SCIENCE SUMMIT 2024: 17 - 27 September, New York

  • This Programme exclusively outlines the Science Summit events in New York from September 17th to 27th.
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Tuesday, September 24

11:00am EDT

[Virtual] Love is Intelligence and Intelligence is Love Compassion in the age of AI
Tuesday September 24, 2024 11:00am - 1:00pm EDT
Current AI models (LLMs, LAMs, LWMs) like Google, Meta, Xai, Open AI/MS, Perplexity, Anthropic do not focus on love-based interactions between users and AI systems. They do not protect users from AI-related harm or protect AI systems from causing harm to people or to the companies who operate them.

Beyond applying AI policies and regulations we believe developing “Love prompt guards” will help AI spread Love and inspire people to intentionally choose Love based languages.
The panel will go through the steps of how to optimize LLM selection, suggest Love-based prompts and content filtering, explain how to craft loving prompts and promote ethical user-AI interactions by teaching users how to interact with AI more lovingly.

Panelists are: 
Jen Loving - CEO of Loving Is, an AI Love language model.
Cory Warfield - AI and Tech for Good Influencer
Dr Ravit Dotan - Ethics and AI expert, Better Tech
Syed Hussain - CEO and founder SHIZA, Individualized Language Model
Mark Sadovnick - 5th Element group, Nonflict expert
avatar for Ravit Dotan

Ravit Dotan

CEO, Ethics and AI expert, Better Tech
avatar for Cory Warfield

Cory Warfield

AI Influencer & Founder, AI and Tech for Good Influencer
avatar for Mark Sadovnick

Mark Sadovnick

5th Element group, Nonflict expert
avatar for Jen Loving

Jen Loving

CEO of Loving Is, an AI Love language model
avatar for Syed Hussain

Syed Hussain

CEO and founder SHIZA, Individualized Language Model
avatar for Alex Cahana

Alex Cahana

Founding Partner, ImpactRooms
Dr. Alex Cahana specializes in Web 3.0 transformation, in emerging markets and developing economies (EMDE). He is a founding partner at ImpactRooms, a Blockchain and Healthcare Expert for the UN/CEFACT, a Board member at AdanianLabs Africa and ACHA (Americas Continental Health Alliance... Read More →
Tuesday September 24, 2024 11:00am - 1:00pm EDT

3:00pm EDT

[ONLY VIRTUAL] Decentralized, Resilient and Regenerative Islands Socio-economic infrastructure for the AI age
Tuesday September 24, 2024 3:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
Industrial Age socioeconomic structures no longer suffice for our interdependent AI world. On Satoshi Island, Vanuatu, we are building a resilient, decentralized, regenerative commons that provides its dwellers mental, physical, planet and financial health.
Our goal is to transition from extraction to regeneration, from competition to coopetition, from isolation to collective thriving and from consumption to health and wealth production.
This panel will go through the steps of how to achieve this anywhere.

Panelists are the pioneers of Satoshi Island: 
● Denys Troyak - Decentralized Physical Infrastructure
● Brian Esposito - Decentralized economics
● Pamela Norton - Regenerative finances
● Richard Strietz - Human driven design
● Christopher Griffin - Regenerative energy
avatar for Richard Streitz

Richard Streitz

COO, COO Ruh Global Impact
avatar for Pamela Norton

Pamela Norton

CEO TitleChain
Pamela Norton specializes in the evolution of the digital landscape and a new business structure she has developed called the tokenomic enterprise. She is the visionary behind the US patent Decentralized Title Transfer and Validation of Assets, which laid the foundation for the Global... Read More →
avatar for Denys Troyak

Denys Troyak

Satoshi Island Head of Operations
avatar for Brian J. Esposito

Brian J. Esposito

CEO Diamond Lake Minerals
avatar for Christopher Griffin

Christopher Griffin

CEO Hover Energy
avatar for Alex Cahana

Alex Cahana

Founding Partner, ImpactRooms
Dr. Alex Cahana specializes in Web 3.0 transformation, in emerging markets and developing economies (EMDE). He is a founding partner at ImpactRooms, a Blockchain and Healthcare Expert for the UN/CEFACT, a Board member at AdanianLabs Africa and ACHA (Americas Continental Health Alliance... Read More →
Tuesday September 24, 2024 3:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
Thursday, September 26

