, the city - now more than ever - has a decisive role in triggering and guiding the determinants that influence our health. After the various and continuous crises the world has gone through, cities can do more than implement emergency actions and policies, which are often lists of recommendations that have to be made in haste but do not go deep into the thinking about the logic of implementation or are ancillary to the policies. Considering the transition to a society of longevity, cities can and must amplify the "champion of prevention" role and be the partner and facilitator of citizens on the path to their longevity.

Communities can only be improved if we address all the determinants of health and work to ensure behavioural change and provide good quality care. We have learnt that it is meaningless to treat people for a health condition merely if we do not address the causes of that condition and actively try not only to counteract them but also, above all, to prevent them. The city is the avant-garde ecosystem that implements this action. Cities of longevity are proactive instead of reactive – looking at and promoting long-term longevity – impacting early and mid-life and emphasising cross-generational exchange. The City of Longevity programme aims to enable cities to become active actors in providing longevity and nudging and delivering healthier behaviours to residents, visitors, and tourists of a city.

The programme is designed to intersect several SDGs: from Sustainable cities and communities (11), to Good health and well-being (3), Climate action (13), Reduced inequalities (10), Decent work and economic growth (8), industry innovation and infrastructure (9), Responsible Consumption and production (12) and suggest how to design and develop actions to impact multiple domains. At the core of the programme, there is the City of Longevity toolkit, which aims to educate and provide awareness to citizens and policymakers about healthy longevity and how to achieve it in cities, to create a shareable system of coding actions, to help design interventions and actions practically.
avatar for Joachim Rautter

Joachim Rautter

Geschäftsführer, Berlin Innovation Center for Ageing and Longevity (BiCAL).
Dr. Joachim Rautter is an investment professional with a broad technology background ranging from physics to molecular biology. As an investor he is active for more than 20 years financing, consulting, and coaching a variety of start-up companies in the life science industry. He is... Read More →
avatar for Yochai Shavit

Yochai Shavit

Stanford Center on Longevity’
As the Stanford Center on Longevity’s Director of Research since August 2022, Yochai leads a diverse team of researchers working to advance our understanding of human flourishing across the entire life span. Yochai is passionate about providing empirical evidence to support initiatives... Read More →
avatar for Elisabeth Steinhagen-Thiessen

Elisabeth Steinhagen-Thiessen

Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Elisabeth holds a Senior Professorship at Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, where she also plays a key role as the Deputy Director of the Friede Springer Cardiovascular Prevention Center. In addition, she leads the Lipid Metabolism Clinic at the University Hospital Rostock... Read More →
avatar for Lars Hartenstein

Lars Hartenstein

McKinsey Health Institute
Lars Hartenstein is a co-founder and co-leader of the McKinsey Health Institute (MHI), an enduring, non-profit-generating institute within McKinsey & Company. MHI’s mission is to catalyze actions needed across continents, sectors, and communities to make material advancements in... Read More →
avatar for Lynne Corner

Lynne Corner

Director, UK's National Innovation Centre for Ageing
Professor Lynne Corner is Deputy Director at the UK National Innovation Centre for Ageing (NICA) – established by UK Government to help businesses bring to market products and services needed for healthier, happier longer lives - and also the Director of VOICE. VOICE is an international... Read More →
avatar for Horacio Terraza

Horacio Terraza

Senior Environmental Specialist
Horacio has more than 30 years of professional experience in the urban-environmental field, having worked both in the private sector and in multilateral development organizations.He was until June 2024 the Lead Urban Specialist for the South Asia Region and before for the Latin... Read More →
avatar for Nic Palmarini

Nic Palmarini

Director, National Innovation Centre for Ageing (NICA)
Professor Nic Palmarini is one of the leading experts in innovation on ageing and longevity and the Director of UK's National Innovation Centre for Ageing (NICA) – a global organisation supported by an initial investment from the UK Government and Newcastle University to help co-innovate... Read More →
Friday September 20, 2024 9:00am - 11:00am EDT
Science Summit venue (12th floor) 345 Park Avenue South, New York, NY, USA

10:00am EDT

Symposium: Global Partnership in Science, Technology and Innovation for Sickle Cell Disease
Friday September 20, 2024 10:00am - 2:30pm EDT
This event takes place at NYU

This symposium, Global Partnership in Science, Technology, Innovation for Sickle Cell Disease, will be a pivotal forum that brings together leaders from the scientific, technological, and policy communities to address the global challenge of Sickle Cell Disease (SCD). As one of the key contributors to global health initiatives, Tanzania, in hosting this UNGA SCD symposium for the third time, will underscore its commitment to advancing SCD care and research on a global scale during the Science Summit at UNGA 2024.

Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) is a genetically inherited condition that affects millions of people worldwide, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. The disease poses significant health, social, and economic challenges, often resulting in severe complications and premature mortality. Despite advancements in research and treatment, SCD remains a major public health concern, exacerbated by limited access to healthcare, inadequate public health infrastructure, and insufficient policy support.

The global nature of SCD requires a multi-disciplinary approach that integrates scientific research, technological innovation, and policy development. This concept note outlines the proposed Sickle Cell Disease panel event, which will be held during the Science Summit Week at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in September 2024. The event aims to bring together key stakeholders from various sectors to discuss and develop global strategies for advancing SCD care.


 The primary objectives of the symposium are to:
Highlight Scientific and Technological Advances: This presentation will showcase the latest breakthroughs in SCD research, including new treatments, diagnostic tools, and the role of technology in enhancing patient care.
Strengthen Policy Support: Discuss the role of public health policy in promoting and supporting scientific and technological advancements in SCD care, focusing on successful case studies and practical implementation strategies.
Foster Collaboration: Create a platform for dialogue and collaboration between scientific, technological, and policy communities, aiming to develop integrated approaches to SCD management.
Promote Global Health Initiatives: Reinforce Tanzania's leadership and commitment to global health, particularly in combating SCD, through education, policy, and international collaboration.

Date: Friday, 20 September, 2024

Time: 10:00 am – 02:30 pm EDT
Location: New York, USA
Format: Hybrid
Physical Venues:
New York, USA: New York University at 10:00 am – 02:30 pm EDT.
London, UK: Tanzania High Commission, 3 View Road, Highgate, London N6 4DJ at 15:00 – 19:30 BST
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: MUHAS – CHPE Building at 17:00 – 21:30 EAT
avatar for Steven Okoli

Steven Okoli

Dr. Steven Okoli - Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer, Department of Immunology and Inflammation - Faculty of Medicine, Commonwealth Building, Hammersmith Campus, United KingdomDr Okoli completed his haematology training in South West London, based mainly at Guy’s & St Thomas... Read More →
avatar for Olugbenga Ogedegbe

Olugbenga Ogedegbe

Professor Olugbenga Ogedegbe- Professor of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Professor for the Department of Population Health at NYU Grossman School of MedicineGbenga Ogedegbe, a physician, is Professor of Population Health & Medicine, Chief Division of Health & Behavior and Director... Read More →
avatar for Alexis A. Thompson,

Alexis A. Thompson,

Prof. Alexis A. Thompson, MD, MPH- Chief, Division of HematologyShe is a chief of the Division of Hematology at CHOP and holds the Elias Schwartz, MD, Endowed Chair in Hematology. Her research focuses on sickle cell disease and thalassemia.

Aldiouma Guindo

Prof. Aldiouma Guindo – SickleInAfrica Principal Investigator, MALI Prof. Guindo is a Professor of Hematology at the University of Bamako, and in addition to the PharmD degree, he obtained a PhD from the University of London, did post-doctoral training in the NIAID Laboratory of... Read More →
avatar for Siana Nkya

Siana Nkya

Dr. Siana Nkya (BSc, MSc, PhD) Co-Founder and President, THGOSenior Lecturer/Researcher, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania;Principal Investigator, Sickle Cell Program, Tanzania.Co-Principal... Read More →
avatar for Patrice Matchaba

Patrice Matchaba

Patrice Matchaba M.D.- CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICERAs CEO of the Bill & Melinda Gates Medical Research Institute, Patrice Matchaba, M.D. leads Gates MRI’s research and development of novel products and interventions for diseases disproportionately impacting the world’s most vulnerable... Read More →
avatar for Isaac Odame

Isaac Odame

Isaac Odame FRCP, FRCPath, FRCPCHHe is a Ghanaian academic and physician who specialises in sickle cell disease. He is a professor of Hematology and Oncology at the Paediatrics department of the University of Toronto. He holds the Alexandra Yeo Chair in Hematology at the Universi... Read More →
avatar for Catherine Chunda Liyoka

Catherine Chunda Liyoka

Dr. Catherine Chunda Liyoka Dr. Catherine Chunda-Liyoka, consultant paediatrician at the University Teaching Hospitals-Children's Hospital, and national coordinator for Zambia, CONSA, said: “Newborn screening allows us to diagnosis a child very early in life. This ultimately reduces... Read More →
avatar for Ambroise Wonkam

Ambroise Wonkam

Ambroise Wonkam, M.D., DMedSc, Ph.DHe is a Professor at the University of Cape Town, South AfricaHis story: Born in Yaoundé, Cameroon, Ambroise Wonkam, M.D., Ph.D., grew up witnessing the pain, disability, and death caused by sickle cell disease – among family friends, classmates... Read More →
avatar for Emmanuel Peprah

Emmanuel Peprah

Prof Emmanuel Peprah - Associate Professor of Global and Environmental HealthEmmanuel Peprah is the director of Implementation Science for Global Health and Implementing Sustainable Evidence-based interventions through Engagement (ISEE Lab) at the New York University School of Global... Read More →
avatar for Appolinary A. R. Kamuhabw

Appolinary A. R. Kamuhabw

olinary A. R. Kamuhabwa- Vice Chancellor MUHAS Appolinary A. R. Kamuhabwa is a Professor in Pharmacology at Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences;. He did his first degree in Pharmacy at the University of Dar es Salaam and graduated in 1994. Afterward, he pursued a Master's... Read More →
avatar for Prof Leon Tshilolo

Prof Leon Tshilolo

Institut de Recherche Biomédicale/CEFA-MONKOLE
Prof Leon Tshilolo- Institut de Recherche Biomédicale/CEFA-MONKOLEDirecteur de RechercheKinshasa, redacnetwork.orgHe is a paediatrician haematologist with a good experience in tropical disease, malaria and expertise in SCD. He is the president of an African SCD network called REDAC. Since 2022, He serve as a Co-chair for SickleInAfrica Consortium. He is a Professor of Pediatrics and Haematolog... Read More →
avatar for H.E. Ambassador Elsie Sia Kanza

H.E. Ambassador Elsie Sia Kanza

H.E. Ambassador Elsie Sia Kanza- United States, Washington D.CElsie S. Kanza is a Tanzanian Economist. She has served in various positions in the Ministry of Finance and Central Bank of Tanzania, including becoming a Personal Assistant to His Excellency Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete of the... Read More →
avatar for George Mensah

George Mensah

George MensahNational Institutes of Health (NIH)Director of CTRIS, NHLBIBethesda, MD, USA
avatar for Prof Obiageli Nnodu

Prof Obiageli Nnodu

Prof Obiageli Nnodu- CESRTA, University of Abuja DirectorShe is a Professor of Haematology and Blood Transfusion, Director, Centre of Excellence for Sickle Cell Disease Research and Training at University of Abuja (CESRTA), the National Coordinator of the American Society of Hematology... Read More →
avatar for Prof Cissy M Kityo

Prof Cissy M Kityo

Prof Cissy M Kityo - Joint Clinical Research Centre (JCRC), UgandaExecutive DirectorShe is an experienced specialist medical doctor, vaccinologist, and Public Health expert with over 27 years of experience in conducting and coordinating AIDS research and care for HIV patients. She... Read More →
avatar for Johnny Mahlangu

Johnny Mahlangu

rof. Johnny Mahlangu- University of The Witwatersrand and NHLS Johannesburg, South AfricaJohnny Mahlangu is a Professor in Haematology and Head of School of Pathology in the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of the Witwatersrand and the National Health Laboratory Service... Read More →
avatar for Julie Makan

Julie Makan

Prof. Julie Makani (MD, PhD, FRCP, FTAAS)- Imperial College LondonPrincipal Investigator, Sickle Cell Programme- MUHAS and SickleInAfricaProfessor Julie Makani is a physician scientist in Tanzania, Principal Investigator in the Sickle Cell Programme at Muhimbili University www.muhas.ac.tz... Read More →
avatar for Nesia Mahenge

Nesia Mahenge

Nesia Mahenge - Country Director – CBM International and MUHAS SCD AdviserTanzaniaNesia is the Country Director at CBM International with over 20 years of expertise in International Development, Public Health Management, Health Education, Climate Change and Resilience, Disability... Read More →
Friday September 20, 2024 10:00am - 2:30pm EDT
New York, London, Dar-es-Salaam
Saturday, September 21

12:00pm EDT

[AT TANZANIA HOUSE] High-Level Forum: Global Partnership for Sickle Cell Disease: Improve Health and Cure Disease
Saturday September 21, 2024 12:00pm - 1:30pm EDT
Date and Time
Date: Saturday, 21 September 2024
Time: 12:00 – 1:30 pm EDT
Location: New York, USA
Format: Hybrid (Zoom Link: https://nyu.zoom.us/j/97079168115)
     New York, USA: The Permanent Mission of the United Republic of Tanzania to the United Nations is at 307 E 53rd           St, New York, NY 10022, from 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. EDT.
      London, UK: Tanzania High Commission, 3 View Road, Highgate, London N6 4DJ at 17:00 – 18:30 BST

      Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: Hyatt Regency Hotel at 19:00 – 20:30 EAT


Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for health in many countries in Africa will include addressing sickle cell disease (SCD), a chronic non-communicable disorder (NCD). Africa is the epicentre of the disease: an estimated 80% of patients live in Africa, and more than 300,000 new babies with SCD are born on the continent each year. Historically, health systems in many African regions have had limitations in providing optimal preventative and therapeutic healthcare over the life course of patients with SCD. The result has been high rates of mortality and severe morbidity beginning in early childhood. In this context, the current era of scientific innovation holds promise for helping patients, health workers, policymakers, and other stakeholders sustainably impact universal healthcare as it relates to SCD.

