SCIENCE SUMMIT 2024: 17 - 27 September, New York

  • This Programme exclusively outlines the Science Summit events in New York from September 17th to 27th.
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Science Summit Venue (room CR023) clear filter
Wednesday, September 25

9:00am EDT

From Steppe to World Stage: Mongolia's Contributions to Global Sustainability and Peace
Wednesday September 25, 2024 9:00am - 11:00am EDT
In today's world, humanity faces pressing challenges, including climate change, environmental degradation, and geopolitical conflicts. These issues threaten the well-being of people worldwide, and demand urgent, collective response actions.
Mongolia stands out for its innovative and successful approaches to global challenges, particularly in natural resource management and sustainable development. Despite being sparsely populated with vast distances between settlements, Mongolia has shown remarkable resilience and adaptability. A key strength is its ability to balance human activities with the natural environment. Drawing on traditional wisdom and the nexus approach, Mongolia optimizes resource use while protecting ecosystem integrity. This method, which goes beyond the water-energy-food nexus to include broader nature-human systems, has enabled Mongolia to sustainably manage its landscapes and maintain its nomadic lifestyle.
Moreover, Mongolia's commitment to nature conservation and climate action is commendable. The country boasts a national network of protected areas that serve as havens for biodiversity and play a crucial role in mitigating climate change impacts. Additionally, Mongolia's ambitious "digital society" program, which promotes innovation and embraces artificial intelligence (AI), underscores its readiness to leverage technology for sustainable development.
As we confront the complexities of the modern world, Mongolia's experiences offer valuable lessons for global sustainability and peace. Learning from successes and embracing collaborative approaches we can address the shared challenges facing humanity. Let us draw inspiration from Mongolia's journey and forge a path towards a more sustainable and peaceful future for all.
Mongolia session for innovation is introduced with 3 sections i) Innovation of mindset; ii) Innovation with Technology; and iii) Innovative Case studies.

  • PhD. Batjargal Zamba, Mongolia session Convenor, Science advisor, Information and Research Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology and Environment (IRIMHE), Mongolia;
  • PhD. Oyun Ravsal, Mongolia session Co-convenor, Principal consultant, JEMR LLC, Mongolia
  • ScD. Lkhagva Oidov, Professor, National University of Mongolia
  • ScD. Tomohiro Akiyama, Specially Appointed Associate Professor, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Kyoto, Japan
  • PhD. Bilguumaa Myagmardulam, Assistant Professor, Department of Data Science, Toyama Prefectural University, Japan
  • ScD. Dagvadorj Damdin, Director, Climate Change and Development Academy of Mongolia
  • PhD. Gomboluudev Purevjav, Science Secretary, IRIMHE, Mongolia
  • PhD. Ariunaa Enkhtur, Assistant Professor, Center for Global Initiatives, Osaka University, Japan
  • MSc. Munkhzul Chimed-Ochir, Researcher, PhD. Student, Flinders University, South Australia
  • MSc. Saruul Dolgorsuren, National Project Coordinator, UNDP Mongolia
  • MSc/MBA, Telmen Erdenebileg, Head of Exploration at the Accelerator Lab of UNDP Mongolia

Session Agenda
09.00 AM: Welcome by
  • Mongolia Government Official, TBD
  • PhD. /Mr. BATJARGAL Zamba, Mongolia session convenor

I. Innovation of Mindset

09.10 AM: From Steppe to World Stage: Mongolia's Contributions to Global Sustainability and Peace
  • PhD. /Mr. BATJARGAL Zamba, Information and Research Institute for Meteorology, Hydrology and Environment (IRIMHE), Mongolia

09.20 AM: Harmonizing Ancient Wisdom and Quantum Physics: The Cosmic Connection Between Nomadic Culture and Modern Science
  • Prof./ScD. /Mr. LKHAGVA Oidov, Mongolia National University