3:00am EDT

[ONLY VIRTUAL] Empowering SMEs: Blockchain & AI for Sustainable Stakeholder Value
Thursday September 26, 2024 3:00am - 5:00am EDT
ZOOM: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/4658217184?pwd=cjZLUEtRYVNRTTFDUytJWlFOaXNNdz09&omn=84113814541
ID: 4658217184

Join us for an insightful panel session entitled Empowering SMEs: Blockchain & AI for Sustainable Stakeholder Value,” where we explore how small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can effectively align with global sustainability efforts. This session is designed for SMEs who are eager to understand how cutting-edge technologies like blockchain and AI can revolutionize their business practices, drive value creation across all stakeholders, and position their businesses for success in a rapidly evolving world.

Our panel features experts with deep expertise in valuing intellectual capital in SMEs from The Areopa Group (a knowledge management organization funded by the EU), alongside blockchain and AI specialists who will share practical insights and strategies. These thought leaders will demonstrate how leveraging these technologies can help SMEs navigate complex global sustainability issues, making them not just participants but leaders in the transition to a more sustainable economy.

We’ll also be showcasing pioneering work with the Value Model—a comprehensive framework that empowers SMEs to measure, understand, and enhance value creation across all stakeholder groups. Whether you’re looking to attract investment, retain talent, or build stronger customer relationships, this session will provide you with actionable strategies to maximize your impact.

As we approach the post-SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) era, it is crucial for SMEs to adapt and thrive in a world increasingly focused on sustainability and long-term value creation. Our discussion will cover how SMEs can prepare for this future by embracing technologies that not only improve efficiency but also foster resilience and innovation in the face of existential challenges.

This session is more than just a discussion—it's a call to action for SME leaders who want to be at the forefront of change, creating increasing value for all key stakeholders. Join us to discover how you can empower your business to contribute to a sustainable, prosperous future for all.


- Prof. Philip Sugai, Director, Value Research Center, Doshisha University
- Dr. Maria Weir, Director, Applied Research Intellectual Capital and Product, The Areopa Group
- Prof. Yuriko Nakao, Associate Professor, Kansai University
- Kyle Barnes, CEO, Valuufy K.K.
- Dr. Hannah Jun, Director, Center for Global Social Responsibility (CGSR)
- Dr. Haruko Satoh, Senior Research Fellow, Value Research Center
avatar for Philip Sugai

Philip Sugai

Director, Value Research Center, Doshisha University
Philip is the Director of the Value Research Center (VRC), Director of the Global MBA program and a Professor of Marketing at Doshisha University's Graduate School of Business.  He and his team at the Value Research Center have collected and analyzed more than 35 of the world's top... Read More →
avatar for Maria Weir

Maria Weir

VP Applied Research and Product Development, Areopa Group
Maria WeirMaria Weir is the Vice President of Applied Research, Innovation, and Product Development at Areopa, where she has led initiatives in Intellectual Capital (IC) management since 2010. Alongside her role at Areopa, she serves as a visiting professor at Solvay Management School... Read More →
avatar for Kyle Barnes

Kyle Barnes

CEO & Co-founder, Valuufy Inc.
We are not your grandmother's sustainability company! We are changing the way the economy measures and acts on sustainability at a fundamental level by measuring the impact an organization creates or destroys for its stakeholders.  I got my start in sustainability working to move... Read More →
Thursday September 26, 2024 3:00am - 5:00am EDT

8:00am EDT

Women in Science Policy-Making: Driving Inclusive and Equitable Decision-Making
Thursday September 26, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am EDT
This session will explore the vital role of women in shaping science policy at national, regional, and global levels. Women’s participation in science policy-making is essential for ensuring that decisions reflect diverse perspectives and address the unique challenges women and other marginalized groups face in science, technology, and innovation (STI).

The discussion will highlight women's barriers to accessing leadership roles in science policy, including gender biases, structural inequalities, and limited access to networks of influence. Panelists will share strategies for overcoming these challenges and emphasize the importance of fostering inclusive policy environments where women can thrive as decision-makers.