Some of the most significant advances in science have been in genomics, with the completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003 and Gene Editing, with recognition of the latter by the Nobel Prize in 2020 to Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier. The translation of genomic science to improve health has resulted in clinical trials with a cure for sickle cell disease using gene therapy. This has led to an increase in investment and interest from key stakeholders, particularly the patient community, as well as discussion to ensure equity and access to these interventions and integration within the existing interventions and health systems.

Tanzania convened three (3) global side events of sickle cell sessions during UNGA in New York (2022 and 2023) and at the USA-Africa Leaders’ Summit in Washington (2022). click this link for more details. In 2023 at science summit at UNGA 78 Click here, the focus was to develop strategies to improve health in sickle cell disease through the generation and application of scientific knowledge.

The event speakers featured global leaders in SCD focused on biomedical research and health. The event served to educate a diverse audience of stakeholders on current research efforts underway and to foster dialogue that will inform strategies for accelerating SCD-focused science, promoting the development of research infrastructure through a partnership with global partners, and assuring the sustainability of science in improving the health of SCD in Africa and globally.
In 2024, the UNGA SCD side event aims to bring together key global stakeholders, Heads of State, Ministers of Health, representatives from the World Health Organization (WHO), Development Partners, Academic Institutions, Funders and other International Collaborators to discuss the global strategy to address Sickle Cell Disease. This disease disproportionately affects communities with African ancestry.

  • Objectives
The High-Level Forum on Sickle Cell Disease aims to convene key stakeholders from various sectors to discuss the current state of SCD, share best practices, and develop actionable strategies to improve the lives of those affected by the disease.
The session will address four key areas: Health, Science, Policy and Partnership.
  • Improve Health 
  • Promote Early Diagnosis and Screening. The forum emphasises the importance of early diagnosis and screening for SCD to improve patient outcomes by advocating for the widespread implementation of newborn screening programmes and the public health benefits of early interventions.
  • Establish Comprehensive Care and Management. This includes integrating a multidisciplinary approach to providing holistic support to patients and families from acute to chronic care and appropriate medical, mental, and social support services.
  • Establish Standards of Care. This will ensure consistency and quality in SCD management across different regions in healthcare settings, including training healthcare providers and improving best practices at all levels of healthcare.
  • Promote Health System Strengthening. This is essential to providing effective and sustainable SCD care. This objective will focus on improving infrastructure, training healthcare professionals, and ensuring the availability of essential medicine and resources, which will build capacity for managing SCD and other chronic conditions more effectively.
  • Strengthen universal healthcare from Primary, secondary, and tertiary levels. This will include healthcare in the community and referral pathways to increase access to specialized healthcare within countries.
  • Advocate for Science, Technology and Innovation. 
  • This forum will advocate for increased scientific research in areas including basic, clinical, implementation, social and behavioral sciences. In particular, clinical trials, genomic research in areas with high prevalence of disease. Innovation in medical technology and pharmaceuticals towards new therapy for improving the quality of life and making curative therapy available for SCD.

  • Advocate for Policy review and increase Investment.
  • This forum will encourage policy makers to prioritize SCD in national health agenda and allocate sufficient resources to support better healthcare access, insurance coverage and patients’ rights.
  • Increasing funding from Governments, international organizations and private sector is important to support universal healthcare and strengthen research

  • Enhance Global Partnerships
  • The forum seeks to foster global collaboration by bringing together stakeholders from different countries and organizations to share knowledge, strategize and best practice. By building strong global partnerships, we can coordinate the efforts to implement the effectiveness programs and policies in health and science.
  • Date and Time
  • Date: Saturday, 21 September 2024
  • Time: 12:00 – 1:30 pm EDT
  • Location: New York, USA
  • Format: Hybrid (Zoom Link: https://nyu.zoom.us/j/97079168115)
  • Venues:
  • New York, USA: Permanent Mission of the United Republic of Tanzania to the United Nations - 307 E 53rd St, New York, NY 10022 at 12:00 – 1:30 pm EDT.
  • London, UK: Tanzania High Commission,
avatar for Julie Makan

Julie Makan

Prof. Julie Makani (MD, PhD, FRCP, FTAAS)- Imperial College LondonPrincipal Investigator, Sickle Cell Programme- MUHAS and SickleInAfricaProfessor Julie Makani is a physician scientist in Tanzania, Principal Investigator in the Sickle Cell Programme at Muhimbili University www.muhas.ac.tz... Read More →
avatar for Nesia Mahenge

Nesia Mahenge

Nesia Mahenge - Country Director – CBM International and MUHAS SCD AdviserTanzaniaNesia is the Country Director at CBM International with over 20 years of expertise in International Development, Public Health Management, Health Education, Climate Change and Resilience, Disability... Read More →
Saturday September 21, 2024 12:00pm - 1:30pm EDT
Tanzania House
Monday, September 23

4:00pm EDT

Integrating Medical Care and Holistic Healing
Monday September 23, 2024 4:00pm - 6:00pm EDT
A question remains unanswered: how can we truly prevent and cure diseases? Our session intends to be highly experiential, interactive and practical for everyone who participates live in person and on livestream, in addressing this question. Our current path of preventing and treating ailments, developing novel medicines and interventions, albeit with many triumph, also comes short in many ways. In the context of chronic dis-eases, the model has postulated that the state of healing happens upon eradication of the condition.

However, despite substantial improvements in treatment and survival across medical fields, in oncology, for example, more than 9 million people still die from cancer every year. So, what are we missing? The ultimate goal of medicine and science is to equilibrate physical, mental, and social wellbeing into what is optimal for the individual. This stands for medial care as well as drug development. Patients deserve nothing less. Equally, mental health is just as physical as physical health and mindbody is one word. This view may significantly improve the way we diagnose, treat, relate, communicate in clinics, as well as design perform and invest in research and clinical trials.

Precision and patient tailored modalities that are so vastly represented in modern medical care (gene sequencing for example and many more), should apply no less to internal states of being, and we can call this precision lifestyle medicine and precision psychobiosomatics. The holistic model is a both/and approach not an either/or approach and it holds hands of modern medical care and whole health. The new paradigm is one that holds, practices and celebrates wholeness. To cure, we must be willing to embrace healing from the inside out as well. What do we need to do in order to create a new kind of collective healthcare intelligence?

In this session we will present and discuss experimental and clinical evidence generating a new paradigm based on axioms that would allow us to achieve sustainable wellbeing in a holistic way - caring for the physical, the mental, the emotional, the social. We will provide practical guidance for working in clinic as well as well defined calls to action where we can all participate and establish meaningful collaborations and deliver true impact in holistic medicine and science globally in the coming years.


Dr Aleksandra Filipovic - Head of Oncology PureTech Health, UK and USA
Dr Anna Yusim - Clinical Assistant Professor at Yale Medical School, USA
Dr Maryam Lustberg - Chief of Breast Oncology and Director of the Breast Center at Yale Cancer Center, USA
Dr Eva Selhub - Physician, author, executive coach, USA
Dr Ssanyu Birigwa - Professor for Master of Science Narrative Medicine program Columbia University, USA


2:00-2:15pm Opening remarks
2:15-2:30pm Dr Filipovic
2:30-2:45pm Dr Yusim
2:45-3:00pm Dr Lustberg
3:00-3:15pm Dr Selhub
3:15-3:30pm Dr Birigwa
3:30-4:00pm Closing remarks and Q&A
avatar for Anna Yusim

Anna Yusim

Yale Medical School
Dr. Anna Yusim is an internationally-recognized, award-winning Board-Certified, Stanford- and Yale-educated Psychiatrist & Executive Coach with a Private Practice in New York City, Connecticut, Florida and California. She is best-selling author of Fulfilled: How the Science of Spirituality... Read More →
avatar for Eva Selhub

Eva Selhub

Clinical Associate Harvard Medical School and Benson Henry Institute for Mind-Body Medicine MGH
Dr. Eva Selhub is an internationally recognized resiliency expert, physician, author, executive coach, keynote speaker, and spiritual advisor. With almost three decades of experience, she previously held roles as an Instructor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and as a Clinical... Read More →
avatar for Maryam Lustberg

Maryam Lustberg

Yale Medical School and Yale Cancer Center
Maryam Lustberg MD MPH is a breast medical oncologist and currently serves as Chief of Breast Oncology and Director of the Breast Center at Yale Cancer Center in New Haven Connecticut. She is the co-chair of Symptom Intervention for Alliance Clinical Trials and is immediate Past President... Read More →
avatar for Aleksandra Filipovic

Aleksandra Filipovic

Sharing Progress in Cancer Care
Aleksandra Filipovic MD PhD, is the Head of Oncology at PureTech Health, a clinical stage biopharma dedicated to developing novel therapies for challenging indications in oncology and other disease areas. There, Dr Filipovic leads development on novel compounds for solid tumors and... Read More →
Monday September 23, 2024 4:00pm - 6:00pm EDT
Science Summit venue (2nd floor)
Tuesday, September 24

9:00am EDT

Women's Unique Health Needs and the Sustainable Development Goals, a call to action
Tuesday September 24, 2024 9:00am - 12:30pm EDT
Co-hosted by The ECHAlliance and the Society for Women’s Health Research, “Women’s Unique Health Needs and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a call to action” will discuss key developments and opportunities to advance women’s health care and research, with a focus on addressing disparities, the role of women in health care decision-making, access to preventive care, and representation in the women’s health workforce.

Women comprise approximately half the world’s population, yet their role in the global healthcare ecosystem is often underrepresented or inadequately considered. Women face unique challenges throughout their lifespans due to biological sex differences and gender-related influences on health and disease. Disparities exist across disease states and life stages that touch every race, ethnic group, geographic location, and socioeconomic status. To address this global health deficiency, a comprehensive strategy to advance research on women’s health must be developed and implemented. This session will discuss key developments and opportunities to advance women’s health research, care, and policies. Participants will identify opportunities for domestic and global collaborations and inform the development of a women’s health research agenda in an Outcomes Report to the United Nations.