09.30 AM: Integral Studies and Integral Practices for Humanity and Nature
  • Ass.Prof. /ScD. /Mr. Tomohiro Akiyama, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Kyoto, Japan

II. Innovation with Technology

09.40 AM: EGUNE AI: The most intelligent Chatbot in Mongolia (Low-resource language model)
  • Egune AI LLC, Mongolia

09.48 AM: Mongolia cost-effective, bi-directional real-time data and communication services: ONDO Space Cube Satellites
  • Ass.Prof. /PhD. /Mrs. BILGUUNMAA Myagmardulam, Department of Data Science, Toyama Prefectural University, Japan

09.56 AM: Possible AI improvement for Anticipatory Action: Impact Based Forecast-Zud in Mongolia

  • ScD. /Mr. DAGVADORJ Damdin, Climate Change and Development Academy of Mongolia; and
  • PhD. /Mr. GOMBOLUUDEV Purevjav, IRIMHE, Mongolia.

III. Innovative Case studies

10.04 AM: From Scholarships to Societal Impact: The Case of Mongolian Engineers in Japan
  • Ass.Prof. /PhD. /Mrs. ARIUNAA Enkhtur, Center for Global Initiatives, Osaka University, Japan.

10.11 AM: Coherence and Stability: Traditional Mongolian Principles for Modern Sustainability
  • PhD. /Mr. BATJARGAL Zamba, IRIMHE, Mongolia;
  • PhD. /Mrs. OYUN Ravsal, JEMR LLC, Mongolia.

10.18 AM: Machine Learning-Based Assessment: Soil Poll
avatar for Ariunaa Enkhtur

Ariunaa Enkhtur

Center for Global Initiatives, Osaka University
Dr. Ariunaa Enkhtur is assistant professor at Center for Global Initiatives, Osaka University, Japan. She holds M.S. in post-secondary education from Syracuse University, USA and PhD in transformative education from Osaka University. Her research fields include academic mobility... Read More →
avatar for Batjargal Zamba

Batjargal Zamba

Chief Science Advisor, Information and Research Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology and Environment (IRIMHE), Mongolia
Dr. BATJARGAL Zamba is currently working as the advisor at the Information and Research Institute on Meteorology, Hydrology and Environment of the Ministry of Environment and Tourism of Mongolia.DR. BATJARGAL was the Minister of the Environment of Mongolia from 1990 to 1996, Director-General... Read More →
avatar for Dagvadorj Damdin

Dagvadorj Damdin

Climate Change and Development Academy of Mongolia
Dr. DAGVADORJ Damdin is a professional meteorologist and climatologist with scientific degrees of Ph.D from the Sankt Petersburg’s Hydro-Meteorological University, RF and Sc.D from the Mongolian Academy of Sciences. His research areas are climate change, ecosystem modelling and... Read More →
avatar for Gomboluudev Purevjav

Gomboluudev Purevjav

Information and Research Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology and Environment (IRIMHE), Mongolia
Dr. GOMBOLUUDEV is working in Information and Research Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology and Environment as Scientific Secretary.Dr. GOMBOLUUDEV has received his PhD from National University of Mongolia in 2011. His research main fields are regional weather and climate modelling... Read More →
avatar for LKHAGVA Oidov


School of Science of the National University of Mongolia
Science doctor LKHAGVA Oidov is Professor at the School of Science of the National University of Mongolia. He is State Merit Scientist, Winner of the Albert Einstein International award on Quantum physics, Member of the International Academy of the Non-linear science. 
avatar for Oyun Ravsal

Oyun Ravsal

JEMR LLC, Mongolia
Dr. OYUN Ravsal is a Principal Consultant and General Director of JEMR LLC (JEMR), a Mongolian national consulting company established in 1996. The company's mission is to contribute to and facilitate the creation of new knowledge in society, while also introducing and implementing... Read More →
avatar for Tomohiro AKIYAMA