This session aims to showcase how women’s leadership in science policy leads to more equitable and innovative outcomes through case studies, policy insights, and personal experiences. It will also address the need for targeted initiatives to support women in science policy, emphasizing mentorship, capacity-building, and policy reforms that promote gender equality in decision-making.

By the end of the session, participants will gain a deeper understanding of how inclusive science policy benefits society and learn practical steps to empower more women to take leadership roles in shaping the future of science and technology governance.
avatar for Declan Kirrane

Declan Kirrane

Founder and Managing Director of ISC Intelligence in Science, ISC Intelligence in Science
Declan Kirrane, Founder and Managing Director of ISC Intelligence in Science.Has a background in analysing the relationship between public and private R&D funding and the impact on R&D performance he has worked extensively on science and technology policy evaluation methodologies... Read More →
avatar for Mei Lin

Mei Lin

CEO, People Centered Internet
avatar for Marleen Temmerman (Convenor)

Marleen Temmerman (Convenor)

Professor, The Aga Khan University, Kenya
Prof Marleen Temmerman is Director of the Centre of Excellence in Women and Child Health at Aga Khan University East-Africa and Chair of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Aga Khan University Hospital Nairobi, Kenya. She has enormous experience in academia and political... Read More →
avatar for Rita Lawlor

Rita Lawlor

Vice Director, ARC-Net, University of Verona, Italy
Rita Lawlor is a Computer Science graduate of Trinity College Dublin with a doctorate in Oncological Pathology from the University of Verona where she is co-founder of the ARC-Net (www.arc-net.it) applied cancer research centre where is director of the ARC-Net biobank and coordinates... Read More →
avatar for Dr Aletha De Witt

Dr Aletha De Witt

Director: Radio Astronomy Projects, Department of Science and Innovation (DSI), South Africa
Dr. Aletha de Witt is the Director of Radio Astronomy Projects at the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) in South Africa. With a PhD in Astrophysics, she specializes in advancing global reference frames through high-frequency interferometric observations using radio telescopes... Read More →
avatar for Nishka


UNGA Youth Parliament Lead
Nishka Sharma is a SWENexter who is passionate about promoting women in STEM and increasing student access to STEM fields.
avatar for Damaris Critchlow

Damaris Critchlow

Head of Editorial Engagement, MDPI
Damaris holds a bachelor’s degree with honours in Philosophy and a master’s in European Philosophy from the University of the West of England (UWE) Bristol, UK.Before joining MDPI, Damaris worked as a Journal Manager at Frontiers, where she was responsible for the performance... Read More →
Thursday September 26, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am EDT

5:00pm EDT

[Virtual] Financing STI Roadmaps and the 6 transitions
Thursday September 26, 2024 5:00pm - 6:00pm EDT

The Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD4) in Spain in June 2025 presents a unique opportunity to align global financing mechanisms with the latest scientific advancements to address pressing global challenges. The summit’s primary focus will be mobilizing financial resources to achieve sustainable development, eradicate poverty, and enhance resilience to climate change, health crises, and technological disruptions. A Science Agenda is essential to ensure that evidence-based policies drive decision-making at the summit.

Integrating science into the Financing for Development (FfD) framework is critical for addressing the interconnected challenges of our time—climate change, biodiversity loss, inequality, and global health emergencies. The international community’s ability to finance solutions hinges on leveraging cutting-edge scientific knowledge to design innovative, sustainable, and equitable financial models. This Science Agenda emphasises the importance of science, technology, and innovation (STI) as key enablers in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and ensuring that development financing is targeted, efficient, and scalable.


1. Integrate Science into FfD Policies:
Ensure that FfD4 outcomes are grounded in the latest scientific evidence, particularly in climate adaptation, renewable energy, and global health, and that scientific communities are actively engaged in policy discussions.

2. Promote Science-Driven Financial Innovation:
Foster new financing mechanisms (e.g., green bonds, climate adaptation funds, and digital finance innovations) informed by scientific and technological breakthroughs, ensuring they address global challenges efficiently and equitably.