9:00 – 9:10 am Welcome
Brian O'Connor - Chair, ECHAlliance – The Global Health Connector 
Irene O. Aninye, PhD - Chief Science Officer, Society for Women’s Health Research
9:10 – 9:40 am A Call to Action: Women's Unique Health Needs and the SDGs
Irene O. Aninye PhD (Moderator) - Chief Science Officer, Society for Women’s Health Research
Ru-fong Joanne Cheng, MD, FACOG, -Director, Women's Health Innovations, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
9:40 – 10:30 am Transitioning Women’s Health from Treatment to Prevention
Nicole Althaus (Moderator)- US Ambassador, ECHAlliance - The Global Health Connector
Capt. Aisha K. Brooks, DNP, MPH, RN, FAAN - Senior Health Policy Administrator, U.S. Public Health Service 
Anuradha Gupta - President, Global Immunization, Sabin Vaccine Institute
Rachel Sturke, PhD, MPH, MIA - Acting Deputy Director, Fogarty International Center
10:30 – 10:45 am Break

10:45 – 11:35 am Ensuring Accountability: Women in Research, Health Care, and Policy Leadership
Magdalena Skipper (Moderator) - Editor in Chief, Nature
Janine Austin Clayton, MD, FARVO - Director, Office of Research on Women's Health, National Institutes of Health
Carolyn Harris - Labour MP for Neath and Swansea East, UK Parliament
11:35 am – 12:15 pm Perspectives from Women Leaders in Women’s Health
Irene O. Aninye PhD (Moderator) - Chief Science Officer, Society for Women’s Health Research
Janine Austin Clayton, MD, FARVO, Director, Office of Research on Women's Health, National Institutes of Health
Michele Barry, MD, FACP, Director for Center of Innovation in Global Health, Stanford University
Eleanor Nwadinobi, MBBS, EMA, FAAC, President, Medical Women’s International Association

12:15 pm - 12:30 pm Wrap-up & Adjourn
avatar for Carolyn Harris

Carolyn Harris

Labour Member of Parliament for Neath and Swansea East, Parliament of the United Kingdom
Born and raised in Swansea, after gaining a degree in Social Policy, Carolyn worked in the charity sector before becoming Parliamentary Assistant to Sian James MP.In May 2015, she was elected MP for Swansea East and was reelected in both the 2017 and 2019 elections. Following boundary... Read More →
avatar for Brian O'Connor

Brian O'Connor

Chair, Chair at ECHAlliance - The Global Health Connector
Born in Belfast, Northern Ireland, Brian has developed his career as a consultant, manager, and investor. He has worked and lived in the UK, US, and Hong Kong and has significant experience as a company director in a variety of sectors. He also acts as a Corporate Doctor, to help... Read More →
avatar for Alejandra Rodríguez

Alejandra Rodríguez

ECHAlliance - The Global Health Connector
avatar for Ru-Fong Joanne Cheng MD, FACOG

Ru-Fong Joanne Cheng MD, FACOG

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Dr. Ru Cheng leads a team that supports the development and adoption of high-quality health products that address the needs of women and girls in low- and middle-income countries. The Women’s Health Innovations team also serves as a unifying voice on women’s health, collaborating... Read More →
avatar for Anuradha Gupta

Anuradha Gupta

Sabin Vaccine Institute
Anuradha Gupta is the President of Global Immunization at the Sabin Vaccine Institute. Ms. Gupta has spearheaded successful global initiatives to improve the health of women and children and harness the full power of vaccines.Prior to Sabin, Ms. Gupta spent several years at Gavi... Read More →
avatar for Irene. O Aninye, PhD (Convenor)

Irene. O Aninye, PhD (Convenor)

Society for Women's Health Research
Dr. Irene O. Aninye is the Chief Science Officer for the Society for Women’s Health Research, a national nonprofit dedicated to advancing women’s health through science, policy, and education. Aninye steers SWHR’s portfolio of scientific programs to increase awareness and investment... Read More →
avatar for Magdalena Skipper, PhD.

Magdalena Skipper, PhD.

Nature Research (Publishing)
As Editor in Chief, Magdalena leads Nature’s magazine and research editorial teams. A geneticist by training, she has considerable editorial and publishing experience: having started in Nature Publishing Group in 2001, she was Chief Editor of Nature Reviews Genetics, Senior Editor... Read More →
avatar for Nicole Althaus

Nicole Althaus

ECHAlliance - The Global Health Connector
Nicole Althaus is a seasoned leader in digital health product innovation and marketing strategy, with a strong commitment to enhancing patient care. Over her 25-year career, she has excelled in understanding the perspectives of patients, payers, providers, and device manufacturers... Read More →
avatar for Rachel Sturke, PhD, MPH, MIA

Rachel Sturke, PhD, MPH, MIA

Fogarty International Center at NIH
Dr. Rachel Sturke joined the Fogarty International Center in 2006 and currently serves as Deputy Director and Senior Scientist in the Division of International Science Policy, Planning, and Evaluation and the Center for Global Health Studies at the Fogarty International Center at... Read More →
avatar for Dr Eleanor Nwadinobi MBBS, EMA, FAAC

Dr Eleanor Nwadinobi MBBS, EMA, FAAC

Medical Women’s International Association
Dr Eleanor Ann Nwadinobi, MBBS, EMA, is President of the Medical Women’s International Association. She is also Special Advisor to the Nigeria Safeguarding Resource and Support hub and Co founder of the Every woman treaty, a coalition advocating for a global binding norm to end... Read More →
avatar for Michele Barry, M.D., FACP, FASTMH

Michele Barry, M.D., FACP, FASTMH

Stanford University
Michele Barry is the Drs. Ben and A. Jess Shenson Professor of Medicine and Tropical Diseases at Stanford University, where she directs the Center for Innovation in Global Health and serves as Senior Associate Dean for Global Health.A leading advocate for women’s leadership in medicine... Read More →
avatar for Dr. Aisha K. Brooks, DNP, MPH, RN, FAAN

Dr. Aisha K. Brooks, DNP, MPH, RN, FAAN

US Public Health Service
Dr. Aisha K. Brooks is a Captain in the U.S. Public Health Service and serves as the senior health policy administrator for the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Health Service Corps. Dr. Brooks served as an Assistant Surgeon General and the 12th Chief Nurse Officer in... Read More →
Tuesday September 24, 2024 9:00am - 12:30pm EDT
Science Summit venue (2nd floor)

3:00pm EDT

Leveraging AI for Global Healthcare Delivery
Tuesday September 24, 2024 3:00pm - 4:30pm EDT
Few new technologies have developed with such speed or engendered such contrasting emotions of anxiety and fear and hope and excitement as AI. While we understand the concerns in other sectors, healthcare has been an early adopter of AI, and the opportunities for new drugs, products, services, treatments, and better patient outcomes with the help of AI are real and substantial.

There has been a range of governance and regulatory initiatives, including the US Executive Order on AI Standards for Safety and Security, the G7 Code of Conduct, the passing of the European AI Act and the Digital Health Society & I~HD AI Club Report “Creating the environment of trust and acceptance that maximises the benefits of AI in healthcare”.
Our Round Table interactive session will occur in person in New York and virtually between the panellists and the audiences at the UNGA79 Science Summit. It will strive to present a better balance to discussions around the use of AI in healthcare. 
Discussions will cover:
  • Diagnostics and Treatment
  • Data Access and Standardisation
  • Data First, AI Later
  • Ethical Considerations and Bias
  • How could Digital Healthcare help the World Bank to Deliver Affordable Health Services to 1.5B people by 2030?
  • AI in Health System Management and Policy Making
  • International Collaboration and the Future of AI in Health

3:00 pm - 4:30 pm - Leveraging AI for Global Healthcare Delivery (Roundtable discussion)

IntroductionBleddyn Rees, Deputy Chair at ECHAlliance, Chair at The Digital Health Society

Keynote 1Bernardo Mariano Joaquim Junior - CTO & Assistant Secretary-General United Nations (10 minutes)

Keynote 2Hani Eskandar - Head of Digital Services  International Telecommunication Union

Panel 1

Dr Ain Aaviksoo, HeBA Clinic, Head of Development, Partner 
Dr. Irene Aninye, Chief Science Officer Society for Women’s Health Research
Professor Rachel Dunscombe, CEO Open EHR International 
Dr Rajendra Pratap Gupta, Chairman UN-IGF Data 
Kate Newhouse, Chief Operating Officer, Executive Director at Kooth plc

Panel 2

Dr. Henriette van Eijl, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation Deputy to the Director of D - People: Health & Society Head of Unit - D3 - Health and Societal Transitions
Dr. Jean Kaseya, Director General, Africa CDC
Eric Thrailkill, Ambassador for HLTH Community
Tobias Silberzahn, Partner McKinsey & Company

avatar for Eric Thrailkill

Eric Thrailkill

Ambassador, HLTH Community
Eric Thrailkill is a healthcare industry expert that joined the Nashville EntrepreneurCenter in March 2021 where he served as Chairman of Project Healthcare, aprogram supporting entrepreneurs building, growing, and scaling health and healthcaresolutions. He is also the founder of... Read More →
avatar for Kate Newhouse

Kate Newhouse

Chief Operating Officer, Executive Director, Kooth plc
Kate is an award-winning entrepreneurial senior leader with over 20 years of experience in digital healthcare and innovation.Kate is COO and board director of Kooth, a globally leading youth digital mental healthcare provider. Kooth delivers upstream population-health-based mental... Read More →
avatar for Hani Eskandar

Hani Eskandar

Head, Digital Services Division, International Telecommunication Union
Mr. Eskandar is the Digital Services Senior Coordinator at the Digital Society Division of the Telecommunication Development Bureau of ITU. Mr. Eskandar is currently involved in providing assistance to several developing countries by advising on digital applications and services strategies... Read More →
avatar for Rajendra Pratap Gupta

Rajendra Pratap Gupta

Health Parliament
Rajendra Pratap Gupta (Rajendra) is a public policy expert who has been contributing to policy making for over a decade and a half across sectors.Rajendra has worked with some of the largest organizations across the world and was nominated to the Global Agenda Council of the World... Read More →
avatar for Bleddyn Rees (Convenor)

Bleddyn Rees (Convenor)

ECHAlliance - The Global Health Connector
Bleddyn is a vastly experienced commercial lawyer with 30 years experience of outsourcings, privatisations and complex contracting and projects. He has a unique CV for a private sector lawyer, having spent three and a half years on secondment as General Counsel of the Commercial Directorate... Read More →
avatar for Rachel Dunscombe

Rachel Dunscombe

openEHR / Imperial College of London
Prof. Rachel Dunscombe (FBCS FEDIPLeadPract CHCIO) is currently CEO of OpenEHR Intrnational. Until August 2022 Rachel spent over five years as the CEO of the NHS Digital Academy . She has provided advisory services to the Secretary of State for Health, been a member of the UK AI council... Read More →
avatar for Ain Aaviksoo

Ain Aaviksoo

Ain Aaviksoo, MD MPH is an expert in healthcare digitization and innovation with 25 years of experience. He currently works as a development manager and co-founder of the HeBA Clinic and consults internationally for companies and governments. Dr. Aaviksoo also leads the consent service... Read More →
avatar for Jean Kaseya

Jean Kaseya

Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention
H.E Dr. Jean Kaseya was appointed Director-General of the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa-CDC) during the thirty-sixth African Union Summit of Heads of State and Government in February 2023. Dr. Kaseya, a Congolese Medical Doctor with advanced degrees in... Read More →
avatar for Tobias Silberzahn

Tobias Silberzahn

McKinsey & Company
Tobias Silberzahn is a trained biochemist and immunologist and works as a Partner in McKinsey’s Berlin office where he is a member of the Healthcare and Innovation Practice. The focus areas of his work are healthcare innovation, health tech business-building and digital transformation... Read More →
avatar for Bernardo Mariano Jr.

Bernardo Mariano Jr.

Office of Information and Communications Technology, United Nations
Mr. Bernardo Mariano Jr. of Mozambique started his tenure as Chief Information Technology Officer (CITO), Assistant Secretary-General, Office of Information and Communications Technology, on 1 August 2021. Mr. Mariano has over 29 years of experience within the United Nations System... Read More →
avatar for Alejandra Rodríguez

Alejandra Rodríguez

ECHAlliance - The Global Health Connector
avatar for Irene. O Aninye, PhD (Convenor)

Irene. O Aninye, PhD (Convenor)

Society for Women's Health Research
Dr. Irene O. Aninye is the Chief Science Officer for the Society for Women’s Health Research, a national nonprofit dedicated to advancing women’s health through science, policy, and education. Aninye steers SWHR’s portfolio of scientific programs to increase awareness and investment... Read More →
avatar for Henriette van Eijl

Henriette van Eijl

European Commision, DG Research and Innovation
Dr. Henriette van Eijl leads the unit ‘Health and Societal Transitions’ in the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation. The Unit ensures that R&I policies and programmes, especially Horizon Europe, support the EU policy objectives in health and... Read More →
Tuesday September 24, 2024 3:00pm - 4:30pm EDT
Science Summit venue (2nd floor)

4:00pm EDT

Strengthening Health Data Governance in the Digital Age: Leadership, Collaboration, Action
Tuesday September 24, 2024 4:00pm - 6:00pm EDT
Taking place during 79th UN General Assembly (UNGA79), Transform Health, WHO, the Health Data Collaborative, OECD, PATH, PMNCH, and Young Experts Tech for Health (YET4H) will co-host an in-person side event on Strengthening Health Data Governance in the Digital Age through Leadership, Collaboration, Action. The event will take place in person as part of the Science Summit for the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SSUNGA79), which complements the United Nations Summit of the Future, where governments will endorse the Global Digital Compact. This represents a critical moment to galvanise action and consensus on health data governance.

During this event, we will hear personal and community perspectives on what health data governance means to them and their expectations of governments and other actors in this regard. This will be followed by a government panel exploring national experiences, leadership and needed action. The session aims to build political support to strengthen health data governance, including through consensus and commitments around a global (and regional) health data governance framework and stronger national legislation.

Concerted effort at multiple levels is needed to strengthen health data governance. This is essential to fully harness the potential of health data for public benefit and improved health outcomes, towards UHC progress, while managing risks, protecting individual rights, and ensuring people’s data is protected from misuse. Bringing together countries and other stakeholders this provides an opportunity to learn from and build on experiences and good practices, and forge consensus around what is needed to strengthen health data governance frameworks.