Tomohiro AKIYAMA

Uehiro Research Center for Japan Environmental Studies
Science Doctor Tomohiro AKIYAMA· Specially Appointed Associate Professor, Uehiro Research Center for Japan Environmental Studies, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Japan· Visiting Professor, Graduate School of Information Technology, Kobe Institute of Computing, Japan... Read More →
avatar for Bilguumaa Myagmardulam

Bilguumaa Myagmardulam

Department of Data Science, Toyama Prefectural University, Japan
Dr.BILGUUNMAA is an Assistant Professor at Department of Data Science, Toyama Prefectural University. She holds a Ph.D. degree in Engineering from the Graduate School of Materials Science at Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan. Her research interests encompass a range of fields... Read More →
avatar for MUNKHZUL Chimid-Ochir

MUNKHZUL Chimid-Ochir

College of Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences, Flinders University, South Australia
MUNKHZUL Chimid-Ochir has almost 20 years’ experience in developing strategic planning of green development, sustainable development, climate change, water governance and environmental policies. She has initiated and implemented over 20 international projects in Mongolian environmental... Read More →
avatar for TELMEN Erdenebileg

TELMEN Erdenebileg

United Nations Development Programme Mongolia
Mr. Telmen Erdenebileg is the Head of Exploration at the Accelerator Lab of UNDP Mongolia, where he researches and develops initiatives related to systems thinking, portfolio approaches, futures and strategic foresight and digital transformation to contribute to national development... Read More →
Wednesday September 25, 2024 9:00am - 11:00am EDT
Science Summit Venue (room CR023)

11:00am EDT

Transboundary Dialogue for a Changing Ocean: Science Diplomacy and the Future of the ROPME Sea Area
Wednesday September 25, 2024 11:00am - 1:00pm EDT
This session will focus on the climate impacts experienced in the ROPME Sea Area (RSA), the hottest and most anthropogenically affected sea in the world, commonly known as the Arabian/Persian Gulf. Regional experts will emphasize the importance of transboundary collaboration and fostering inclusive adaptation approaches. Drawing on lessons from environmental agreements such as the Barcelona and Cartagena Conventions, experts will explore key global frameworks, including the Global Biodiversity Framework's ‘30 by 30’ targets and the UN Decade of Ocean Science, to enhance scientific cooperation and develop effective cross-boundary policies.

The discussion will address the unique ecological, social, and political dynamics of the RSA. A second panel will examine the fate of biodiversity hotspots, particularly around offshore energy infrastructure, and discuss ecosystem-based regulatory approaches for a more resilient sea. This session aims to bridge the gap between science, policy, and society in addressing urgent environmental challenges facing the Gulf,
Expected Outcomes:
  1. Enhanced understanding of the role of scientific knowledge in policymaking for regional climate change related agreements.
  2. Raise awareness on the socioeconomic, environmental, and geopolitical value of a transboundary Marine Protected Area (MPA) in the RSA.
  3. Initiate new discussions on implementing ecosystem-based approaches for offshore decommissioning.
  4. Strengthened regional cooperation for scientific research and peer-to-peer diplomacy.
11:00 – 11:05
Opening Remarks

11:05 – 11:55
Panel 1: Science Diplomacy for the World’s Hottest Sea
  • Expanding grassroots science networks and fostering collaboration between Track 1 and Track 2 diplomacy.
  • Understanding the unique ecosystems of the RSA: implications of globally sharing coral samples and restoration efforts.
  • Next steps for the first transboundary Marine Protected Area proposal: enhancing cooperation and outlining actionable steps for key stakeholders.
  • Coastal resilience and restoration: lessons from Louisiana's frontline experiences.
12:00 – 12:40
Panel 2: Derogation or Deregulation? The Future of Decommissioning in the RSA
  • Strategic decisions for government and industry regarding offshore installations at the end of their productive life.
  • A comparative analysis of international regulatory models, including the Oslo-Paris Convention and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.
  • Evaluating derogation criteria and ecosystem-based decommissioning strategies.
12:45 – 12:55
Q&A Session
12:55 – 13:00
Closing Remarks
avatar for Dr. Radhouane Ben-Hamadou