3. Support Capacity Building:
Encourage investment in STI capacity, particularly in developing countries, to ensure equitable access to scientific knowledge and technology, thus enabling all nations to contribute to and benefit from sustainable development financing.

4. Enhance Public-Private Collaboration:
Promote collaboration between governments, private sector actors, and research institutions to co-create solutions, leveraging scientific expertise and financial resources to drive development outcomes.

Key Pillars of the Science Agenda:

1. Climate Finance:
Integrating the latest scientific models on climate change impacts and mitigation strategies into financing frameworks, focusing on scaling investments in renewable energy, sustainable infrastructure, and climate-resilient agriculture.

2. Health Innovation Financing:
Expanding financing mechanisms to support global health initiatives informed by advancements in genomics, vaccine development, and health system digitization, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic.

3. Biodiversity and Nature-Based Solutions:
Ensuring that scientific evidence on biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services informs financial flows to protect natural capital and promote nature-based solutions for climate resilience.

4. Digital and Frontier Technologies:
Harnessing the potential of AI, big data, and blockchain to innovate financing models, improve transparency, reduce transaction costs, and increase the efficiency of development finance systems.

Expected Outcomes:

1. Evidence-Based Financing Frameworks:
The summit will result in financing frameworks grounded in scientific evidence, fostering innovation in addressing climate, health, and development challenges.

2. New Financing Mechanisms:
A series of new and enhanced financial instruments will be introduced, particularly in climate finance, health innovation, and digital transformation.

3. Strengthened Science-Policy Interface:
The summit will help institutionalize a more robust science-policy interface in development financing, promoting continuous engagement between scientific communities and policymakers.

The Science Agenda for FfD4 seeks to position science, technology, and innovation at the heart of the global financing for development dialogue. By aligning financial flows with scientific evidence and advancements, the international community can accelerate progress toward the SDGs, ensuring that development is sustainable, inclusive, and resilient in the face of future challenges.

avatar for Kurt Zatloukal

Kurt Zatloukal

Diagnostic and Research Center for Molecular Biomedicine, former Director of BBMRI.at, Medical University Graz
Prof. Kurt Zatloukal is full Professor of Pathology and Head of the Diagnostic and Research Center for Molecular BioMedicine at the Medical University of Graz, Austria. His research focuses on digital pathology and biobanking, the development of molecular diagnostics as well as the... Read More →
avatar for Mei Lin

Mei Lin

CEO, People Centered Internet
avatar for Marleen Temmerman (Convenor)

Marleen Temmerman (Convenor)

Professor, The Aga Khan University, Kenya
Prof Marleen Temmerman is Director of the Centre of Excellence in Women and Child Health at Aga Khan University East-Africa and Chair of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Aga Khan University Hospital Nairobi, Kenya. She has enormous experience in academia and political... Read More →
avatar for Eudy Mabuza

Eudy Mabuza

Senior Brussels Representative, Dept of Science and Innovation, South Africa
Ms Mabuza has eighteen and half years of progressive experience in the Public Sector, engaging and negotiating with international agencies to increase bilateral science, technology and innovation (STI) investments towards the South African science system and marketing the country... Read More →
avatar for Thandi Mgwebi

Thandi Mgwebi

National Research Foundation (NRF) South Africa
Thandi Mgwebi is a seasoned leader in the academic and research landscape of South Africa. Currently serving as the Group Executive at the National Research Foundation (NRF), she holds responsibility for Global Partnerships and Business Development. Thandi’s career path has been... Read More →
avatar for Henriette van Eijl

Henriette van Eijl

European Commision, DG Research and Innovation
Dr. Henriette van Eijl leads the unit ‘Health and Societal Transitions’ in the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation. The Unit ensures that R&I policies and programmes, especially Horizon Europe, support the EU policy objectives in health and... Read More →
Thursday September 26, 2024 5:00pm - 6:00pm EDT
Friday, September 27

7:00am EDT

[ONLY VIRTUAL] Ai and the Disability Community
Friday September 27, 2024 7:00am - 9:30am EDT
Friday September 27, 2024 7:00am - 9:30am EDT
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