Health data are the foundation of 21st century health systems, enabling artificial intelligence, augmenting health care professionals, supporting digital transformation, and empowering individuals to achieve their personal health outcomes. Health data need governance that recognises its value, as both an individual and public good, that forms the strong foundation of health care, prevention, and promotion – all aspects of Universal Health Coverage. Without an effective approach to health data, investments from the health sector related to digital and AI will fail to achieve objectives and risk expanding existing digital divides into digital canyons.

Towards this end, Transform Health, OECD, Africa CDC, HDC, AeHIN, HELINA, RECAINSA, and YET4H have been supporting the development of a draft model law on health data governance, which sets out core areas, legislative guidance and reference legal text to support more effective and equitable health data governance. The model law has been informed by equity and rights-based principles, the OECD Recommendation on Health Data Governance, among other national, regional and international commitments and best practice. It has been developed through a bottom up, consultative process, engaging nearly 1000 stakeholders from across the globe.

This is an important step towards a global framework - and global standard and blueprint for health data governance legislation. The endorsement of a global framework by governments through a World Health Assembly resolution and regional mechanisms would help build consensus across countries and stakeholders around essential areas that should be addressed through national legislation; establish a level of harmonisation and compatibility in national approaches to foster greater legal coherence across jurisdictions; and importantly, it would provide a resource to support governments in strengthening national frameworks.

Government leadership is critical to move towards more robust legislation and regulation - to govern data as a public good - while ensuring diverse stakeholders and civil society remain meaningfully engaged. Building on growing momentum and political support, including during numerous events on the sidelines of this year’s World Health Assembly, this session aims to build support to ensure health data governance is prioritised on the agenda of the Assembly in May 2025. This would enable a much needed discussion amongst Member States around necessary action.
The objectives of this session are to:
  1. Hear community voices and perspectives (e.g. youth, women, vulnerable groups) on what health data governance means to them and their expectations of governments and other actors on this issue.
  2. Understand the needs of governments in strengthening health data governance approaches, including learning from promising national and regional approaches.
  3. Build political support for action to strengthen health data governance, including through consensus and alignment around what is needed and endorsement of a global health data governance framework.
For this session we propose two components. The first would bring a personal and rights-based angle to the issue of health data governance and what it means to communities and individuals. It would highlight the My Data Our Health campaign which aims to engage and empower communities around the issue. The second component would focus on national experiences and political action to build consensus and explore how to take this agenda forward, for example through a World Health Assembly resolution and what is needed to strengthen national approaches.
avatar for Nnenna Nwakanma

Nnenna Nwakanma

Advisor; Board Member, Transform Health; HealthAI
avatar for Mathilde Forslund

Mathilde Forslund

Executive Director, Transform Health
Mathilde Forslund - Executive Director, Transform Health Mathilde is the founding Executive Director of Transform Health and leads the Enabling Function of the coalition. She is a seasoned advocate and coalition builder with experience bringing partners and networks together to deliver... Read More →
avatar for Shannon Thom

Shannon Thom

Member, Youth Experts: Tech for Health
Shannon is a highly motivated, forward-thinking and detail-oriented public health professional & health equity advocate with expertise in health communications, policy and project management. She possesses both graduate-level training in public health and a varied experience base... Read More →
avatar for Rodrick Mugishagwe

Rodrick Mugishagwe

Acting Executive Director, EANNASO
Rodrick Mugishagwe is the Ag. Executive Director of EANNASO and a highly accomplished Project Management and Public Health Specialist with over 8 years of experience in TB, HIV, and sexual and reproductive health programs across the East and Southern Africa. Rodrick is a dedicated... Read More →
avatar for Hon Neema Lugangira

Hon Neema Lugangira

Parliament, Tanzania
Hon. Neema Lugangira (MP) has a broad, extensive experience and successful track record in championing reforms and development policies for improved investment enabling environment for the of agricultural, mining and oil & gas, health and tech sectors to mention a few. She is currently... Read More →
avatar for Dr Guled Abdijalil Ali

Dr Guled Abdijalil Ali

Director General, Federal Ministry of Health and Human Services, Somalia
Tuesday September 24, 2024 4:00pm - 6:00pm EDT
Science Summit venue (12th floor) 345 Park Avenue South, New York, NY, USA
Wednesday, September 25

8:00am EDT

One Health Plenary
Wednesday September 25, 2024 8:00am - 2:00pm EDT
One Health Plenary - Schedule 
The full abstract can be seen in the attached file below. 

08h00       Opening Session  
  • Declan Kirrane  Chairman and Managing Director of both the Science Summit at the United Nations General Assembly and the Africa Europe Science Collaboration Platform (AERAP)
  • Shakuntala Thilsted Director of Nutrition, Health and Food Security Impact Platform Area, CGIAR
  • Kenneth Fleming Steering Committee of The Lancet Commission on Diagnostics 
  • Motlalepula Matsabisa University of Free State, South Africa 
  • Nia Reviani Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Cultural Affairs, Indonesia
  • Peter Kilmarx National Institute for Health (NIH)
  • Henriette Van Eijl Deputy Director / Head of Unit for Health and Societal Transitions, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation at European Commission
  • Facundo Santomé MDPI
  • Litha Magingxa President and CEO: Agricultural Research Council

09h00         Panel 1 International ethical principles for biobanking & secondary research use of human biospecimens and associated data
  • Rita Lawlor ARC-Net, University of Verona
  • Mark Barnes Multi-Regional Clinical Trials Center of Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard 
  • Helen Morrin University of Otago
  • Annette Schmid Takeda Pharmaceuticals 
  • Mayumi Kusunose RIKEN

09h45        Summit of the Future
  • Magdalena Skipper Nature 
  • Ramanan Laxminarayan One Health Trust
  • Arshnee Moodley CGIAR Antimicrobial Resistance Hub and AMR Team lead at the International Livestock Research Institute
  • Leonardus Vergutz Chief Innovation Officer, OCP Group
  • Andrew Barnhill IQVIA Barnhill, Andrew 
  • Krisha Patel Dana Farber Cancer Institute 
  • Kurt Zatloukal Medical University Graz 
  • Nishka Sharma UNGA Youth Parliament Lead
  • Brian O’Connor Chair at ECHAlliance - The Global Health Connector

    10h45            Panel 2: Kooth (Mental Health) - Session title: Tackling the youth mental health crisis
  • Tim Barker CEO Kooth
  • Norman Lamb former Government Minister for Health and now Chair of South London & Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
  • Mike Schlossberg Pennsylvania State Representative
  • Autumn Boylan Deputy Director, Office of Strategic Partnerships - California Department of Health Care Services

11h30          Medical Research Council of South Africa and NCD
  • Ntobeko Ntusi South African Medical Research Council
  • Rizwana Mia Senior Program Manager and Vice Chair of The International Consortium for Personalised Medicine (ICPerMed)

12h30            Panel 3 Financing for Development
  • Lise Korsten President, The African Academy of Sciences 
  • Michael Makanga Global Health EDCTP3 Joint Undertaking 
  • Misaki Wayengera Uganda MoH Scientific Advisory Committee on Epidemics  
  • Mosoka Fallah Director of Science and Innovation, Africa Centre for Disease Control and Prevention

13h15             The Policy and Regulatory to Enable One Health
  • Eugene Richardson Planetary Health Lab at Harvard Medical School 
  • Juli Makanie Imperial College London 
  • Indrani Pal-Chaudhuri Open Origin & Shakti Regeneration Institute, Amazon 
  • Irene Aninye Society for Women's Health Research 
  • Kirsten Mathieson Transform Health

13h40          Conclusion 
  • Remi Quirion Medical University Graz
  • Alex Cahana ImpactRooms, Founding Partner
  • Hamisi Kigwangala National Assembly of Tanzania
  • Dwita Nitoya Esterini Harvard Medical School 
avatar for Kirsten Mathieson

Kirsten Mathieson

Deputy Director and Policy Lead, Transform Health
Kirsten Mathieson is the Deputy Director and Policy Lead at Transform Health, a global coalition of more than 200 organisations that advocate, campaign and build consensus to strengthen the enabling environment for the digital transformation of health systems to achieve Universal... Read More →
avatar for Alex Cahana

Alex Cahana

Founding Partner, ImpactRooms
Dr. Alex Cahana specializes in Web 3.0 transformation, in emerging markets and developing economies (EMDE). He is a founding partner at ImpactRooms, a Blockchain and Healthcare Expert for the UN/CEFACT, a Board member at AdanianLabs Africa and ACHA (Americas Continental Health Alliance... Read More →
avatar for Litha Magingxa

Litha Magingxa

President and CEO, Agricultural Research Council, South Africa
Dr. Magingxa is the President and CEO of the Agricultural Research Council (ARC) of South Africa.  He is tasked with the redirection, revisioning and repositioning of the ARC, working with the Council and management team.  He previously served the ARC as Group Executive: Agri-Economics... Read More →
avatar for Tim Barker

Tim Barker

With over 30 years of experience in the B2B software industry, Tim has helped build and scale SaaS industry leaders. In his journey from Software Engineer to CEO, Tim founded Koral, a pioneer in online collaboration (acquired by Salesforce), led EMEA Marketing at Salesforce to scale... Read More →
avatar for Norman Lamb

Norman Lamb

Chair, South London & Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust.
Former Member of Parliament for North Norfolk (2001-2019), now embarking on new challenges outside of Parliament, continuing to campaign for improvements in mental health services as Founder of the Sir Norman Lamb Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund in Norfolk and Chair of the South... Read More →
avatar for Mike Schlossberg

Mike Schlossberg

Pennsylvania State Representative
Representative Schlossberg is committed to a strong and vibrant Pennsylvania serving the best interests of people, not special interests. He knows what we all know: Pennsylvania works best when workers are paid a fair wage, have good health care, live in a safe and affordable home... Read More →
avatar for Autumn Boylan

Autumn Boylan

Deputy Director, Office of Strategic Partnerships - California Department of Health Care Services
Autumn Boylan M.P.H. (she/her/hers/they) is a recognized public health and Medicaid expert and Deputy Director of the Office of Strategic Partnerships at the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS). Putting equity and access at the center of her leadership, Ms. Boylan... Read More →
avatar for Misaki Wayengera

Misaki Wayengera

Scientific Advisory Committee on Epidemics, Uganda MoH
Dr. Misaki Wayengera is a Medical Doctor with Graduate Training in Immunology, Clinical Microbiology, and Vaccinology. He is fellow of the Human Genetics and Genomics Programme run by the US National Human Genome Research Institute-NHGRI. He has a PhD in Pathogen OMICS, and EDCTP-Post-Doc... Read More →
avatar for Eugene Richardson

Eugene Richardson

Planetary Health Lab, Harvard Medical School
Eugene Richardson, MD, PhD is a physician and ecological anthropologist based at Harvard Medical School, where he is Assistant Professor and Director of the Planetary Health Lab. His research focuses on the structural determinants of epidemics and climate change vulnerability. He... Read More →
avatar for Hamisi Kigwangalla

Hamisi Kigwangalla

National Assembly of Tanzania
Hon. Dr. Hamisi Kigwangalla, MP is a Member of Parliament representing Nzega Rural constituency in the Tanzanian National Assembly. He is a parliamentarian with a background education in science. He is a trained Medical Doctor and a Public Health Scientist with postgraduate degrees... Read More →
avatar for Mark Barnes

Mark Barnes

Partner, Ropes & Gray, LLP
Mark Barnes—named the 2019 Financial Times “Legal Innovator of the Year”—is a preeminent thinker and adviser to universities, medical centers, health care and life sciences companies, and investors. He has extensive experience guiding clients on legal issues related to research... Read More →
avatar for Helen Morrin

Helen Morrin

University of Otago
Helen Morrin is the curator of the Cancer Society Tissue Bank.
avatar for Mayumi Kusunose

Mayumi Kusunose

Mayumi Kusunose is a visiting scholar from the Laboratory for Biomedical Ethics and Co-Design at RIKEN Center for the Integrative Medical Sciences, Japan. She is also an Asian Network liaison member of the Ethics Working Group of the Human Cell Atlas (HCA; https://www.humancellat... Read More →
avatar for Leonardus Vergutz

Leonardus Vergutz

Chief Innovation Officer, OCP Group
Dr. Leonardus Vergütz is the Corporate Chief Innovation Officer at OCP Group, a leading international company providing essential nutrients and innovative solutions to soil, plant, and animal health. His role is to orchestrate the innovation across the different business units to... Read More →
avatar for Facundo Santomé

Facundo Santomé

Senior Marketing Manager, MDPI
Facundo Santomé is a Senior Marketing Manager at MDPI with over seven years of experience shaping marketing strategies in the scientific publishing industry. He combines his business and marketing acumen with a deep understanding of the scientific landscape to advance MDPI’s global... Read More →
avatar for Mosoka P. Fallah, PhD, MPH, MA,