Dr. Radhouane Ben-Hamadou

Associate Professor at Qatar University, Marine Conservation and Restoration MARESCO research team
Dr. Radhouane Ben-Hamadou is a distinguished marine ecologist, biological oceanographer, and environmental scientist with over 20 years of post-doctoral experience. During his tenure as Associate Professor at Qatar University, he led the Marine Conservation and Restoration MARESCO... Read More →
avatar for Rumaitha Al- Busaidi

Rumaitha Al- Busaidi

Vice President, Environment Society of Oman
Rumaitha Al Busaidi is an Omani scientist and environmental advocate working on sustainable solutions to climate change. Her 2021 TED talk, Women Are the Key to Our Climate Future, has garnered over a million views. Based in Oman, Rumaitha leads business strategy and localization... Read More →
avatar for Dr. Dawood Hjeij

Dr. Dawood Hjeij

Senior Specialist at the Qatar Research, Development, and Innovation (QRDI) Council
Dr. Dawood Hjeij is a Senior Specialist at the Qatar Research, Development, and Innovation (QRDI) Council, where he is actively involved in government innovation, focusing on post-award processes for open innovation programs. Dr. Hjeij holds a Ph.D. and an M.Sc. in Sustainable Energy... Read More →
avatar for Prof. Nadia Al-Mudaffar Fawzi

Prof. Nadia Al-Mudaffar Fawzi

Emeritus Professor, Marine Science Centre, University of Basrah, Iraq
Nadia Al-Mudaffar Fawzi, an Emeritus Professor at the Marine Science Centre, University of Basrah, Iraq, is an expert in the ecological impacts of water shortage, water quality, and climate change on the Mesopotamian Marshes, the Shatt Al-Arab, and the coastal area of the Northern... Read More →
avatar for Prof. John Paterson

Prof. John Paterson

University of Aberdeen, Centre for Energy Law.
John Paterson is Professor of Law at the University of Aberdeen and a founder member of its Centre for Energy Law. He has worked on a range of international research, teaching, training, and consultancy projects in energy law and has published widely on a range of topics in the field... Read More →
avatar for Dr. Alexander Kolker

Dr. Alexander Kolker

Associate Professor, Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium
Dr. Alexander S. Kolker is a leading voice on the science of climate change and coastal change. He has worked in coastal systems across the world - including in North Africa, Europe, and the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the United States.Dr. Kolker both serves as an Associate Professor... Read More →
avatar for Dr. Mohammad Al-Saidi

Dr. Mohammad Al-Saidi

Associate Professor at the College of Public Policy at HBKU
Mohammad Al-Saidi is Associate Professor at the College of Public Policy at Hamad Bin Khalifa University. Previously, he worked at the Center for Sustainable Development of Qatar University, as well as with the Institute for Technology and Resources Management in Germany. Dr. Al-Saidi... Read More →
avatar for Dr. Muez Ali

Dr. Muez Ali

Research and Policy Lead, Earthna: Center for a Sustainable Future
Muez Ali is a Research and Policy Lead at Earthna: Center for a Sustainable Future at Qatar Foundation and an Honorary Research Fellow at the Bartlett School of Environment, Energy and Resources at UCL. His research spans several regions: food security and the energy transition in... Read More →
avatar for Mera Alnaimi

Mera Alnaimi

Mera Alnaimi is the Policy Development Lead at the Policy Hub, Qatar Foundation. As an ecologist, her expertise encompasses climate policy, transboundary environmental governance, and the science-policy-society interface. Mera has contributed to the development of ecosystem-based... Read More →
Wednesday September 25, 2024 11:00am - 1:00pm EDT
Science Summit Venue (room CR023)
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