Mosoka P. Fallah, PhD, MPH, MA,

Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC)
Dr. Mosoka Fallah is the Acting Director for the Science and Innovation Directorate at Africa CDC, focusing on enhancing health security and innovation across Africa. He is dedicated to transforming Africa’s R&D and clinical trial landscape through strategic financing, effective... Read More →
avatar for Rizwana Mia

Rizwana Mia

Senior Program Manager -Precision Medicine, South African Medical Research Council
Rizwana Mia is a leader in health innovation with 16 years of experience, combining scientific expertise and strategic thinking with her educational background in Genetics & Business Administration. She directs and develops programmatic research and innovation in Precision Medicine... Read More →
avatar for Kurt Zatloukal

Kurt Zatloukal

Diagnostic and Research Center for Molecular Biomedicine, former Director of BBMRI.at, Medical University Graz
Prof. Kurt Zatloukal is full Professor of Pathology and Head of the Diagnostic and Research Center for Molecular BioMedicine at the Medical University of Graz, Austria. His research focuses on digital pathology and biobanking, the development of molecular diagnostics as well as the... Read More →
avatar for Rémi Quirion (moderator)

Rémi Quirion (moderator)

Chief Scientist of Quebec, Office of the Chief Scientist of Québec
Professor Rémi Quirion is the inaugural Chief Scientist of Quebec since July 2011. As such, he chairs the Fonds de recherche du Québec and advises the Minister of Economy, Innovation and Energy on research and scientific development issues. As of September 2021, he is the president... Read More →
avatar for Peter Kilmarx

Peter Kilmarx

Deputy Director, Fogarty International Center (NIH)
Dr. Kilmarx is deputy director of the Fogarty International Center. He joined Fogarty on July 1, 2015; he was acting director of the Fogarty International Center and acting associate director for international research at the National Institutes of Health from January 2023 to May... Read More →
avatar for Rita Lawlor

Rita Lawlor

Vice Director, ARC-Net, University of Verona, Italy
Rita Lawlor is a Computer Science graduate of Trinity College Dublin with a doctorate in Oncological Pathology from the University of Verona where she is co-founder of the ARC-Net (www.arc-net.it) applied cancer research centre where is director of the ARC-Net biobank and coordinates... Read More →
avatar for Kenneth Fleming

Kenneth Fleming

Steering Committee, The Lancet Commission on Diagnostics
Dr Kenneth Anthony Fleming, DPhil, MA(Oxon), MB ChB, FRCPath, FRCP, is an Emeritus Fellow of Green Templeton College, University of Oxford.He has been an academic pathologist for over 40 years. His research interests include the pathogenesis of Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis, and... Read More →
avatar for Julie Makani (MD, PhD, FRCP, FTAAS)

Julie Makani (MD, PhD, FRCP, FTAAS)

Principal Investigator, Imperial College London
Professor Julie Makani is a physician scientist in Tanzania, Principal Investigator in the Sickle Cell Programme at Muhimbili University www.muhas.ac.tz and Sickle Pan African Research Consortium (SPARCO) Clinical Coordinating Centre (CCC), SickleInAfrica http://www.sickleinafrica.org... Read More →
avatar for Motlalepula Matsabisa

Motlalepula Matsabisa

Professor and Pharmacology IKS Research Director, University of the Free State, South Africa
Prof Matsabisa is currently the Director of the Indigenous Knowledge Systems (Health) Lead Programme (IKS) within the Department of Pharmacology, School of Clinical Medicine, and Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of the Free State. Prof Matsabisa is a Guest Professor at... Read More →
avatar for Declan Kirrane

Declan Kirrane

Chairman and Managing Director of the Science Summit and Founder of ISC Intelligence
Declan is the Founder and Managing Director of ISC Intelligence in Science and holds prominent roles as the Chairman and Managing Director of both the Science Summit and the Africa Europe Science Collaboration Platform (AERAP). He is also a co-founder of Medicines for Future (MAF... Read More →
avatar for Magdalena Skipper, PhD.

Magdalena Skipper, PhD.

Nature Research (Publishing)
As Editor in Chief, Magdalena leads Nature’s magazine and research editorial teams. A geneticist by training, she has considerable editorial and publishing experience: having started in Nature Publishing Group in 2001, she was Chief Editor of Nature Reviews Genetics, Senior Editor... Read More →
avatar for Irene. O Aninye, PhD (Convenor)

Irene. O Aninye, PhD (Convenor)

Society for Women's Health Research
Dr. Irene O. Aninye is the Chief Science Officer for the Society for Women’s Health Research, a national nonprofit dedicated to advancing women’s health through science, policy, and education. Aninye steers SWHR’s portfolio of scientific programs to increase awareness and investment... Read More →
avatar for Michael Makanga

Michael Makanga

Global Health EDCTP3 Joint Undertaking
Dr Michael Makanga started his tenure as the Executive Director of Global Health EDCTP3 on 16 November 2023. He has extensive experience in the global health research sector and was previously the Executive Director of the EDCTP Association. He is a clinician-scientist with nearly... Read More →
avatar for Prof. Lise Korsten

Prof. Lise Korsten

President, AAS, University of Pretoria
Professor Korsten is the President of the AAS and Co-Director at the Department of Science and Innovation, Centre of Excellence in Food Security. She chairs the Global Task Force of Food Security for the International Society for Plant Pathology and has addressed the South African... Read More →
avatar for Dwita Nitoya Esterini

Dwita Nitoya Esterini

MMSc in Global Health Delivery, Harvard Medical School
Dwita is a devoted general physician from Indonesia committed to improving community health with experience conducting studies in urban and rural areas. She works with a solid aim to ensure the presence of an opportunity for all to have access to health services. With her particular... Read More →
avatar for Andrew Barnhill

Andrew Barnhill

Andrew Barnhill is a health care government affairs executive with experience at Fortune 500 companies and a diverse set of healthcare coalitions and political campaigns at the state and federal level. Named by "The Hill" as a Top Lobbyist in two consecutive years (2022 and 2023... Read More →
avatar for Annette Schmid

Annette Schmid

Takeda Pharmaceuticals
Annette Schmid, PhD, is a Sr Director Global Science Policy at Takeda where she focusses on policies related to biospecimen, data, AI and innovative scientific approaches in clinical trials. She has 25+ years of experience as a scientist in academia and industry, co-founded the S... Read More →
avatar for Ramanan Laxminarayan

Ramanan Laxminarayan

One Health Trust
Ramanan Laxminarayan is the founder and president of the One Health Trust, founded as the Center for Disease Dynamics, Economics & Policy (CDDEP). He is a senior research scholar at Princeton University. He is an affiliate professor at the University of Washington, senior associate... Read More →
avatar for Indrani Pal-Chaudhuri

Indrani Pal-Chaudhuri

Founder, Shakti Regeneration Institute, Open Origin
Indrani is a transdisciplinarian filmmaker, founder, futurist, human rights and ecosystems advocate, impact innovator, TEDx speaker, and movement mobilizer, awakening public consciousness and transforming culture for a more just, equitable, and regenerative future.  Her work has... Read More →
avatar for Nishka


UNGA Youth Parliament Lead
Nishka Sharma is a SWENexter who is passionate about promoting women in STEM and increasing student access to STEM fields.
avatar for Nia Reviani

Nia Reviani

Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Cultural Affairs, Indonesia
dr Nia Reviani, MAPS, is the Assistant Deputy for Healthcare Delivery Enhancement, Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Cultural Affairs, Indonesia. Her background as a physician and public health professional led her to various global meeting related to health. She also... Read More →
avatar for Brian O'Connor

Brian O'Connor

Chair, Chair at ECHAlliance - The Global Health Connector
Born in Belfast, Northern Ireland, Brian has developed his career as a consultant, manager, and investor. He has worked and lived in the UK, US, and Hong Kong and has significant experience as a company director in a variety of sectors. He also acts as a Corporate Doctor, to help... Read More →
avatar for Krisha Patel

Krisha Patel

Dana Farber Cancer Institute
CS + Bio @ Harvard | Coca-Cola Scholar 2021
avatar for Arshnee Moodley

Arshnee Moodley

CGIAR Antimicrobial Resistance Hub and AMR Team lead at the International Livestock Research Institute
Arshnee is the AMR Team lead at the International Livestock Research Institute in Nairobi, Kenya, and jointly holds an Associate Professorship at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Her work centers on optimizing antimicrobial use indifferent livestock value chains, understanding... Read More →
Wednesday September 25, 2024 8:00am - 2:00pm EDT
Science Summit venue (2nd floor)

1:00pm EDT

[AT THE MILENIUM HILTON] Precision Health for All: The Role of International Partnerships
This session is an invitation and call to action to leaders, practitioners, industry representatives, and health advocates to collaborate and transform the future of health for their countries. By sharing best practices and forging opportunities for collaboration between different regions, we can work toward creating a more equitable global landscape in the field of genomics and precision health. This approach allows for the dissemination of advanced research and technologies, and clinical insights across borders, ensuring the Global North and South can benefit from these advancements. Collaborative efforts can help bridge gaps in healthcare access and quality, ultimately shaping improved health outcomes across the globe. This is especially crucial for developing nations, where such advancements can significantly enhance healthcare delivery, address existing health challenges, and contribute to improved overall public health. By working together, we can ensure that the benefits of genomics and precision health are not limited to wealthier nations but are shared more broadly, leading to more inclusive and effective healthcare solutions globally.

Her Excellency Dr. Hanan Mohamed Al Kuwari, PhD

Minister of Public Health, Managing Director, Hamad Medical Corporation

Sheikh Dr. Mohamed Bin Hamad Al Thani

Director of Non-Communicable Diseases Prevention Programs, Ministry of Public Health

Dr. Hilal Lashuel

Advisor to Chairperson, Qatar Foundation, and Professor of Neuroscience

Dr. Said Ismail

Chief Scientific and Operations Officer, Qatar Precision Health Institute, Qatar Foundation
avatar for Dr. Khalid Fakhro

Dr. Khalid Fakhro

Chief Research Officer at Sidra Medicine, Professor of Genomics and Precision Medicine at the College of Health and Life Sciences, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Sidra Medicine
Prof Khalid Fakhro is the Chief of Research and Chair of the Precision Medicine Program at Sidra Medicine, the largest tertiary care women and children hospital in Qatar. In addition to his administrative responsibility overseeing translational research, Dr Fakhro leads the Laboratory... Read More →

Dr. Markus Rene Wenk

Dean, College of Health and Life Sciences, Hamad Bin Khalifa University

Dr. Khaled Machaca

Professor and Senior Associate Dean for Research, Innovation, and Commercialization, Weill Cornell Medicine- Qatar
avatar for Nicola Mulder

Nicola Mulder

Professor, Head of Computational Biology, University of Cape Town, H3ABioNet
Prof Mulder heads the Computational Biology Division at the University of Cape Town (UCT) and is co-leading the development of the African network of Genomic Centres of Excellence. She leads H3ABioNet, a Pan African Bioinformatics Network which develops bioinformatics capacity for... Read More →

Dr. Dena Al-Thani

Associate Professor and Head of the Information and Computing Technology Division at Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar Foundation

Hanieh Khataee

Director of Strategy & Impact, Qatar Foundation (Convenor)

2:00pm EDT

Why the gut microbiome is critical to children’s health: Harnessing microbiome science to end malnutrition
Wednesday September 25, 2024 2:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
Malnutrition is linked to nearly half of all child deaths worldwide and costs an estimated USD$3.5 trillion annually. The most significant burden falls on low- and middle-income countries, with undernutrition affecting one out of five children. It robs children of their childhood and, for many, leads to a lifetime of poor learning and earning power.

In recent years, microbiome science has transformed our approach to seemingly intractable diseases such as antibiotic-resistant infections, inflammatory bowel disease, and cancer. Now, we have the opportunity to apply microbiome research to confront childhood malnutrition. This session will explore the transformative potential of microbiome science in combating global malnutrition and underscore the importance of science, particularly the microbiome, as a critical pathway to the design and delivery of new, innovative therapeutics to support the SDGs. With few therapeutic advancements in malnutrition in 30 years, this first-time panel will convene a unique blend of scientists, innovators and changemakers to prompt insightful conversation, new commitments and renewed action.

avatar for Julie Barrett O'Brien

Julie Barrett O'Brien

CEO, OpenBiome
Julie Barrett O’Brien is the Chief Executive Officer of OpenBiome. She is a global health leader who has guided organizations through transformative change. She was one of the earliest advocates for investing in strengthening health systems, and she played a vital role in bringing... Read More →
avatar for Jeffrey I. Gordon

Jeffrey I. Gordon

Washington University in St. Louis
Dr. Jeffrey I. Gordon is Dr. Robert J. Glaser Distinguished University Professor and Director of the Center for Genome Sciences and Systems Biology at Washington University in St. LouisJeffrey I. Gordon received his BA from Oberlin College and his MD from the University of Chicago... Read More →
avatar for Tahmeed Ahmed

Tahmeed Ahmed

Tahmeed Ahmed is the Executive Director of icddr,b, based in Bangladesh. He conducts community-based and clinical research to improve health outcomes for women and children, focusing on diarrheal diseases and associated conditions. One of his areas of focus is upstream research using... Read More →
avatar for Billo Tall

Billo Tall

Institut Pasteur de Dakar, Senegal
Billo Tall is a Senegalese physician and researcher who has significantly contributed to maternal and newborn health in West Africa. Her work has been recognized nationally and internationally, and she continues to be a leading advocate for maternal and newborn health in Senegal and... Read More →
avatar for Nigel Rollins

Nigel Rollins

World Health Organisation
Nigel Rollins trained as a pediatrician at Queen’s University, in Belfast, Northern Ireland. He completed his doctoral research in Tanzania before moving to South Africa to work as Professor and Head of the Center for Maternal and Child Health at the University of KwaZulu-Natal... Read More →
avatar for Vanessa Ridaura

Vanessa Ridaura

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Vanessa Ridaura is Senior Program Officer, Microbiome Products, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. She received her PhD in Molecular Genetics and Genomics at Washington University in the Laboratory of Jeffrey I Gordon, pursued her post-doctoral training at NIAID under the mentorship... Read More →
avatar for Hilina Belete

Hilina Belete

Hilina Enriched Foods, Ethiopia
Hilina Belete is the General Manager of Hilina Enriched Foods, based in Ethiopia. Established in 1998, Hilina Enriched Foods manufactures food products specifically designed to combat various forms of malnutrition and other micronutrient deficiencies affecting children and other vulnerable... Read More →
avatar for Majdi Osman (Moderator)

Majdi Osman (Moderator)

Dr. Majdi Osman is Chief Medical Officer at OpenBiome. He is an internationally recognized physician-scientist who leads OpenBiome’s translational medicine program. He is also the co-founder of YBank, a non-profit dedicated to adolescent health; a visiting assistant professor at... Read More →
Wednesday September 25, 2024 2:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
Science Summit venue (2nd floor)

3:30pm EDT

Roundtable: Knowledge transfer: practical actions to address the youth mental health crisis
Wednesday September 25, 2024 3:30pm - 4:30pm EDT
Wednesday September 25, 2024 3:30pm - 4:30pm EDT
CR023 - CURE
Thursday, September 26

9:00am EDT

Certifying Primary Maternal Health Clinicians in Point-of-Care Ultrasound (POCUS) to Reduce Maternal Mortality by 2030
Thursday September 26, 2024 9:00am - 11:00am EDT

The global commitment to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3.1 is not just a goal but an urgent imperative. This goal aims to reduce the global maternal mortality ratio to less than 70 per 100,000 live births by 2030, underscoring the urgency of improving maternal health services, especially in low-income countries. Despite significant progress in medical technologies, maternal mortality rates remain unacceptably high in many regions, mainly where economic disparities limit access to quality healthcare.

One key bottleneck in improving maternal health outcomes is the uneven availability of vital diagnostic tools like ultrasound. While affordable point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) technology has become increasingly accessible, there is a critical gap in the training and certification of healthcare providers, such as midwives, nurses, and clinical officers, to perform obstetric ultrasound screenings competently. The lack of trained personnel to set standards limits the deployment of this life-saving technology. It perpetuates disparities in maternal and child health services across different economic segments.

This roundtable seeks to explore the impact of certifying primary maternal health clinicians in POCUS as a strategic intervention to reduce maternal mortality by 2030 significantly. By equipping healthcare providers in low-resource settings with the skills and certification necessary to perform ultrasounds, we can improve both the quality and accessibility of maternal care. The session provides a case study of the current landscape in Kenya as a template for scalable and sustainable global impact. This includes the urgent need for comprehensive policy shifts, sustainable business modelling, expanding clinicians' practice scopes, and establishing standardized guidelines to ensure patient safety and enhance care delivery.

Discussion Points

1. Addressing Disparities in Maternal Health Services
Highlight the unequal distribution of maternal and child health services across different economic segments, particularly in low-income countries. Discuss how the lack of ultrasound proficiency among healthcare providers contributes to maternal mortality and morbidity.
2. Expanding POCUS Training and Certification
Explore strategies for expanding point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) training and certification among primary maternal health clinicians, including midwives, nurses, and clinical officers. Discuss the importance of training programs that work towards set standards to ensure competency and patient safety.
3. Public-Private Partnerships and Policy Shifts
Examine the role of public-private partnerships in supporting local capacity building, economic innovation, and professional development opportunities for healthcare providers. Advocate for comprehensive policy shifts and regulatory frameworks to extend clinicians' practice scope and institutionalise the role of POCUS in maternal care to meet WHO guidelines.
4. Leveraging Advanced Technologies for Equitable Access
Discuss how advanced technologies, including AI-driven ultrasound innovations and mobile health platforms, can be leveraged to promote more equitable access to maternal healthcare services across diverse populations. Identify opportunities to integrate these technologies into national health systems to improve outcomes.

The session aims to foster a multi-stakeholder dialogue and generate actionable insights on how certifying primary maternal health clinicians in POCUS can reduce maternal mortality. Key takeaways will include recommendations for policy shifts, guidelines for certification, and strategies for integrating advanced technologies and partnerships to ensure equitable access to high-quality maternal healthcare by 2030.
Thursday September 26, 2024 9:00am - 11:00am EDT
Science Summit venue (12th floor) 345 Park Avenue South, New York, NY, USA

9:00am EDT

Advancing Health Outcomes in Africa: Implementing Genomics and Health Security in Africa
Thursday September 26, 2024 9:00am - 12:30pm EDT
With its immense potential, genomics can significantly improve health outcomes in Africa. This aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and contributes to the UN Summit of the Future objectives. The power of genomic research lies in its ability to identify genetic variations associated with increased susceptibility to diseases prevalent in Africa, such as malaria, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, sickle cell disease, and other non-communicable diseases. Genomic data can enable precision medicine. By analysing an individual's genetic profile, healthcare professionals can predict their response to specific medications, reducing adverse drug reactions and optimising treatment efficacy. This approach, which addresses SDG3: Good Health and Well-being, is especially beneficial in Africa, where genetic diversity is high, with an impact on individual healthcare. Genomics research can contribute to capacity-building efforts in Africa by fostering collaborations between local scientists, international institutions, and researchers. This can help build local expertise, and scientific infrastructure, which can lead to a better understanding of Africa's unique genetic diversity and the development of locally relevant solutions to health challenges. This addresses SDG9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure.

The UN Summit of the Future underscores the importance of science and technology in addressing global challenges. Genomics, at the forefront of this effort, offers tools to track and monitor infectious diseases in real time. This information is crucial and urgent for developing targeted interventions and controlling the spread of infectious diseases, demonstrating the vital role of genomics in global health security. The Genomics Centres of Excellence network aims to facilitate the implementation of genomics to address several key SDGs, enabling African scientists to develop solutions to African challenges. These centres will conduct cutting-edge research, training, and translation, ensuring that Africa can leverage genomic science to improve public health. By investing in genomics, African nations can drive progress towards achieving the SDGs, which will improve health outcomes and position Africa as a leader in the global scientific community. This session will explore the challenges and opportunities for implementing genomics in healthcare in Africa.


Implementing Genomics and Health Security in Africa
9:00 Introduction & Welcome: Declan Kirrane, Ms. Eudy Mabuza (Senior Science and Innovation Representative, Brussels, Department of Science and Innovation, Republic of South Africa)
Chair: Dr Magdalena Skipper
9:15 Keynote: Hon Dr Michel Sidibé, Genomics and Health Security in Africa
9:35 Prof Julie Makani, Genomics in Africa: Translation of Research to Health: Progress in SCD
09:55 Panel Discussion: Challenges in Integrating Genomics into Health Systems.
Moderator: Dr Magdalena Skipper
Panelists: Prof Julie Makani (UCL), Prof Heidi Rehm (Massachusetts General Hospital, Broad Institute), Prof Khalid Fakhro (Sidra Medicine, Hamad Bin Khalifa University)
10:25-10:45 Coffee break 
Addressing Inequities in Genomics for Health in Africa
Chair/Moderator: Dr Rita Lawlor
10:45 Prof Ntobeko Ntusi Disparities in Genomic Research and Healthcare Access
11:00 Panel Discussion: Strategies for Promoting Equity in Genomics
Moderator: Dr Rita Lawlor
Panelists: Prof Ntobeko Ntusi SAMRC), Laura Povlich (Fogarty International, NIH) (online), Lyndon Mitnaul (Regeneron)
Extraordinary Opportunities in Genomics Research
11:30-11:45 Prof Nicky Mulder The Future of Genomics in Africa
FfD4: Exploring sustainable funding for development to enable genomics for health 
Chair/Moderator: Prof Emmanuel Peprah
 11:45- 12:00 Tom Kariuki, A Funder Perspective on Genomics in Africa
12:00- 12:25 Panel: Mapping Investment to Impact, funding for development
Moderator: Prof Emmanuel Peprah 
Panelists: Lisa Slater (Roche), Rizwana Mia (SAMRC), Tom Kariuki (Science for Africa Foundation)
12:25-12:30 Closing: Recommendations for the UN and the Future Summit

avatar for Emmanuel Kwame Peprah Jr, PhD

Emmanuel Kwame Peprah Jr, PhD

Associate Professor of Global Health, Director, Implementing Sustainable Evidence-based interventions through Engagement (ISEE Lab) Department of Global and Environmental Health, NYU School of Global Public Health
Dr. Peprah is an Associate Professor at NYU School of Global Public Health where he leads the Implementing Sustainable Evidence-based interventions through Engagement (ISEE) Lab. His research focuses on understanding the contextual factors affecting the adoption of evidence-based... Read More →
avatar for Honourable Dr Michel Hamala Sidibé

Honourable Dr Michel Hamala Sidibé

Michel Hamala Sidibé: Champion of Health Equity and African-Led SolutionsMichel Hamala Sidibé is a relentless advocate for health equity and African-led solutions. As the African Union’s Special Envoy for the African Medicines Agency (AMA), Sidibé drove the rapid ratification... Read More →
avatar for Magdalena Skipper, PhD.

Magdalena Skipper, PhD.

Nature Research (Publishing)
As Editor in Chief, Magdalena leads Nature’s magazine and research editorial teams. A geneticist by training, she has considerable editorial and publishing experience: having started in Nature Publishing Group in 2001, she was Chief Editor of Nature Reviews Genetics, Senior Editor... Read More →
avatar for Dr Thomas Kariuki

Dr Thomas Kariuki

CEO, Science for Africa Foundation
Dr Thomas Kariuki is Founding Director and Chief Executive Officer forthe Science for Africa Foundation, established in 2021 to support, strengthen and promote science and innovation in Africa. A long-time advocate involved in the global effort to develop vaccines, drugs and diagnostics... Read More →
avatar for Lyndon J. Mitnaul, Ph.D.

Lyndon J. Mitnaul, Ph.D.

Executive Director, Research Initiatives, Regeneron Genetics Center
Dr. Lyndon J. Mitnaul is an Executive Director in the Regeneron Genetics Center at RegeneronPharmaceuticals, Inc., in Tarrytown, NY, where he works with cross-functional teams to establish humangenetics research collaborations and initiatives.Lyndon received a B.S. degree in chemistry... Read More →
avatar for Heidi L. Rehm, PhD, FACMG

Heidi L. Rehm, PhD, FACMG

Director, Chief Genomics Officer, Massachusetts General Hospital, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
Heidi Rehm is Director of the Genomic Medicine Unit in the Center for Genomic Medicine and Chief Genomics Officer at Massachusetts General Hospital, working to integrate genomics into medical practice. She is a board-certified laboratory geneticist and Chief Medical Officer and Clinical... Read More →
avatar for Laura K. Povlich, PhD

Laura K. Povlich, PhD

Program Director, Fogarty International Center, National Institutes of Health
Laura Povlich is a Program Director in the Division of International Training and Research at the Fogarty International Center, part of the National Institutes of Health, where she was previously an American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Science & Technology Policy... Read More →
avatar for Dr. Khalid Fakhro

Dr. Khalid Fakhro

Chief Research Officer at Sidra Medicine, Professor of Genomics and Precision Medicine at the College of Health and Life Sciences, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Sidra Medicine
Prof Khalid Fakhro is the Chief of Research and Chair of the Precision Medicine Program at Sidra Medicine, the largest tertiary care women and children hospital in Qatar. In addition to his administrative responsibility overseeing translational research, Dr Fakhro leads the Laboratory... Read More →
avatar for Lisa Rooney Slater

Lisa Rooney Slater

Head of African Genomics Program
A passionate advocate for access to healthcare and equitable science, Lisa Rooney Slater joined Roche in 2012. She has worked across the company holding positions at Genentech in South San Francisco, California and the global headquarters in Basel, Switzerland before relocating with... Read More →
avatar for Julie Makani (MD, PhD, FRCP, FTAAS)

Julie Makani (MD, PhD, FRCP, FTAAS)

Principal Investigator, Imperial College London
Professor Julie Makani is a physician scientist in Tanzania, Principal Investigator in the Sickle Cell Programme at Muhimbili University www.muhas.ac.tz and Sickle Pan African Research Consortium (SPARCO) Clinical Coordinating Centre (CCC), SickleInAfrica http://www.sickleinafrica.org... Read More →
avatar for Eudy Mabuza

Eudy Mabuza

Senior Brussels Representative, Dept of Science and Innovation, South Africa
Ms Mabuza has eighteen and half years of progressive experience in the Public Sector, engaging and negotiating with international agencies to increase bilateral science, technology and innovation (STI) investments towards the South African science system and marketing the country... Read More →
avatar for Ntobeko Ntusi

Ntobeko Ntusi

President and CEO SAMRC, South African Medical Research Council
Professor Ntobeko Ntusi is the President and CEO of the South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC) effective 1 July 2024. He joins the SAMRC from the University of Cape Town and Groote Schuur Hospital where he was the Chair and Head of the Department of Medicine. He is a distinguished... Read More →
avatar for Nicola Mulder

Nicola Mulder

Professor, Head of Computational Biology, University of Cape Town, H3ABioNet
Prof Mulder heads the Computational Biology Division at the University of Cape Town (UCT) and is co-leading the development of the African network of Genomic Centres of Excellence. She leads H3ABioNet, a Pan African Bioinformatics Network which develops bioinformatics capacity for... Read More →
avatar for Rita Lawlor

Rita Lawlor

Vice Director, ARC-Net, University of Verona, Italy
Rita Lawlor is a Computer Science graduate of Trinity College Dublin with a doctorate in Oncological Pathology from the University of Verona where she is co-founder of the ARC-Net (www.arc-net.it) applied cancer research centre where is director of the ARC-Net biobank and coordinates... Read More →
Thursday September 26, 2024 9:00am - 12:30pm EDT
Science Summit venue (2nd floor)

11:00am EDT

[ONLY VIRTUAL] Investing in clinical research in Africa to develop local solutions against the global challenge of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)
Thursday September 26, 2024 11:00am - 1:15pm EDT
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has been identified by the World Health Organization (WHO) as one of the top 10 global public health threats facing humanity. At least 1.27 million people die as a consequence of AMR annually, with Africa having the world’s highest mortality rate from AMR infections, resulting in over 27 deaths per 100,000. Without action, the death toll could rise even higher, to as many as 10 million deaths annually by 2050. Tackling AMR requires multi-modal interventions, the collaboration of many disciplines and countries. This session aims to illustrate the value of investing in clinical research and development of accessible and affordable antibiotics, diagnostics, and vaccines for addressing unmet medical needs in Africa through a global partnership such as the European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP). Bringing together 28 African and 15 European countries at present, and the European Commission, EDCTP aims to accelerate the development of new or improved medical interventions for the identification, treatment and prevention of poverty-related diseases (PRDs) in sub-Saharan Africa. This includes strains of pathogens which are drug resistant. The objectives of the session will be to: Promote awareness about EDCTP and its role and contribution towards attaining the SDGs Highlight the role of R&D in tackling AMR and showcase practical examples of how the EDCTP programmes have supported clinical research on AMR Discuss the priority elements for mitigating AMR and achieving the SDGs - including advocating for One Heath approach, ensuring equitable access to antimicrobials, recognising prevention as the cornerstone of response, and safeguarding adequate, sustainable and predictable financing for antibiotic, diagnostics, and vaccine development.
avatar for Marleen Temmerman (Convenor)

Marleen Temmerman (Convenor)

Professor, The Aga Khan University, Kenya
Prof Marleen Temmerman is Director of the Centre of Excellence in Women and Child Health at Aga Khan University East-Africa and Chair of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Aga Khan University Hospital Nairobi, Kenya. She has enormous experience in academia and political... Read More →
avatar for Lara Pandya (moderator)

Lara Pandya (moderator)

Senior Strategic Partnerships Officer, Global Health EDCTP3 Joint Undertaking
Barbara Kerstiëns, MD, MPH is the Head of Unit in the unit responsible for ‘Combatting Diseases’ in the PEOPLE Directorate of the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation at the European Commission.She has a long experience in international public health, working for Médecins... Read More →
avatar for Marcel Tanner (Co-Chair)

Marcel Tanner (Co-Chair)

President and High Representative EDCTP, Swiss Academy of Sciences
Professor Marcel Tanner was Director of the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute from 1997 to 2015 which he developed to one of the leading global health institutions. He is now President of the Swiss Academy of Arts and Sciences. He holds a PhD in medical biology from the University... Read More →
avatar for Irene Norstedt

Irene Norstedt

Director, People Directorate, DG Research and Innovation, European commission
Irene Norstedt works at the European Commission where she is the Director responsible for the People: Health and Society Directorate within the DG for Research and Innovation.The People Directorate works towards the development of a healthy, safe, more equal, free, open and fair society... Read More →

Joseph Fokam

Chantal BIYA International Reference Centre for Research on HIV/AIDS Prevention and Management (CIRCB)
avatar for Francine Ntoumi

Francine Ntoumi

Congolese Foundation for Medical Research (FCRM)
Francine Ntoumi, Ph.D., FRCP serves as the President and co-founder of the Congolese Foundation for Medical Research and leads its Research Center for infectious diseases in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo. She is Professor of molecular epidemiology of infectious diseases at the Institute... Read More →
avatar for Michael Makanga

Michael Makanga

Global Health EDCTP3 Joint Undertaking
Dr Michael Makanga started his tenure as the Executive Director of Global Health EDCTP3 on 16 November 2023. He has extensive experience in the global health research sector and was previously the Executive Director of the EDCTP Association. He is a clinician-scientist with nearly... Read More →
avatar for Julia Anna Bielicki

Julia Anna Bielicki

Paediatric Infectious Diseases and Infection Prevention and Control at the University of Basel Children’s Hospital
Julia Bielicki is currently a consultant in Paediatric Infectious Diseases and Infection Prevention and Control at the University of Basel Children’s Hospital. She is also a Reader and senior PI at the Centre for Neonatal and Paediatric Infection, City St George’s, University... Read More →
avatar for Yewande Alimi

Yewande Alimi

Africa CDC
Dr Alimi's impact extends globally as she serves on multiple advisory boards and groups, advocating for global health equity and gender equality. Notably, she has contributed as a One Health Technical Advisor for the Global Emerging Pathogens Treatment Consortium and as a member of... Read More →
Thursday September 26, 2024 11:00am - 1:15pm EDT
Virtual session

4:00pm EDT

Announcing the Lancet Commission on “Societal Resilience in a New Pandemic Age: Lessons for the Present from the Future” 
Thursday September 26, 2024 4:00pm - 6:00pm EDT
This session aims to announce the new Lancet Commission on Societal Resilience in a New Pandemic Age: Lessons for the Present from the Future at the UNGA79 Science Summit. The commission seeks to leverage experience and lessons learned in the United States and broaden the conversation with stakeholders from around the world to codevelop science-driven policy roadmaps that are inclusive, clear, future-oriented, convergent, and actionable for funders and implementers in the post-Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) era.   
Commission Overview
On March 11, 2020, World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus declared COVID-19 a pandemic, catapulting the threat of emerging infectious diseases into the global consciousness. Yet, COVID-19 is only the latest chapter in a new pandemic age characterized by an increasing number and diversity of outbreaks driven by complex ecological and societal interactions. Confronting this new time of uncertainly and existential risk in effective, efficient, and equitable ways requires the U.S. and globally interdependent societies to focus beyond pandemics, to convergent principles and resources that promote greater community resilience across all the connected challenges of this new age. 

Our Commission's founding goals are thus to advance novel approaches, frameworks, and policy roadmaps for societal resilience by shifting attention from tools bespoke for pandemic prevention or systems targeted towards any one specific disease to the personal, social, economic, and cultural capacities; leadership strategies; information systems; and scientific and technological infrastructures that enable communities to be resilient against a wide range of coexisting health, environmental, and socioeconomic challenges. 

Session Objectives and Structure 
This UNGA79 Science Summit session offers a unique opportunity to converge early insights and opportunities from this diverse group of attendees, integrating North American and global perspectives, to source the next steps for the Commission and consider rigorous dimensions of societal resilience and science-based measures of success. 
This new Commission comes at a critical time. The United Nations (UN) will launch the Summit of the Future on 22-23 September to discuss post-SDG agenda setting. The Lancet Commission on Societal Resilience can assist formative work to aid this agenda, ideating how the UN, WHO, and other UN-specialised agencies can set resilient goals, develop policies, and converge resources that holistically strengthen the patchwork of communities forming today’s global society. 
In addition, the Fourth UN International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD4) will take place from June 30 to July 3, 2025, in Seville, Spain. The pandemic exposed significant weaknesses in global health infrastructure, particularly in low- and middle-income countries, where health systems buckled under pressure. In Seville, delegates will discuss innovative ways to finance these systems, such as pandemic bonds, insurance schemes, and international funds dedicated to pandemic preparedness. The aim is to ensure that financial resources are readily available, allowing for a swift and effective response to future health crises. The link between Development Finance and science needs to be explored. The session will prepare recommendations for FfD4. 
To achieve these outcomes, we envision the following session structure:  

  1. Introduce the Commission's motivations and goals with Commission Co-Chairs and invited session participants. 
  2. Engage with select participants as panellists to provide their unique perspectives on the importance of developing resilient communities under the current environmental and societal context. 
  3. Open a meaningful discussion with participants and the international audience regarding opportunities and operational frameworks to build resilience into the fabric of global communities. 
  4. Reference the enabling (global) policy and regulatory framework necessary for enabling pandemic responses. 
  5. Formulate recommendations for the UN Summit of the Future process, including the UN FfD4, the European Union, and post-SDG priorities. 


Welcoming Remarks:
Declan Kirrane, Chairman and Managing Director, United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) Science Summit

Opening Remarks
Dr. Rick Bright, former United States Deputy Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response and the Director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) and Lancet Commissioner

Introduction to the Lancet US Commission on “Societal Resilience in a New Pandemic Age: Lessons for the Present from the Future”:
Drs. Eliah Aronoff-Spencer, Richard M. Carpiano, and Lara Vojnov, Lancet Commission Co-Chairs
Overview of the Commission—Refocusing on societal resilience and session activities: Dr. Eliah Aronoff-Spencer

16h30-17h30 PANEL DISCUSSION Defining predictors and predicates of societal resilience in a new post-SDG pandemic era.
Opening remarks and moderator:
Dr. Miriam Sabin, North American Executive Editor, The Lancet
Panelists: 3-minute flash talks and guided discussion with audience participation and polling.
  • TBD

Question and Answer period, including real-time audience survey

17h55-18h00 CONCLUSION: 17:55-18:00
Closing Remarks: Declan Kirrane
avatar for Rita Lawlor

Rita Lawlor

Vice Director, ARC-Net, University of Verona, Italy
Rita Lawlor is a Computer Science graduate of Trinity College Dublin with a doctorate in Oncological Pathology from the University of Verona where she is co-founder of the ARC-Net (www.arc-net.it) applied cancer research centre where is director of the ARC-Net biobank and coordinates... Read More →
avatar for Rick Bright

Rick Bright

Former United States Deputy Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response and the Director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) and Lancet Commissioner
Rick Bright is formerly the chief executive officer of the Pandemic Prevention Institute (PPI) at The Rockefeller Foundation. Dr. Bright lead the development of the Foundation’s pandemic data-to-action platform that integrates modern technology, data analytics and global partners... Read More →
avatar for Declan Kirrane

Declan Kirrane

Chairman and Managing Director of the Science Summit and Founder of ISC Intelligence
Declan is the Founder and Managing Director of ISC Intelligence in Science and holds prominent roles as the Chairman and Managing Director of both the Science Summit and the Africa Europe Science Collaboration Platform (AERAP). He is also a co-founder of Medicines for Future (MAF... Read More →
avatar for Miriam Lewis Sabin

Miriam Lewis Sabin

North American Executive Editor, The Lancet
Miriam is the North American Senior Executive Editor at The Lancet, based in New York City since March 2020. Prior to The Lancet, Miriam was in Geneva, Switzerland where she has worked in senior advisor and epidemiologist positions at WHO, UNAIDS and The Global Fund. Miriam served... Read More →
avatar for Lara Vojnov

Lara Vojnov

Lancet Commission Co-Chairs, The Lancet
Lara is currently an independent consultant in global public health. Until 2023, she was the Diagnostics Advisor in the Global HIV, Hepatitis and STI Department at the World Health Organization. While at the WHO, she was seconded to the Health Emergencies department providing support... Read More →
avatar for Eliah Aronoff-Spencer, MD, PhD

Eliah Aronoff-Spencer, MD, PhD

Professor of Medicine and Design, University of California San Diego
Dr. Spencer is an Infectious Disease Physician Scientist at the University of California San Diego where is a Professor of Medicine and Design and directs the Center for Health Design. Dr. Spencer’s research focuses on diagnostic and informatic solutions that distribute and democratize... Read More →
avatar for Richard M. Carpiano

Richard M. Carpiano

Professor of Public Policy, University of California, Riverside
Richard M. Carpiano is Professor of Public Policy at the University of California, Riverside, where he is also Faculty Director of the Science to Policy (S2P) training program. Dr. Carpiano studies how social and economic conditions contribute to the health of adults and children... Read More →
Thursday September 26, 2024 4:00pm - 6:00pm EDT
Science Summit venue (Rooftop)

4:00pm EDT

Bridging the Gap: Global Mental Health Education and Collaboration Across Borders
Thursday September 26, 2024 4:00pm - 6:00pm EDT
Global Mental Health (GMH) is an interdisciplinary field focused on improving mental health worldwide, particularly for vulnerable populations in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Despite its importance, significant inequities exist in access to Mental Health (MH) services and education. Limited resources in LMICs lead to treatment gaps, exacerbating MH conditions globally. The stigma surrounding MH is pervasive and can hinder help-seeking behaviours, especially among marginalized groups such as ethnic minorities and people with disabilities. Cultural differences and language barriers further impede access to culturally competent care, while humanitarian crises increase the risk of mental illness, often with limited access to care.

Additionally, rural areas face challenges due to healthcare shortages, while MH education is lacking in many parts of the world, perpetuating misconceptions and stigma. Disparities in technology access exacerbate inequities in accessing MH information and support. Addressing these challenges requires comprehensive strategies, including increasing access to culturally competent services, promoting MH literacy, and fostering partnerships among governments, NGOs, and communities. Capacity building in GMH education is crucial, empowering individuals to improve mental health care locally and nurturing future leaders. 

One initiative, the Rudy Ruggles GMH Scholars Program, aims to address the international recruitment crisis in psychiatry and improve MH treatment in Uganda. Through collaboration between Nuvance Health and Makerere University, the program funds tuition and research fees for psychiatry residents, pairs them with counterparts for exchange and research and facilitates joint case conferences and educational activities. In this panel discussion, experts explore the landscape of GMH education, inter-regional differences, challenges in postgraduate GMH education, strategies for addressing disparities, and recommendations for enhancing GMH education. They also share experiences and challenges of initiatives promoting GMH education, such as the Nuvance Health Global Health Academy at Makerere University.
avatar for Elina Mukhametshina

Elina Mukhametshina

Dr, American Canadian School of Medicine
Elina Mukhametshina, MD, completed her residency training in General Psychiatry and Narcology at Kazan State Medical University, where she was awarded a special regional scholarship for young psychiatrists for outstanding clinical performance. During her residency, she undertook a... Read More →
avatar for Convenor Bulat Ziganshin

Convenor Bulat Ziganshin

Nuvance Health Global Health
avatar for Oliva Okwir

Oliva Okwir

Makerere University College of Health Sciences
Dr. Oliva Okwir is former fellow of the prestigious Makerere University College of Health Sciences. A medical doctor with specialty training in psychiatry. She also has experience working in hard-to-reach areas having had a year of medical internship in rural northern Uganda. Her... Read More →
avatar for Sabih Rahman

Sabih Rahman

Nuvance Health, Department of Psychiatry
Dr. Rahman is a dedicated and compassionate psychiatrist who recently completed his residency at Nuvance Health. He earned his medical degree from St. George's University School of Medicine, where he had the unique opportunity to live and study in Grenada, West Indies for two years... Read More →
avatar for Charles Herrick

Charles Herrick

Nuvance Health, Department of Psychiatry
Dr. Herrick first joined Danbury Hospital in June, 1998, having moved from Manhattan where he worked at Jacobi Medical Center.  Dr. Herrick became the Chair of Psychiatry at Danbury Hospital in October 2006, and chair of psychiatry for Western Connecticut Health Network in April... Read More →
avatar for Martina Kabenge

Martina Kabenge

Makerere University College of Health Sciences
Dr. Martina Kabenge is a former resident at Makerere University who has just completed her speciality training in Psychiatry. Her academic journey has been marked by a profound dedication to understanding and addressing mental health challenges, particularly among young adults. Her... Read More →
avatar for Noeline Nakasujja

Noeline Nakasujja

Makerere University College of Health Sciences
Noeline Nakasujja is an Associate Professor at the Department of Psychiatry at the College of Health Sciences, Makerere University. Her research interests include geriatric psychiatry and cognitive impairment in HIV/AIDS.She is the immediate past Chair of the Department of Psychiatry... Read More →
avatar for Majd Soudan

Majd Soudan

Nuvance Health, Department of Psychiatry
Majd Soudan is the Associate Program Director of the psychiatry residency program at Nuvance Health and a consult liaison psychiatrist. With a strong background in psychiatry, Dr Soudan is dedicated to advancing mental health care through clinical excellence, education, and research... Read More →
avatar for Daniel Ranga

Daniel Ranga

Makerere University College of Health Sciences
Dr. Daniel Ranga is a psychiatry resident at Makerere University Kampala. He has a strong interest in the intersection of intimate partner violence (IPV) and mental health; as well as child and adolescent psychiatry. His clinical experience and research focus aims at ensuring adequate... Read More →
Thursday September 26, 2024 4:00pm - 6:00pm EDT
Science Summit venue (2nd floor)
Friday, September 27

7:00am EDT

[ONLY VIRTUAL] Ai and the Disability Community
Friday September 27, 2024 7:00am - 9:30am EDT
Friday September 27, 2024 7:00am - 9:30am EDT

2:00pm EDT

Transforming antenatal care through AI-enabled ultrasound
Friday September 27, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT
The session will explore the transformative potential of AI-enabled Ultrasound in improving pregnancy care, particularly in underserved regions. Obstetric ultrasound is a critical tool for establishing gestational age, monitoring of fetal wellbeing and for assessing risks during pregnancy and birth to stratify care appropriately and optimise outcomes. However, ultrasound is often inaccessible in resource-limited settings due to the high cost of equipment and the need for skilled operators. AI-enabled ultrasound offers a promising alternative, allowing more novice users to perform accurate ultrasound examinations, thus democratising access to this essential aspect of prenatal care. 

After introducing the current challenges in obstetric care in low-resource environments, we will provide an overview of how AI can enhance basic obstetric ultrasound. The session will then transition to the ethical considerations and potential biases in AI applications. Delegates will benefit from a discussion on the latest technologies, products, and the challenges and opportunities of implementing these innovations in real-world settings. A panel discussion with funders and experts will highlight the collaborative efforts required for validation, large-scale implementation, and overcoming logistical hurdles. The session will conclude with a call to action, emphasising the need to move from localised evaluation to national-level adoption, particularly in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).
avatar for Prof. Aris Papageorghiou

Prof. Aris Papageorghiou

Professor of Fetal Medicine and the Clinical Research Director, University of Oxford
Aris Papageorghiou is a Professor of Fetal Medicine at both the University of Oxford and St George’s Hospital in London. He also serves as the Research Director at the Oxford Maternal and Perinatal Health Institute and chairs the WHO Maternal Perinatal Health Guidelines Technical... Read More →
avatar for Dr. Nidhi Leekha

Dr. Nidhi Leekha

Consultant Radiologist, Aga Khan University
Dr. Nidhi Leekha is an Assistant Professor and Section Head of Ultrasound at Aga Khan University Hospital in Nairobi, where she leads the ultrasound department and is deeply committed to teaching and mentoring radiology residents. With a passion for ultrasound education and innovation... Read More →
avatar for Dr. Jonathan Sutton

Dr. Jonathan Sutton

Philips Ultrasound, Cambridge USA
Jonathan Sutton is a Senior Scientist and Research Group Leader at Philips Ultrasound inCambridge USA and the Innovation Lead for Philips' AI-Enabled Obstetric Application Suiteinitiative with the Gates Foundation. His work in the early innovation arm of Philips has helped bringproducts... Read More →
avatar for Ari Moskowitz

Ari Moskowitz

Gates Foundation
Ari Moskowitz is the Deputy Director, Devices and AI at gates Foundation. He leads a team that focuses on the introduction of maternal and newborn health innovations, with the aim of reducing mortality and morbidity in low- and middle-income countries through pregnancy risk stratification... Read More →
avatar for Prof. Karim Lekadir

Prof. Karim Lekadir

Univesity of Barcelona
Karim Lekadir is an ICREA Research Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Barcelona. He obtained his PhD from Imperial College London and was a postdoctoral researcher at Stanford University. He investigates new data science techniques... Read More →
avatar for Marleen Temmerman (Convenor)

Marleen Temmerman (Convenor)

Professor, The Aga Khan University, Kenya
Prof Marleen Temmerman is Director of the Centre of Excellence in Women and Child Health at Aga Khan University East-Africa and Chair of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Aga Khan University Hospital Nairobi, Kenya. She has enormous experience in academia and political... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT

4:00pm EDT

The Lancet Oncology: Cancer Care in the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Countries
Friday September 27, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
Global Oncology and Health Policy: From Inception to Implementation 

A substantial improvement in cancer control is one of the most pressing needs worldwide and requires proactive political intervention aligned with clinical needs. Cancer incidence is rising fast, especially in low- to middle-income countries; health systems need strengthening, and many have yet to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic; prevention measures are inadequate; issues related to planetary health are under-appreciated; timely diagnosis and access to safe, effective, and affordable treatment are out of reach for far too many people; and access to palliative care is poor and in many countries unattainable.

In this session on global oncology brought to you by The Lancet Oncology, world-renowned speakers will address these challenges by illustrating a new country-level review in the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) nations, the development of action plans and health policy, financing models and return on investment, considerations related to diagnostics, and examples of successful implementation.

Speakers and running order:

Prof David Collingridge—Chair

Prof Saiful Huq—Cancer Control in SAARC countries: overview and action plan (20 mins)

Prof Hedvig (Hedi) Hricak —Financing for health system strengthening and return on investment: lessons from The Lancet Oncology Commission on cancer imaging (10 mins)

Prof Wil Ngwa—Implementation and successes from The Lancet Oncology Commission on cancer control in Sub-Saharan Africa (10 mins)

Prof Rita Lawlor—Access to diagnostics: key considerations and The Lancet Oncology Commission on cancer ‘omics (10 mins)

Prof Kenneth Fleming— Access to diagnostics: implementation of The Lancet Commission on diagnostics (10 mins)

Q&A session 

avatar for Prof. Wil Ngwa

Prof. Wil Ngwa

Director, Radiation Oncology and Molecular Radiation Sciences at Johns Hopkins Medicine
Dr. Wil Ngwa is the PI for the Biomaterial Drones and Radio-immunotherapy Lab at Johns Hopkins Medicine and is Director of the Global Health Catalyst dedicated to catalyzing high impact collaborations to eliminate cancer health disparities in the USA and globally.   He completed... Read More →
avatar for Prof. David Collingridge

Prof. David Collingridge

Editor-in-Chief, The Lancet Oncology
Dr David Collingridge is the Editor-in-Chief of The Lancet Oncology and Vice President of editorial strategy and innovation for The Lancet’s large portfolio of clinical journals. Prior to his appointments at The Lancet, he gained a PhD in tumour biology from the Gray Cancer Institute/University... Read More →
avatar for Prof. Saiful Huq

Prof. Saiful Huq

UPMC Cancer Center/University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute
M. Saiful Huq, PhD is the Director of Medical Physics at the Department of Radiation Oncology at UPMC CancerCenter, Vice President of Physics at D3 Oncology Solutions and Professor of Radiation Oncology at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania... Read More →
avatar for Prof. Hedvig (Hedi) Hricak

Prof. Hedvig (Hedi) Hricak

Carroll and Milton Petrie Chair of Radiology at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY.
Hedvig (Heidi) Hricak, MD, PhD, has been Chair of Memorial Sloan Kettering’s Department of Radiology since 1999 and built it into one of the best cancer imaging departments in the world, acclaimed for excellence in both clinical practice and research. Dr. Hricak holds the Carroll... Read More →
avatar for Rita Lawlor

Rita Lawlor

Vice Director, ARC-Net, University of Verona, Italy
Rita Lawlor is a Computer Science graduate of Trinity College Dublin with a doctorate in Oncological Pathology from the University of Verona where she is co-founder of the ARC-Net (www.arc-net.it) applied cancer research centre where is director of the ARC-Net biobank and coordinates... Read More →
avatar for Kenneth Fleming

Kenneth Fleming

Steering Committee, The Lancet Commission on Diagnostics
Dr Kenneth Anthony Fleming, DPhil, MA(Oxon), MB ChB, FRCPath, FRCP, is an Emeritus Fellow of Green Templeton College, University of Oxford.He has been an academic pathologist for over 40 years. His research interests include the pathogenesis of Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis, and... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
Science Summit venue (12th floor) 345 Park Avenue South, New York, NY, USA
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